Darths & Droids/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== The GM is David Morgan-Mar ==
I ask you: has David Morgan-Mar ever ''not'' been the GM in any of his numerous webcomics?
* Also, the in-universe DMM takes ideas from the other players' antics and uses them in ''Wands And Warts''.
** And in that universe, David uses his ideas for ''Notes and Nazis,'' and in that one, for ''Mutants and Miscreants'', and so on.
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== The players (and GM) are [[Doctor Who|Time Lords]] ==
When they're done the game, they'll decide that it would make an awesome movie and time-travel to find a younger George Lucas. The differences between the game and the not-yet-future movies? YOU try figuring out what actually happened when you have five different people telling you what happened.
And also, we didn't have any [[Doctor Who]] WMG for this yet.
* No, you fool, they are obviously Haruhi Suzumiya. All of them.
== The Game Master will turn out to be the GM of the "DM of the Rings", who learned his lesson from that campaign. Ben was one of the players. ==
It's explain why the Game Master is doing a space opera.
== Steve from Irregular Webcomic is the GM. ==
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* It would also explain the fact that Amidala is totally cool with Anakin massacring an entire village full of Sand People.
** Meh, Sand bastards had it coming. And considering it's D&D, he probably killed them for XP.
*** And after Annie makes Anakin go evil and Amidala dies they both roll up new characters: Han Solo and Leia. And Obi-Wan rolls Chewie.
* Also, he recently got to know that he can earn XP with good roleplaying. So he will "abuse the rules" by having all those Amidala/Anakin scenes with Annie.
[http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0198.html Totally called it]. Okay, not his motivation, but still.
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== Sally will switch to C-3PO when she realizes how ridiculous Jar-Jar is ==
Fandom wishes aside, there's only a handful of scenes with Jar-Jar in them for the rest of the trilogy, so she needs a new character (or to be [[Put on a Bus]], but nobody wants that). Who better than the prequels' ''other'' comic-relief [[The Scrappy|scrappy]] in desperate need of image rehabilitation? As far as an in-universe justification, it's been two years since the first campaign, more than enough time for Jar-Jar and his accent to become an [[Old Shame]].
* Alternatively, she will take over Mace Windu, Yoda, or some other Jedi. Someone that can actually fight.
* Somewhat confirmed. Sally has thrown a tantrum and rufuses to continue playing. Whether she will reenter as another character remains to be seen.
* She just changed to Dex, but seeing that Ben is pointed to Kamino, and she make her character to stay at the diner, she probably need to change character...again.
** This troper is starting to think she's going to end up playing all the really weird minor characters that show up, sorta like a freelance NPC.
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* I fourth this one but because it seems in universe time has passed just as time between movies does, and having Sally GM for the current players kids (except Pete on R2),
* I fifth this, because the current group is cracking apart at the seams so badly it'd require an [[Author's Saving Throw]] to keep them all together. Sally's removed enough from things to look back later with rose-colored glasses and run a new game from the fragments of the old.
* Sixth-ing this, or some form of it any way (timeskip with maybe new players and an old standby). It's a cool DM trick to pull out really old characters, especially when they're -your- (or someone you know) character; it makes them that much more heroic. The current cast is pretty much playing characters with a vastly reduced role in the original three movies; they show up, look cool, and go away again (or they're dead). Having new kids of the old cast would make for one heck of "Luke, I am your father" meta-game moment (though may be too dark for the strip). At any rate (as that's unlikely), looking at them... Anakin, Padme, Obi, Yoda, R2. Anakin becomes Darth; given the strips real life events, this is predicated by the as-yet unnamed conflict between Anne and Jim. Given what we know of the movies, at some point, Obi and Ana fight and both of their characters die (or go away at any rate). This would be Jim and Anne breaking up poorly. Come the big reveal in the original trilogy and the very emotional moment between Luke (who would suit Jim) and Vader, Anne surprises the group by showing up that session and reconciling with Jim. Han, Chewie, R2, Leia, C3, and Lando... Han and Leia are -Pete- and Sally. Ben becomes Chewie and the droids. R2 in the original is much less munchkin-y whereas Han is basically a no-name smuggler who somehow manages to hang with powerful people and thumb his nose at both rebels and empire. And he has a cool ship - one can see Pete getting a sidekick and such for being 'normal'. Or him just growing up. And then Sally could have a 'She grew up moment'. Though on the other hand, if Ben is Luke and Sally is Leia, then the 'He's my brother!' moment could be funny. ARGH!
