Dead Ends: Difference between revisions

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* [[Face Heel Turn]]: {{spoiler|Ephram}} in chapter {{spoiler|3}} and {{spoiler|Franklin}} in chapter {{spoiler|6}}
* [[Gentle Giant]]: Ben
* [[Glowing Eyelights of Un -Death]]
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: All of the undead have glowing red eyes. This leads to some serious [[Nightmare Fuel]] whenever the characters are in a dimly lit area. Just read the beginning of chapter {{spoiler|2}}.
* [[Grave Clouds]]: Early in the story Eddie finds himself walking down a lonely road in freezing cold weather. As he is making his way through the darkness he happens to stumble upon a cemetery. [[Cue the Rain]].
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* [[High Octane Nightmare Fuel]]: You might not want to try and read all 6 chapters in one sitting...
* [[Kill'Em All]]: If you make a really bad choice everyone will die.
* [[Luck -Based Mission]]: Early chapters have randomized consequences for choices, which means that it is possible to exhaust every option and still end up dead due to poor luck. Fortunately, this feature seems to have disappeared in the more recent chapters.
* [[Men Are the Expendable Gender]]: Massively averted. By the end of the first chapter alone an entire girl's school (except for one of the main characters) is zombified along with their head mistress.
* [[Mercy Kill]]: {{spoiler|Zeke Sr and Zeke Jr}}
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* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: In chapter {{spoiler|3}}, and its a big one...
* [[No Fair Cheating]]: "The dead do not reveal their secrets!"
* [[No Periods, Period]]: Averted by Foxy, who gets hers in the middle of the story... {{spoiler|It ends up having zero effect on the overall plot.}}
* [[Oh Crap]]: Usually at least a couple per chapter, but the best example happens at the very end of chapter {{spoiler|1}}
* [[Our Zombies Are Different]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Undead Child]]}}: Quite a few actually...
* [[Unwinnable]]: If you {{spoiler|lie to the Cruikshank family}} in chapter {{spoiler|3}} you might as well close the window. All the choices lead to death.
* [[Wham! Line]]: {{spoiler|"Mary...the other runaways...I buried them all in there..."}}
* [[Zombie Apocalypse]]
* [[Zombie Infectee]]: This occurs to {{spoiler|Eddie}} if you make a bad choice.