Death of a Salesman: Difference between revisions

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* [[Casanova]]: Happy is an inveterate womanizer. He's certainly not above calling on call girls.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: (several characters have them, in various permutations)
{{quote| '''Uncle Ben:''' "When I walked into the jungle I was seventeen, and when I walked out I was twenty-one. *''laughs''* And by God, I was rich!"<br />
'''Willy Loman:''' "He's liked, but he's not ''well liked''." }}
* [[Completely Missing the Point]]: The lesson Happy takes from events is not the lesson he should have taken.
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* [[Fatal Flaw]]: Willy is in love with a dream and never recognizes that it doesn't match up to reality. He obsesses over irrelevancies and his own (prominent, but ultimately meaningless) flaws rather than the false promises of society that lead him to where he is.
* [[Flashback Effects]]: The stage instructions explain how Willy's imagination works on stage.
{{quote| "''Whenever the action is in the present the actors observe the imaginary wall-lines, entering the house only through its door at the left. But in the scenes of the past these boundaries are broken and characters enter or leave a room by stepping 'through' a wall onto the fore-stage.''"}}
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: Willy's a salesman. Guess what? {{spoiler|He dies.}}
** Some readers, however, expect the title to be a metaphor, or otherwise consider it too obvious of a giveaway, so they will get mad if you ruin the surprise.
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* [[Immediate Self Contradiction]]: Willy Loman falls prey to this trope, calling Biff a "lazy bum" and then later saying "There's one thing about Biff—he's not lazy."
* [[I Resemble That Remark]]: After Linda tells Willy he has to control his temper with Biff.
{{quote| '''Willy:''' When the hell did I lose my temper? I simply asked him if he was making any money. Is that a criticism?}}
* [[Jaded Washout]]: Willy Loman
* [[Jerk Jock]]: Young Biff.
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* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Happy (hence the name).
* [[Stocking Filler]]: The Woman.
{{quote| ''You promised me stockings, Willy!''}}
* [[Stupid Sacrifice]]: Willy is repeatedly offered a different job by his neighbor Charlie but always stubbornly refuses.
* [[This Loser Is You]]