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* In the [[Grand Finale]] {{spoiler|why doesn't [[Villain Exit Stage Left|Light make a break for it]] '''''before''''' getting shot multiple times? ([[Look Behind You!|Hey look at the distraction!]])}} Just write small...
** You think Near would actually fall for that? A gushing fountain of blood barely worked.
** Probably not on Near, (* [[Face Palm|Face-palming]] in the background* ) [[Surrounded Byby Idiots|but it wouldn't have to if it worked on everyone else,]] Near already did the damage he could do for the moment, now the immediate threat is the guys who are physically fit, carrying guns, and inclined to chase after him...
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** Matsuda was completely on the fence about Kira and sort of leaning a bit more toward being against him, only showing slight shades of sympathy and saying that Kira's not completely evil. Light likely didn't reveal this to Matsuda out of fear that the sudden revelation would push Matsuda over the fence and have him, I don't know, ''shoot him?''
** He does try to take advantage... by having Matsuda {{spoiler|get the shinigami eyes to attack Mello's hideout. It nearly worked, too, except for his father's strong personal sense of justice}}.
*** Yeah, that was not as planned. It's explained more in the manga {{spoiler|Light was counting on Matsuda to make the eye deal and [[Spanner in Thethe Works|he never considered that his father would volunteer]]}}.
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* In the manga, how come L is the only character that uses honorifics?
** Are you sure no one else does? Well many of the characters are very close to each other so there would be no need for honorifics. But I think at least Light calls his father "otou-san" or doesn't he?
** This question is most likely referring to the English release. It's just that L referring to Light as "Yagami-kun" can't be translated properly, so it's left as is. A similar instance is observed in [[Azumanga Daioh (Manga)|Azumanga Daioh]] with "Chiyo-chan" being called such in the English dub.
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*** Well B {{spoiler|obviously knew L well enough to be able to copy his appearance and mannerisms.}}
*** Near figures out everything else without being physically present, doesn't he? Getting L's face right might have been a lucky guess, just like with everything else. Seriously, though, he probably saw a photo at the orphanage, before L had them all destroyed.
** Just because there are no pictures of L doesn't mean there aren't vague physical descriptions. Really, all Near needed to know to make his masks and puppet was that L was white (a reasonable assumption if he knew that he grew up in Wammy's house and was therefore an Englishman) and that he had green hair. The mask and puppet don't seem to resemble L beyond that, but since green hair is rare in the [[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]] world Light immediately drew the conclusion that the mask was of L, due to being the only person with that trait who made sense in context.
*** Wait, L's hair is green? What?
*** Its black, it just has some green tints to itsometimes.
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** Or maybe none of his friends or family know English, so he could just make a b.s. explanation about what the words on the cover say.
** Well, at this point it wouldn't have really mattered. He would have just claimed that the rules inside are a joke, maybe that the note was a silly present from a friend and he used it for keeping track of the criminals because he considered it fitting. Sure, it would seem creepy and all, but at this point, with his father not told by L that Light was a suspect, it would have just been passed off as a joke. Also, it was highly unlikely that someone found the notebook if he didn't look for it. We know that Light had means to check if someone had entered his room - and if this would happen all the time (because his mother is cleaning it or whatever), he would've already stopped doing it - because it would be pretty pointless if you ''know'' that someone enters.
** "Death Note" could be passed off as some sorta.. [[A Good Name for Aa Rock Band|death metal band name]], and he could've claimed it was just a piece of novelty paraphernalia.
*** "Death Note" doesn't sound nearly as odd to a Japanese-speaker as it does to us. They just shortened notebook, as the Japanese are [[Pokémon (Franchise)|prone to do]].
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* What the hell did Ryuga Hideki do to piss L off? Considering that L's plan when he meets Light is to give that name, so that if Light tries to write it then Hideki will die and the case is resolved. But why him? I understand the fame and that everyone will know him, but it still seems a little distasteful.
