Deep Impact/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* When Leo gets to the house to ask Sarah to marry him, her father is obviously already concerned about home security. The neighborhood is already heading downhill - the area is a mess, and he's chaining up his motorcycle plus affixing bars to the windows. Where is his daughter? ''Out on her own, unsupervised, far away from the house!'' Nice to see he has his priorities straight.
** Yeah, it's amazing that he programmed his daughter's restraining bolt so poorly that she's capable of taking actions he didn't approve of on her own. What a bad parent.
* Why are there helicopters hovering over the traffic jam in the establishing shot? It's a few hours until impact! They can't be news choppers - there shouldn't be anyone home to broadcast to! What news organization has a staff ''that'' dedicated and wouldn't want to be home with their family?
** "Nyah-nyah! ''We're'' in helicopters and ''you're'' stuck on the highway!"