Deep South: Difference between revisions

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** The episode "Boys Do Cry" is set in Texas.
** The recent episode "Back to the Pilot" hits two of the writers' favorite targets, the South and [[George W. Bush]], at the same time. Brian manages to prevent [[The War on Terror|9/11]] by warning himself in 1999; this causes Bush to lose the 2004 election because he didn't have the threat of terrorism with which to scare people, so he turns the Deep South into a new Confederacy and enters a nuclear war with the United States that ruins the country.
** [[Jerkass|Seth MacFarlane]] hosted an evening of ''Family Guy'' on Cartoon Network, and at one point made sure to state outright that his apparent disdain and hatred of the South was 100% sincere and that he wished every Southerner dead.
* ''[[Futurama]]'':
** Pays a visit to the submerged, forgotten city of... [[Atlanta]]. Yes, ''Atlanta'', largest city in Georgia and a major metropolitan area. Apparently the 1000-year timeskip has regressed this city back into a municipality inhabited by southern dandies, as all the "quality" people ([[My Friends and Zoidberg|and Jane Fonda]]) left when they airlifted the entire city out to float the ocean, built too much on it, and it sank. Appropriately, the episode this is from is called "The Deep South".
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** They did it again in "Worldwide Recorder Concert" where the class all travels to Arkansas, and Mr Garrison is forced to confront his father about molestation, {{spoiler|specifically, why his dad ''didn't'' molest him.}} The episode goes on to insinuate that Arkansans {{spoiler|other than Mr Garrison, Sr.}} are a bunch of child molesters.
* David Banner's ''That Crook'd Sipp'' was a [[One-Episode Wonder]] about the Beauregards, a dysfunctional family whose members embodied just about every unflattering Southern stereotype imaginable, from stuffy Old South plantation owners to unwashed rednecks.
== Other ==