** That was a fake name. There is no Ryuga Hideki.
** No, Ryuga Hideki is a famous singer in the ''[[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]]'' universe, who's name L uses because if Light tries to kill him, he will almost certainly kill the famous Hideki instead, proving the that Light is almost certainly Kira (since he's the only suspect who knows that the guy calling himself Ryuga is L). As to why L picked Hideki in particular, I have no idea.
** I'd suggest the possibility of Ryuga having been involved in some not-so-great stuff (more so than your average idol), but considering L's personality, it's entirely possible his name was chosen at random. [[Not So Different]], you know - he ''is'' callous enough.
** It was a ''pseudonym'', so Ryuga Hideki was actually named something else and was in no danger.
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** The bells have a dual meaning: his impending death, and Wammy's House. That's why the bells and stained-glass windows made a second appearance in episode 30 - just sort of a wordless ''we're on the same side''.
** I understand what the bells themselves symbolized. If I didn't at first, I did in the episode after next, when you see Mello and Near. What I'm curious about is L's behavior during that segment.
*** [[Meaningful Name|Um...]] maybe [[The Bible (Literature)|this]] will clear things up...
*** L is letting Light know that he knows Light is Kira, that he's 100% certain, that he's so much more brilliant than Light that he's already deduced the next step of Light's plan, that it is unavoidable, but that ultimately Light's defeat at the hands of L will still come about.
** L realises he has lost and that it is up to his successors to stop Kira. He decides to use his last hours on earth to mess with Light's head and maybe just make him reconsider. It fails.
Line 408:
* How does Light actually put the TV, pen and Death Note inside the packet of potato chips with the cameras watching him - the manga doesn't show this, and even worse, the anime implies that the TV is already in there when he first opens the packet!
** He's only being watched ''in the house''. He bought the TV and chips while out about town. No doubt he carefully opened the bag, removed some chips, put in the TV, and used a device to reseal the bag. Such devices do actually exist, and since the Japanese are notoriously manic about fresh food they're probably not hard to find.
** To answer my own question, according to [[Word of God|Word Of God]], Light put the TV in the crisp packet ''before'' the cameras were installed. Yes, he's just that good!
** In doing that, though, wasn't he risking a member of his family opening it and finding the TV?
** Nope. In fact, Light even stated that he was the only one in the family who liked that particular flavor.
Line 533:
*** You don't need to know the Shinigamis' lifespans to know how long Misa would have lived - you only need her date of birth, the dates she traded eyes, and the date she died. I figured out that if she had never met Rem, she would have died on July 14th of 2030, give or take a few days. (assuming that her name is not written in a death note and there are no other ways to prolong or hurry death other than trading eyes.)
*** Okay, you're going to have to explains this to me. Mia was originally going to die the day Jealous saved her. Her own lifespan is not even a day. So what does her date of birth have to do with anything?
*** I don't still have the working-out with me, but I'll try to explain. You don't need to know the shinigamis' lifespans because you know Misa's date of death, which is all knowing the lifespans would've helped figure out. You need to know her date of birth so that you know how long there is between her birth and death. Of course, you need the eye-trade dates (compared to the date of death) to figure out how much longer her life would've been extended by. If you have any further questions about this, please go to [[Main/Sabbo|my]] discussion page or Just Bugs Me page to ask, as finding this section of the [[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]] JBM takes me ages. (although the latter has not been made yet)
*** Then again, the [[Word of God]] says that Misa probably committed suicide just after the story ended, so I guess she didn't have the much time left after all.
* "How to Use: XLII (from Volume 8):<br />1. The use of the Death Note in the human world sometimes affects other human’s lives or shortens their original life-span, even though their names are not actually written in the Death Note itself. In these cases, no matter the cause, the god of death sees only the original life-span and not the shortened life-span. "
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*** A more accurate reading would be "weren't you paying ''any'' attention?" I suppose the salient point is that Light is not on the defensive until he absolutely has to be - that hardly makes him stupid, though. L has the same mindset in their little tennis match: witness his decision to bring Light into the task force.
