Death to Smoochy: Difference between revisions

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* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|Rainbow Randolph. He's still crazy, though.}}
* [[Hope Spot]] / [[Ignored Epiphany]]: Randolph is framed for Spinner's murder, he finds himself hiding in an abandoned building. Here he realizes that he should give Smoochy a chance, believing that an intervention from a former fan of his during his suicide attempt, is a sign from god that he should just move on and admit Smoochy's the better man. However after seeing an ad for the Ice Show which specifically shows Smoochy with Nora, he's back to his Anti-Smoochy ways vowing to tear him apart with his bare hands.
* [[Informed Judaism|Informed Christianity]]: Very few moments with Rainbow Randolph show that he may be Christian. When he talks to Angelo, he believes the Devil sent Smoochy to mock him for his failure. When he's hiding from the cops he mentioned wanting to be a priest before he became a kid show host.
* [[The Irish Mob]]: Played for laughs.
* [[Large Ham]]: [[Robin Williams]], natch.