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== Film ==
* ''[[Back to The Future]]'' has a [[Double Subversion]]. Marty tries to [[Invoked Trope|stage this]] so that his father from the past, George McFly, can "rescue" Lorraine, Marty's mother from the past, but the plan is subverted when Lorraine <s>reciprocates Marty's advances</s> [[Springtime for Hitler|is doing the advances]]. But when Biff takes over and [[Attempted Rape|tries to molest her for real]], that's when George delivers the above quote, which was originally meant as part of the play, and then punches Biff out in a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] when he doesn't listen.
* Happens in ''[[Die Hard (Film)|Live Free or Die Hard]]'', with John McClane as the [[Overprotective Dad]] and Lucy McClane complaining about him observing her and barging into her business.
** Though honestly, it didn't look even close to date rape considering he wasn't even being that pushy and it make McClane come off a bit stalker-ish.
*** Not to mention the fact that Lucy's actions later in the movie cast doubt on whether or not the boy would be able to date rape her without getting his ass handed to him by his would-be victim.
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* Happens in ''[[Face Off]]''. Castor Troy (While disguised as Sean Archer) watches his rival's daughter getting molested by her date in his car. Castor then kicks the boy through the closed window and drags him out, punching him a couple more times before running him off. Afterwards, he presents a knife to Jamie, demonstrating how to open it, telling her to ram it into the thigh of the next guy who tries something like that, and to twist. {{spoiler|You can guess who gets the knife in the thigh at the end: Castor himself.}}
* Happens in ''[[City of the Living Dead]]''. The teens are surprised by a psychokinetic zombie priest who gets the girl to bleed from the eyes and vomit her entrails and rips a large amount of the boy´s brain out from the back of his skull.
* In ''[[Beethoven (Filmfilm)|Beethoven]]'s 2nd'', Ryce appears to be in for something she doesn't want at the hands of her boyfriend, who's been knocking back a few underage drinks, until the Great Big Dog turns up opportunely.
* ''[[Uncle Buck]]''. The Drill. {{spoiler|Mistaken identity aside; the other girl didn't seem all that willing anyway.}}
* In ''[[The Craft]]'', Chris, who was under the influence of a love spell that Sarah had cast on him to make him want her, tries to date rape her. She manages to escape.
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== Live Action Television ==
* Happened on ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)|Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' [[Trope Overdosed|(didn't everything?)]]. Of course, her "resistance" broke the guy's nose...
** In another episode she gets drugged at a party by a group of cultists. One of the cultists seems to be planning this, but another stops him, since she and the other girls [[Human Sacrifice|have another purpose]].
** There was also a version of this with [[Annoying Younger Sibling|Dawn]], where her date revealed that he was a vampire, and that she was in the midst of a bunch of vamps. Cue the [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment for the Scoobies.
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* Partly subverted, or maybe played with, in ''[[The Facts of Life]]'', when Tootie is about to have her first "encounter" with her boyfriend in a car. She thinks this is what she wants; it's ''definitely'' what ''he'' wants; but at the last second she begs off, locks him out of the car, and fulfills the trope.
** Played straight with Jo and Harrison Andrews, a rich friend of Blair's. He invites [[Wrong Side of the Tracks|scholarship student]] Jo to a country club cotillion over rich socialite Blair. Jo comes home from the dance with her hair and dress disheveled and one shoe (having used the other to beat Harrison off). She describes how Harrison took her through the club and out the back door. Harrison later tells Blair he passed her over for Jo because Jo was the type of girl he could "score" with.
* ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'' - it wasn't in a car, but the date rape boy put the moves on Claire, who was interested until he started trying to force her. It was also subverted as he {{spoiler|apparently killed Claire by knocking her down so a branch impaled her head, but she woke up on an autopsy table when the medical examiner pulled it out}}. He was boggled to see her after the fact given how violent things had gotten. And Claire then proceeded to disabuse him of the notion of trying it again. Of course, then [[Magnificent Bastard|her father]] gets to him...
* This one was done twice in ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]''; both in cars, both as disturbing as each other, both girls being saved by the [[Big Damn Heroes]] and both attempted rapists suffering well-deserved deaths.
* ''[[A Different World]]'' uses the rescued variation when Dwayne saves Freddie from a [[Jerk Jock]] serial rapist.