* I'm going to go out on a limb and call bullshit on the "Sally will be GM" theory. It simply doesn't make sense. Consider the imagination shown by Sally in designing characters, races and planets for the prequel trilogy. Now consider the fact that basically every world visited by the characters in the original trilogy are single biome planets. Unless Sally undergoes some serious character decay (which seems incredibly unlikely given that her imagination is running strong at this point of the story), then the original GM will remain. Sally will continue with her current role of designing characters and creatures and adding variety to the maps created by the GM.
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The GM will have great delight in playing Ben's old character against Ben, and turning Annie's character into the main villain.
* I think that would be too obvious. Personally, I'm going for:
** Ben: Han ("Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star, or bounce too close to a supernova and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?")
** Jim: Leia (if he likes playing Padme)
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* Although when Obi-Wan dies Ben takes over the new NPC they just got Leia.
* Sally may change characters a lot because she is prone to do so.
* Chewie will be an NPC thrown in that Sally makes up when Han first appears.
* Vader will not be a PC simply because they don't know who Vader is until Episode 5 in the [[Luke, I Am Your Father]] moment.
* Has Anakin's last name even been revealed in the comic? There's no way to avoid not showing the end of Episode III's "Anakin Becomes Vader"... but the reveal is that Darth Vader is Anakin ''Skywalker''.
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* Jossed. They're still named Luke and Leia.
== The Time Skip to the Original Trilogy Will Not Be Planned ==
The players will get the Republic so thoroughly messed up at the end of the third leg of the campaign that the GM will get back to them after a weekend/month/whatever and say, "I have a solution..."
== The Original Trilogy will be an entirely different psionics-only Space Opera setting. ==
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Jango is supposed to be a long-term recurring nemesis. Windu is just another NPC authority figure. For an NPC to kill off the hero's nemesis makes very little sense. Therefore, what the GM is planning is for Jango to shoot Windu in the arena fight, as part of his "destroy everything you ever cared about" scheme. Unfortunately, when they come to play that scene, the players will be feeling rules lawyer-y. So one of them will say: "Couldn't Windu block with his laser sword?" At this point the GM will feel obliged to roll some dice, with the odds carefully stacked in favour of the plot. And will then roll three ones in a row for Jango.
Boba Fett will be meant to be a way of getting out of this unfortunate situation, and the GM will carefully plan out his big entrance in the later game. Unfortunately Ben will go and get himself killed by Annie before Boba can turn up, and with no plot-relevant motivation the younger Fett will be reduced to a bit part.
* This makes even more sense now that Mace Windu's part has been taken over by Sally.
** [[Jossed]]. {{spoiler|The GM was pretty cool with Mace cutting Jango's head off, reminding Sally that he was a bad guy and Mace was a good guy. Sally, however, regretted her actions.}}
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== Anakin ''won't'' have a [[Face Heel Turn]] ==
"Darth" is either a personal name, or a title bestowed on private investigators. When Annie's character becomes Darth Vader, he's just going to be trying to create a decent galaxy for his kids to live in.
* In the D&D-verse, Darth is apparently a title used for retired Jedi.
* Jossed.
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The two planets are similar-looking enough to use Episode 4 Alderaan sceens as Naboo, and the plot has been tying the Peace Moon to Naboo for some time now. Its destruction would also have far more significance than a previously unknown planet.
