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=== Tropes associated with Dazzler and her comic include: ===
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Type I [[The Woobie|off-and-to]]
* [[Barrier Warrior]]: Thanks to [[Hard Light]] force fields. Another one of her powers that's largely forgotten about.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Is often underestimated, in- and out-of-universe, due to her history as a blatant [[Fad Super]] and her preoccupation with her singing career. Despite this, she's proven she can more than pull her weight whenever she's on the X-Men.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Sound into light.
* [[Emotion Control]]: Can generate lightshows that stimulate specific emotional moods. Usually she can use this to calm a crowd; however, under the influence of Malice, she also spread feelings of [[Hate Plague|aggression and hostility]] at one of her concerts.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Sparkles]]: A visual trademark of her powers.
* [[Fad Super]]: Her original incarnation was textbook example of this trope. Luckily, when she joined the X-Men, she ditched her [[Outdated Outfit]].
* [[Film Felons]]: She was recruited to dance in a music video that is a thinly veiled ''[[Michael Jackson|Thriller]]'' reference, and the director tries to cause her "accidental" death to further hype a curse on the production.
* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]: Her primary form of attack.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: [[Depending On the Writer|Sometimes]]
* [[Hard Light]]: She can make this too, though it's more difficult for her than her normal-strength light shows.
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: Would ''really'' rather focus on her career than be a superhero. Unfortunately, she keeps being dragged back into the world-saving biz.
* [[Instrument of Murder]]: Johnny Guitar and Doctor Sax.
* [[Light 'Em Up]]
* ([[Magic Idol Singer|Magic]]) [[Idol Singer]] : Well, she's Western AND a mutant, but she's pretty close.
* [[Master of Illusion]]: With enough concentration and sonic energy, she can create three-dimensional holograms. This power is largely forgotten, though, in favor of her [[Incredibly Lame Pun|flashier]] powers.
* [[The Movie]]: [[What Could Have Been|Almost.]] A Dazzler movie was planned but scrapped after the script was made by Jim Shooter. Parts of the script were leaked online and it would have been, mostly because it was made in four days, the most [[Big Lipped Alligator Movie|coke-fueled]], [[All -Star Cast|cameo-heavy]], [[So Bad ItsIt's Good|disaster]] ever.
* [[Outdated Outfit]]: Not the one pictured above, but the page image for [[Fad Super]]. it doesn't help that she was created to cash in on the disco craze.
* [[Power of Rock]]: What? Did you ''really'' expect her music not to evolve with the times?