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== ''Deep Impact'' is racist propaganda. ==
In the future world of ''Deep Impact'', there's an African-American president (played by Morgan Freeman!). Immediately after this, [[Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies|giant world-killing rocks start falling]] out of the sky. Clearly, the [[Family -Unfriendly Aesop]] is supposed to be "God will punish us for electing a black president".
* Morgan Freeman plays God in ''[[Bruce Almighty]]'', so maybe he's punishing the world for electing himself president!
** ''Deep Impact'' is a parable about the importance of separation of Church and State.
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And in whatever metaficional universe these stories came out in, they were also released within a month of each other.
* As an aside, ''Mad Magazine'' did this to combine the two movies into one parody. The first half is ''Armageddon''; then they split the asteroid (or whatever), but both chunks are still heading to Earth so they can do a ''Deep Impact'' spoof as well.
* And the [[Adaptation Decay|adaptation]] takes place on the [[Star Trek (Franchise)|holodeck]], so what do you expect?
== ''Deep Impact'' is female, ''Armageddon'' is male. ==
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== The United States of America is well and truly screwed. ==
Half of the country just got wiped out by a tidal wave from the impact. China and Russia, being left completely untouched, can invade and take over what's left of America any time they want.
* This very plan was attempted in Stephen Baxter's ''Titan'', but the Chinese messed up their calculations regarding the asteroid's size and impact and caused [[The End of the World Asas We Know It]].
* On the other hand, the waters only reached as far as the Ohio and Tennessee valleys. Most places west of the Mississippi were probably OK, meaning the US still has its major food producers as well as the cities and military personnel stationed in the West.
* "The wave hit Europe and Africa." We can well and truly imagine that (mostly flat) Western Europe and (quite flat) Western Africa bought it, too. But as mentioned on the main page, there's no way a wave that size left ''any'' coast untouched.
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The United States is going to be rebuilding its own infrastructure, and trying to feed its own people left homeless by the tidal waves. So I doubt we'll be sending our much needed equipment to help the Russians. And god forbid there be a crop failure like those in the past in Russia because of all the space dust kicked up when the second comet ("Wolf") exploded. That's going to be a lot of people in the Russian Federation dying of starvation.
And if the above isn't bad enough, China might get the idea that Russia might think this is a good time to invade China - and [[Nuke 'Em|throw some nukes]] to solve the problem of a couple of several hundred million starving Russians on their doorstep.