• Charlie slipping the crumpled-up introduction to the poetry textbook into his mouth when the headmaster interrupts the textbook-ripping session. The look on his face is priceless.
  • For that matter, the entire first lesson with Mr Keating. Particularly when he tells the class to tear out the introduction to the poetry text. Reactions range from incredulous to gleeful.
  • Knox is at a party with a lot of drunk football players, and two of them assume he's the brother of one of their friends. He tells them he's not. They completely ignore him, pour him a drink and keep him there as they go on about what a great guy his 'brother' is.
  • Charlie convincing Knox that the Society will help him win Chris (using what Keating had told them about the original DPS):

Charlie: "Women swoon", Knox!
Knox: But why do they swoon? (Charlie runs off and Knox takes off after him) Charlie, tell me why they swoon!

  • Mr. Keating doing Shakespeare by way of Marlon Brando and John Wayne.
  • After Charlie's prank of God "calling" the school to say girls should attend the school, Mr. Keating gently but firmly chides him for it. Then, as he leaves the room, he pauses momentarily:

Mr. Keating: Phone call from God? If it had been collect, that would have been daring.