Degrassi/Recap/S10/E41 Chasing Pavements: Difference between revisions

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=== A Plot ===
Fiona stands before a group. She just completed her 28 day rehab, and she says out loud that she is an alcoholic. She says the alcohol helps her with her underlying problems. She said that she drinks, mainly to deal with her relationship issues and with her previous boyfriend, who abused her. She says she's an addict and pledges to work at it everyday. Holly J and Mrs. Coyne are with he, congratulating her and Fiona promises that Holly J doesn't have to help her anymore. And he's ready to face off with Bobby in court. But her mother wants to talk about that...At Fiona's apartment, Fiona's mom lays out the news: Bobby wants to settle out of court for dropping the charges. Fiona basically says screw that, but her mom is worried mainly because last time this was brought up, it [[Trigger|triggerred]] her drinking. Fiona says that she's better, she has coping techniques. Her mom still thinks it will be overwhelming.
At school, Fiona is looking on [[Brand X|Facerange]] at videos of Bobby and his new girlfriend Tinsley. Holly J comes by and asks what's up and Fiona said she's preparing herself for the trial. She says her mom thinks she isn't strong enough for the trial. Holly J encourages her and says all she needs to do is tell the truth. Just then, Adam walks by and awkwardly walks away. Holly J asks if she's talked with him at all and Fiona says no, and she hopes he doesn't think her drinking was because he's transgender. Fiona says that [[Foreshadowing|it can't be easy being different]] and wants Holly J to help convince her mom to go to trial.
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Tinsely's testimony is next. The defense lawyer questions her and she says Fiona is a loner, and says Bobby and her are involved. She says it's dramatic dating Bobby. The lawyer asks if Bobby seemed violent and Tinsely noticeably clams up. She finally says no. Fiona's lawyer pounces on her hesitation and asks if Bobby hit her. Tinsely says that when they were at a party, she was talking to some guy and [[Crazy Jealous Guy|Bobby got jealous]] and slapped her. The defense lawyer objects, saying that wasn't in her deposition and Tinsely says it only happened once. