Darkwing Duck (animation)/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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* [[Creator Backlash]]: Aaron Sparrow, who started the comic book with the storyline for "The Duck Knight Returns" hasn't really been satisfied with the direction Ian Brill eventually took the series, culminating with the issues within ''Dangerous Currency'', with him and artist James Silvani having written [http://www.negaverse.net/oldhaunt/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=2006&start=10 their own ending] for said crossover
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]:
** [[The Simpsons (Animation)|Krusty the Clown]] as Megavolt (also Edna Krabappel as Taurus Bulba's secretary).
** Darkwing Duck himself is [[The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (Disney)|Pooh, Tigger]], [[Aladdin (Disney)|Razoul]], [[Baldurs Gate|Minsc]], and... well, he's [[Jim Cummings]].
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* [[Screwed By the Network]]: The comic book. Due to various factors, including the licenses returning to Marvel.
** In Poland, it was aired in 1994 on [[TVP 1]] (the first channel of TVP, Poland's equivalment of [[The BBC]]), but they aired only 7 episodes. When they aired the 7th episode, TVP took the series off air and replaced it with [[Goof Troop]], because according to KRRiT (Poland's [[Media Watchdogs]]) this cartoon couldn't be watched by kids.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: As mentioned in [[Shout -Out]] entry on the main page, the original pitch for the show was very different. It was originally going to be a James Bond spoof called Double-O Duck, with Drake Mallard as a globe-trotting spy working for SHUSH. All the villains were going to be agents of FOWL (Fiendish Organization of World Larceny) with Steelbeak overseeing them as the show's [[Big Bad]]. Eventually the concept was combined with ideas from a superhero-based Ducktales episode and became Darkwing Duck. DW sometimes does missions for SHUSH as a freelance agent, so some of the spy elements survive. FOWL occasionally pops up but only two of the show's dozen or so recurring villains actually work for the organization, and it's run by [[The Omniscient Council of Vagueness|three unknown shadowy figures.]]
** Disney's merchandising division never got the full memo about the change, so most of the show's merchandise portrays all the villains as FOWL agents with Steelbeak as their leader. The Darkwing Duck NES game famously bases its whole plot around this concept.
*** "Double-O-Duck"? That was the name of an episode of ''[[Duck Tales]]'' where Launchpad went undercover as a spy. Heck, Launchpad's [[Tuxedo and Martini]] was the basis of Derek Blunt's costume. And now "Double-O-Duck"/Double Duck is now Donald Duck's spy name in the latest Donald Duck comics.