Deadliest Warrior/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass Boast]]: The battlefield butcher from ancient Greece.
* [[Elite Army]]: As one of the smallest armies in Greece, their military power was second only to the Athenian Navy.
* [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me]]: One of the most noted things about the Spartans are how well their shields stand up against attacks.
* [[The Spartan Way]]: [[Captain Obvious|Trope Namers.]]
* [[Greco Persian Wars]]
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* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Mentioned by the experts.
* [[Eye Scream]]: The main purpose of the glass eggs.
* [[Highly -Visible Ninja]]: Sadly...
* [[Poisoned Weapons]]: The blowgun anyways.
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=== Shaolin Monk ===
* [[Badass Boast]]: The ultimate kung-fu killing machine from China.
* [[Bare -Fisted Monk]]: Averted, but they still used their martial arts skill in the fight.
* [[Swiss Army Weapon]]: The Twin Hooks, described as four killing tools in one.
* [[Thou Shall Not Kill]]: Unless in self-defense.
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* [[Fire Breathing Weapon]]: The LPO-50 flamethrower.
* [[Mad Bomber]]: Their nail bombs are one of their key advantages, and they really seem to like using them.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: The army fights for Northern Ireland's freedom from Britain.
* [[The Troubles]]
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=== Al Capone ===
* [[A -Team Firing]]
* [[Badass Boast]]: The ruthless gangster whose criminal empire bloodied the streets of Depression-era Chicago.
* [[Bad Boss]]
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=== Zande ===
* [[Badass Boast]]: Ferocious barbarian of Central Africa.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: Just take a look at the design of their weapons. "It's a symbol of masculinity!"
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: Invoked and subverted. They pretended to be cannibals to terrorize their enemies, but were just faking it.
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=== Medellin Cartel: ===
* [[Badass Boast]]: Colombia's killer drug lords who built the world's largest cocaine empire.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]: At the height of their power, the Cartel made up to $65 million a day; they put it to good use by paying off government officials.
* [[The Cartel]]: Of course.
* [[More Dakka]]
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=== Musketeer ===
* [[Badass Boast]]: The king's ruthless personal guard and fierce defenders of France's borders.
* [[Cheese -Eating Surrender Monkeys]]: The representatives like to avert this trope and portray the Musketeers as super badasses. {{spoiler|[[Curb Stomp Battle|They're right]].}}
* [[State Sec]]: Yes, they did exist. The French Musketeers (the kind examined on the show) was divided into two branches: one worked to guard the king, the other for the cardinal.
** Making them also an example of a [[Praetorian Guard]].
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* [[Historical Domain Character]]
* [[Little Miss Badass]]: At the age of 17, Joan led the entire French army to win the Hundred Years War; without her, a British victory would've been inevitable.
* [[Pint -Sized Powerhouse]]: Greatly outsized by William the Conqueror.
* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]]: In [[Real Life]], she actually did not personally fight, but rather held on to the flag to keep herself from killing.
* [[Wounded Gazelle Warcry]]: How she managed to be [[Little Miss Badass]] while adhering to [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]].
* [[Fan Service Pack]]: In the game, she suddenly upgrades a couple cup sizes, gets a [[Form -Fitting Wardrobe|form-fitting breastplate]], and [[Combat Stilettos|marches around in heels]].
* [[Hundred Years War]]
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=== Saddam Hussein ===
* [[Cold -Blooded Torture]]: Acid Baths
* [[Historical Domain Character]]
* [[Sanity Has Advantages]]: Or at least relative sanity anyways. His higher psychological health compared to [[Axe Crazy|Pol Pot]] was considered an X-factor advantage.
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* [[Axe Crazy]]
* [[Child Soldier]]: Pol Pot himself led the Khmer Rouge as an adult, but it was mentioned that the average age of his soldiers was 16.
* [[Cold -Blooded Torture]]: [[Electric Torture]]
* [[You're Insane!]]: The show made it abundantly clear just how gonzo this guys plan was.
* [[Historical Domain Character]]
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=== Ivan the Terrible ===
* [[A God Am I]]: Believes he is the [[Arch AngelArchangel Michael]].
* [[An Axe to Grind]]
* [[Axe Crazy]]
* [[Badass Boast]]: Russia's sadistic sixteenth century Tsar, who's murderous death squads built Europe's largest empire of its time.
* [[Bad Boss]]: {{spoiler|Used one of his own soldiers as a [[Bulletproof Human Shield|meat shield]]}} during the sim.
* [[Cold -Blooded Torture]]: With such variety and such a hands on approach as to be his own [[Torture Technician]]
* [[The Conqueror]]
* [[For the Evulz]]: During the sim he doesn't let Cortez's attack stop him from torturing and killing a peasant.
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* [[Badass Boast]]: The brutal Spanish explorer, who's conquistadors conquered the largest empire in North America of the sixteenth century.
* [[Badass Spaniard]]
* [[Cold -Blooded Torture]]: His methods are simple compaired to the others, but effective
* [[The Conqueror|The Conquistador]]
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: He looked positively disgusted when he saw Ivan torturing and killing a random peasant.
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* [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere]]: Nobody was expecting a fantasy creature to appear in Deadliest Warrior.
* [[Last Stand]]: Sort of. {{spoiler|The final vampire can't escape because the sun is rising, and thus has to fight back against the remaining horde of Zombies.}} Does it end well? {{spoiler|Yes.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]}}: {{spoiler|If those 189 zombies were the extent of the zombie outbreak then the three vampires may have saved the world a [[Zombie Apocalypse]].}}
* [[Oh Crap]]: Cited as an actual X-Factor. As powerful as they are, they are still capable of feeling human emotions, like fear. Sure enough, the vampires {{spoiler|freeze up, stare, and then retreat upon seeing a comrade get torn to pieces and then eaten.}}
* [[One -Man Army]]: A fair fight was considered near 200 zombies vs. 3 vampires because one on one the vampires would win every time thanks to being able to [[One -Hit Kill]] zombies thanks to their superior strength. {{spoiler|The vampires ''win''.}}
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: [[Thirty Days of Night]] version.
* [[Pyrrhic Victory]]: {{spoiler|Technically won the fight, but then infection starts to set. Though the experts couldn't decide on rather becoming a Zombie Vampire was this trope or [[Cursed With Awesome]].}}