** Don't forget both L and Light get perfect marks on their university entrance exams. Now compare, Light having been going to school and to an academy in order to prepare for this exam, and L just doing it in order to catch Kira.
** By that same token you have Light coming from a "normal" background, going to a normal school (i.e. [[Surrounded Byby Idiots]]) and he is able to play the game with L--who in all likelihood was [[Super-Hero School|brought up at a school for supergeniuses]] ([[Tyke Bomb|where genius is the norm, all his peers would be geniuses, and smart is never smart enough]])... [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|Now, guess who would be better adjusted]]--[[Broken Ace|it's no small wonder Light develops a]] [[A God Am I|God complex.]]
*** The thing about perfect marks is, there's no way to know who would have done better. Maybe, if the test had been harder, Light would have won; maybe L would have won. That's part of the beauty of them both scoring PERFECT, instead of just both getting, say, 98%.
** Its worth noting that the only reason Light becomes L's prime suspect is because of a series of events set into motion by Naomi Misora's death. Naomi Misora's presence was something Light could not possibly anticipate, and until that point he had remained almost entirely in control of the situation, without ever doing anything which could point directly to him. Misora entering the equation was something he had to deal with immediately, otherwise he could be directly implicated, and his ability to effectively improvise with that shows great intelligence. He also could not anticipate that her disappearance would send L along the train of logic that would lead him to suspect Light. Everything only starts going wrong for Light when an entirely unpredictable variable becomes part of the system.
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** When you come to mental sanity, Misa is a poor excuse for a human being. From the very start she is completely nuts and self-centered. Even her blind love for Light is completely egotistical, to the point that she can't notice that he is not in love even when he doesn't care to act it up. Recovery? Recovery ''of what?''
** Point taken.
** Light as well. Think about it- a genius that does not tolerate boredom well is tied up, unable to move in a small cell... [ What totally should have happened after Light has been confined for 50 days...] (shades of ''[[The Yellow Wallpaper (Literature)|The Yellow Wallpaper]]''...)
** I'm more bugged by memory-wiped Light being so willing to forgive L after not only imprisoned him for 50 days, but {{spoiler|convinced his father to threaten to murder him for a crime he (in his mind) didn't do}}. Even though he wasn't Kira at this point, Light is still an exceptionally prideful guy. Even I'd take a long, LONG time to warm up to L (and everyone else involved) again after that. But Light forgets all about it ''on the very same page''.
** Memory-wiped Light still remembers that it was ''him'' who asked L to keep him locked up and under observation, even if he can't remember the reason so he is all like "what was I thinking?!" for those days. So he probably won't be too mad at L for something he realizes was his own damn fault. I dunno about the spoilered bit, though.
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** In the first place, Machiavelli never said that a Prince mus rule by fear (actually, quite the opposite, only attacking when strictly necessary). Plus, no, it's not good enough, as God does not rule by fear, and seeing how many [[God Is Evil]] story are, I think that take out a God whose lifespan is 100 years at best is not a big deal. Also, Light {{spoiler|DID kill a God of Death (Rem)}}, why can't all the humanity can?
*** He believes that he's not only dealing with criminals, but also dealing with the conditions that cause them, thinking that criminal acts cause the victims to believe that unscrupulous means are the only way to get by. He thinks that if no one commits crimes, everyone will be free to live virtuously, and the vicious cycle will be eliminated. Whether they will continue to do so without the fear of death by Kira is another matter, though.
*** God doesn't rule by fear? Have you ''read'' [[The Bible (Literature)|The Bible]]? Heard an old fashioned [[Fire and Brimstone Hell|fire and brimstone]] sermon? Heard someone use "Godfearing" as a synonym for morally upright? Did you know that Christians tend to [ distrust atheists] because they don't believe people will try to be good ''unless they're being watched''?