* Recent events have left Naboo a devastated wasteland, so unless it is somehow healed this theory won't work, but I like it.
** Actually it's looking more and more like this is the case.
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== Boba will be after Luke, not Han. ==
Boba had three possible candidates on his hit-list: Anakin, for causing the death of his mother, Obi-Wan, for causing the death of his birth father, and Mace, for causing the death of the man that raised him. He won't be able to exact revenge on either of the latter two due to dying at others' hands, and canonically, by the time the Original Trilogy comes around, only a handful of characters ever knew he was Anakin Skywalker. Meaning Boba would not even know that Darth Vader is a person he wants revenge on.
''However,'' he hears of Luke's exploits at the Battle of Yavin, sees his name is Skywalker, correctly concludes that he is Anakin's son, and goes to seek revenge on him for his father's actions. The reason he captures Han is to lure Luke (much like Vader did), but he transferred Han to a place more advantageous to him before telling Luke he's got Han hostage, not knowing that Luke is already heading to Cloud City to rescue him.
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== It will eventually be revealed that, sometime between the second and third prequal arcs, Jar Jar Binks became a cyborg and joined the Seperatists, becoming General Grievous. ==
I had the Jar Jar / Grievous theory since I read the third prequal novelization. Both are generals, both aliens, both helped Darth Sideous's plans without knowing it. The lower arms, when detached from the top, would be under computer control.
* [[Jossed]]. {{spoiler|Chancellor Valorum becomes Grievous.}}
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== Mace Windu is the traitor ==
Darths and Droids love inverting these tropes, so why not have Anakin protecting Palpatine?
* CONFIRMED! [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0554.html Here] and [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0557.html here].
** [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0558.html More accurately], he was Gunray's [[Manchurian Agent]].
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== 350's [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0050.html "in the universe the players inhabit, _____ does not exist"], they will show a bit from the Princess Bride campaign. ==
* Seeing as 349's and 319's strips have almost comfirmed that the campaign that took place between Episodes I and II is indeed Princess Bride, 350 will show a bit of what happened in that campaign.
** Jossed, but it was a good shot.
*** ''[[The Princess Bride (film)|The Princess Bride]]'' could still show up in a later one, though. Of course, it would probably be different from the one in the Darths and Droids universe, as it would include Sally and Annie like the rest of the alternate universes do.
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== The final "in the universe the players inhabit, _____ does not exist" strips will be based on religions and ancient myth. ==
Thank about it, what are the oldest sources of tropes?
* The fourth-to-last meta-fic will take place in a world where the [[The Bible|New Testament]] never existed.
* The third-to-last meta-fic will take place in a world where the [[Old Testament]] never took place.
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Pete describes it as a "monster-hunter" campaign, & she got mad at Jim for killing all the monsters...because he was supposed to ''catch'' them. The "curing bites" business was probably a Poison attack.
== Annie's campaign was [[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]] ==
== Annie's campaign was [[Van Helsing]] ==
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== Annie is dating Ben. ==
It's why they have BOTH been so evasive about her being single with the other players.
* And with the "Ben will be Lando" guess, Lando's [[Face Heel Turn]], and Ben and Anakin falling out between films III and IV... This has some interesting implications. Mainly, that Ben will become Good Guy Lando late in their [[Friends|Ross and Rachel]] issues, and turn after they make up.
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== Annie is pregnant with Jim's baby ==
Think about it: Annie is upset with Jim. As of strip 440 she says she needs to talk to him about it, meaning it is something he did but doesn't know it. Jim lets real life situations affect his character, explaining why Padme is pregnant in ROTS. AND if Annie decides to keep the baby it will probably make her more emotional, explaining Anakin's mood swings.
* This could mesh with the news that Annie {{spoiler|lost her job.}} Jim will feel responsible for supporting the baby, and Annie's guilt (heightened by the hormones) will drive her to try to find a way to save Padmé.
* [http://darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0515.html Pete seems to have noticed.]