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* ''[[Inception]]'' is a deconstruction of the [[Determinator]]. {{spoiler|The eponymous act involves placing a single, simple idea deep into an unwitting subject's subconscious--that they will ''never'' be rid of. This single idea will define them for the rest of their lives, and both the primary protagonist and antagonist demonstrate how it can backfire. ''Spectacularly''.}}
* The Adam Sandler film ''[[Punch Drunk Love]]'', his first dramatic role, deconstructs everything about the typical "eccentric man-child" characters that Sandler usually plays. The pudding thing (something that would've been funny in any other Sandler movie) is just disturbing here.
** It goes from disturbing to cool when you realize the pudding thing was [[<!-- 28entrepreneur29%28entrepreneur%29 inspired by real life.]] -->
* ''[[The Breakfast Club]]'' was the definitive deconstruction of stock cliche high school movie characters for a whole generation, to the point where every teen movie made since has responded to it in one way or the other.
* Aside from showing the nightmarish life of an alcoholic, ''[[The Lost Weekend]]'' served to debunk the "lovable drunk" movie stereotype.
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