* Happened in the very first episode of ''[[Mork and Mindy]]''. The titular characters meet for the first time because Mindy has driven out into the woods with her date who then drove off, taking her car when she refused to, ahem, play. Mork's spaceship lands nearby and he agrees to walk her home. The incident in the car gives us this line:
{{quote| '''Mindy:''' Don't EVER touch me like that again! Not even if my blouse is on fire!}}
* Mildly subverted in ''[[Sex and Thethe City]]'' when Charlotte is rescued (though not from attempted rape) by the 'hero' punching the attacker. Turned out he just liked punching people. When he started a fight over somebody bumping into Charlotte's chair (even after they apologised) she left.
* ''Excruciatingly'' averted in a recent episode of ''[[Mad Men (TV)|Mad Men]]''; plenty of people who ''could'' have been in a position to come to {{spoiler|Joan's}} rescue, and not one of them does. In this case it counts as [[Values Dissonance]], since in the early 1960s there was no popular consciousness of date rape. And the fact that {{spoiler|Joan is engaged to the man in question}} would probably have led to it not even having been considered an incident. No one would have done a god damned thing except said "Whoops!" and closed the door.
* In at least four episodes of ''[[Step By Step (TV)|Step Byby Step]]'', twice with Al (the one-time tomboy that was quickly becoming the hottest teen in Port Washington, thanks to Christine Lakin entering puberty):
** In a 1995 episode, 15-year-old Al convinces Dana and Karen to take her to a college party, where she meets an attractive boy. After lying to him that she was of age, the boy takes Al back to his room to talk and make out. He tries to take things further and presses on despite her repeated pleas to stop. Dana and Karen show up in time to run off the boy, after which they reveal that Al was 15. (The boy then runs off.) Although they don't press charges, the sisters do get a measure of revenge by throwing his stuff out the window and announcing she was 15.
** Poor Al becomes date rape fodder again two years later, when another cute guy tries to get it on with her in his '57 Chevrolet. (He had a trick seat in his car, which allowed it to recline; he then laid on top of her in an attempt to initiate sex, but the petite Al is able to fight him off.) Things become complicated later when Karen -- who had also had her eye on Al's now-former boyfriend -- refuses to believe Al, refusing to defend her even as rumors run rampant in school that Al was "easy" ... until Al breaks down in tears.
** In 1993, Dana was once a near-victim of date rape when her boyfriend came over (unannounced) to talk to her and hopefully make out. Her stepfather Frank (with whom she had a major argument about for his buffoonish attempt to check out the boy after Cody warns that the boy is trouble) arrives in time to run the boy off.
** At another college party (this one hosted by a fraternity Cody was hoping to join), Karen had to deal with unwanted advances by a guy she began talking with. Cody, along with Dana and Al's friends, run the guy off.
* ''[[NCIS (TV)|NCIS]]''. "Hung Out To Dry" begins with a teenager forcing his attentions on his date in what appears to be the Crime of the Week, when events are brought to a sudden halt by a [[It's Raining Men|parachutist]] crashing through the [[Car Cushion|roof of their car]].
* It happens on an episode of ''[[Dead Like Me]]'' where Mason saves a college student and the trope is lampshaded.
* Kelly Taylor in ''[[Beverly Hills, 90210]]'' 'dressed too provocatively' one Halloween. A creepy cowboy attempts to rape her, but Donna and Brenda come to the rescue.
* ''[[Mr. Belvedere]]'': A 1990 episode saw the teen-aged girl of the Owens' family (Heather) date a cute guy, who was hoping to get a sports intern job at the local TV station where Mr. Owens ([[Bob Uecker]]) worked. While at a Make-Out Point, the boy takes things a little too far--the scene fades to black as he pushes her down and she screams, "NO!". Not until she confesses to Mr. Belvedere does the audience learn she was able to fight him off, though she's still shaken by the incident. Eventually, she tells her father, who promptly warns the boy to stay the hell away from his family.
* ''[[Quantum Leap (TV)|Quantum Leap]]'': Played straight, as Sam (the series' hero) leaps into the body of a woman who was raped by the local high school football hero on their date. (In a rare twist, the female victim is brought into the Imaging Chamber to testify.) The boy is acquitted ... but Sam (still playing the role of the boy's victim gets a very satisfying revenge; the boy comes over to try to rape the girl again, only this time, Sam bashes apart the kid's groin.
* ''City Guys'': In the episode "Raise the Roofies," Cassidy's date makes two attempts to slip her some rohypnol (the notorious "date rape drug"). When both attempts fail (Dawn inadvertently drank the first one and Cassidy simply declined the second), he tries to rape her by sheer physical force. She is rescued by Chris.