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{{quote|''"Hey, you! Get your damn hands off... her..."''|'''George McFly''', ''[[Back to The Future]]''}}
{{quote|''The lady you have drugged is the daughter of one of my scientists. Allow me to introduce you to her security detail.''|'''Gendo Ikari''', ''[[Nobody Dies (Fanfic)|NGE: Nobody Dies]]''}}
A teenage girl is on a date with a guy (or maybe even her boyfriend). They are sitting in his car, often at a [[Make-Out Point]], and he's trying to put the moves on her or get into her pants, but she doesn't want it. ("No! No, stop that, I mean it!!!")
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== Fanfic ==
* [[Nobody Dies (Fanfic)|NGE: Nobody Dies]]. When Asuka's blind date drugs her, Shinji, Hikari, and Gendo stop by their table as the date tries to run off with her–then it's revealed that ''every other patron'' at the restaurant is a Section 2 agent. Then they hand the date off to Rei.