Degrassi/Characters/Graduating Class of Season 11: Difference between revisions

Adding some information on Riley and Zane.
(Adding some information on Riley and Zane.)
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* [[Adorkable]]: He has his moments, particularly his awkwardness with dealing with coming out.
* [[Armoured Closet Gay]]: Seasons 8-9, finallyand camethen outthrough inhalf of season 10.
* [[The Atoner]]: Much of his development is him trying to conquer his anger problems and become a better person. In fact, most of his relationship dynamic with Zane is him trying to please Zane.
* [[The Beard]]: While he was using Fiona as his sexuality beard, she was using him to keep guys from hitting on her.
* [[Big Man on Campus]]: Holly J. specifically refers to him as such in season 9.
* [[Berserk Button]]: DON'T make fun of his sexuality, '''EVER.''' Homophobia in general and picking on Zane have become this as well.
* [[Brains and Brawn]]: Zane is a lot more well spoken and worldly than Riley. Riley usually trips over his words, and lacks tact, from inadvertently insulting Zane's ex to announcing his [[Nobody Poops|bathroom plans.]] This is arguably another aspect of his Flanderization, as in season 8 he's never shown to be unintelligent.
* [[Character Development]]: Justified as coming to terms with sexuality is far more gripping than relationship drama.
* [[Coming Out Story]]
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Him against Sav, and then both times against [[Jerk Jock|Owen]].
* [[Cure Your Gays]]: He actually seeks out a sexuality reparation therapist in season 9. It doesn't work.
* [[Estrogen Brigade Bait]]: Though he tends to have a bigger fanbase among gay fans than girl fans.
* [[Flanderization]]: His anger got played up a lot more after season 8. In season 8, he only got physically violent after he'd been on steroids and Sav was ''trying to take his phone from him'' whenever his gay crush was texting him, and then called him gay as an insult. Starting in season 9, however, he'll fly off the handle over much lesser issues. ''Beat It'' was particularly bad because it kind of sort of had him force himself on Fiona even though in literally every instance in which he interacts with women he's nicer and kinder towards them than he is with guys. Also in season 10 and 11 he's portrayed as [[Dumb Muscle]] although in earlier seasons he's never shown to be unintelligent or below average.
* [[Gay Aesop]]
* [[Gayngst]]
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: Part of his [[Flanderization]].
* [[BishonenHunk]]
* [[Homoerotic Subtext]]: with Peter.
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]
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* [[Momma's Boy]]: His mom still brings him breakfast in bed and cleans his room, and he eventually caves into her manipulations after coming out to her.
* [[Raging Stiffie]]: After seeing the hot lifeguard give mouth-to-mouth.
* [[Retcon]]: He was originally a part of the class of 2008, but he is now part of the 2011 class because his storyline proved interesting. Also, at the end of season 9 he seemed to come out of the closet, even kissing a guy he barely knows full on the lips in public, but then at the start of season 10 [[Get Back In the Closet|is back in the closet again]].
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: Manly Man to Peter and Zane.
* [[Straight Gay]]: He and Zane are quite literally the [[Straight Gay|poster boys]].
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Zane is Riley's friend and later, boyfriend. He is also gay and out of the closet. Unlike Riley, he is comfortable in his own skin which leads to them butting heads when Zane joins the football team in order to spend time with him. In the end, Zane convinces Riley to come out of the closet. Riley's family however, it's a different story. Riley breaks up with Zane then rather put him through his drama. His future plans include going to Eastern University -- with Riley.
* [[Bishonen]]
* [[Brains and Brawn]]: With Riley.
* [[Closet Key]]: Though Riley was already half-way out.
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* [[Flamboyant Gay]] | [[Straight Gay]]: Somewhere in-between the two, leaning more toward [[Straight Gay]]. His [[Character Blog|Twitter]] shows an interest in fine arts and fashion, and.... that's it, really. He's only flamboyant compared to Riley.
* [[Gayngst]]: A by-product of Riley's actions.
* [[JerkAssJerkass]]: [[Alternate Character Interpretation]] sees him as such. A big example of this would be whenever he tries to guilt trip Riley into coming out to his family, even though it has absolutely no effect on Zane and Riley's relationship whatsoever, and that Riley already had come out to his mom and got rewarded for it by having her refuse to look him in the eye or speak in complete sentences to him for months afterwards.
* [[Left Hanging]]: Invoked - Will Riley and Zane rekindle their relationship in college?
* [[Magical Queer]]: Helps Riley out with his sexuality and coming out.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Shows some hints of this. For example, whenever Drew was gaybashing Riley and threatening to out him, Zane tried to use this opportunity to make Riley come out. Another instance would be whenever Zane tries to guilt trip Riley into coming out to his homophobic family even though it's actually Riley's birthday.
* [[Pretty Boy]]
* [[Promotion to Opening Titles]]
* [[Satellite Character]]: He's not really that two-dimensional, but most of his characterization is based around Riley.