** Once he is done killing his genius rivals, he can start looking for and grooming a successor so the world will always be ruled by Kira. Hell, maybe he would finally consummate his marriage with Misa and produce the next God of the new world himself!
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** Criminals live very stressful lives.
** [[Chuck Norris]]
*** Consider the fact that criminals from all over the world are dropping dead. It is unlikely the first one would have a sense of morality, every criminal couldn't have been using the same drug, not just prisoners were dying, the fort factor would've been in play a long time ago, and Chuck Norris's powers wouldn't work according to Death Note's [[Magic Aa Is Magic A]].
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** The only problem? Naomi ''isn't'' Penber's girlfriend, she's his ''fiancee'' and the intonation was not ironic, he genuinely meant it as his girlfriend. (For that matter, Light assuming that a female loved one automatically means a girlfriend is kinda dumb in and of itself, when it could be a wife, sister, mother, daughter, etc). This should have been a MASSIVE clue that Light didn't really know about her or their relationship, but Penber ignores it like a champ! I mean, I'd hardly expect the guy to be infallible, considering he was assigned to such an important and dangerous case, I'd hope for a bit of competence!
*** Light looked Penber up in the FBI database. Presumably he found out all he could about his family and concluded that a girlfriend was the most likely candidate, which isn't that unreasonable. We know Penber has no wife and we can reasonably assume he doesn't have a daughter, and a grown man is more likely to be close to, and protective of, a girlfriend than a sister or mother. Besides which, a fiancee ''is'' a girlfriend, and will be until they either get married or break up. If Light had been talking about a girlfriend and they were ''already'' married, it would be a different story.
** [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|As pointed out here]] [\] How about wearing a [[Conspicuous Trenchcoat]] [[With Catlike Tread|every day]] [[Mistaken for Pedophile|on a high school campus!?]] "[[All You Need Is Love (Fanfic)|Raye Penber can't even stalk his victims properly!]]"
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*** Yeah, especially in the second arc where {{spoiler|as L;}} Light suggests the media stop broadcasting the names and faces of criminals but he continues to judge by reading "concerned citizens" [[Strongly Worded Letter|strongly worded letters]].
*** ...Then how the heck is he supposed to be accurately 'judging' anyone? All he's got are the biased opinions of unknown people who would see an obvious temptation to have Kira get rid of the people they don't like. The more you think about it, the less intelligent Light seems.
*** [[Fridge Logic|That's the point.]] [[Too Clever Byby Half|He's insane and certain he is right...]]
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== Why didn't Light use Sidoh to kill Mello? ==
* After the task force got the notebook back from the mafia, why didn't Light ask Sidoh to kill Mello with the notebook in exchange for them returning it? He was even discussing a plan like this with Ryuk before the attack on Mello's HQ but dropped it because he thought he could use Matsuda to kill Mello instead. But when Mello was still alive after Soichiro's death, he didn't even try to use Sidoh. Mello deliberately kept Sidoh from getting his notebook back and Sidoh needed to write a name, so I really can't see him saying no to a request to kill him. Sure, he would be asking in front of the other members of the task force but he had already asked Soichiro to do it so being so upset about his father's death that he was insistent on Mello dying wouldn't seem strange. Even if it did, it was a direct way of killing Mello. A few odd looks for being so bloodthirsty about avenging his father are nothing compared to eliminating such a threat. He wasn't just caught up in the emotions brought on from losing his father either-the very next chapter, he's going over how he wasn't able to kill Mello through other means but doesn't bring up Sidoh at all. In other words, it appears that the author just didn't think of it and Light looks dumber as a result.
** In the manga it's explained that [[Spanner in Thethe Works|Light was afraid that Sidoh would say something incriminating]] and he wanted to get him away from the taskforce as soon as possible but yeah, [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|that does seem like a wasted opportunity that could have led to Kira's victory.]]
** Also, notice {{spoiler|his father just died}} and he's [[Mangst|Mangsting]] about it so his [[Gambit Roulette|Xanatosing]] skills are not up to par in that scene.
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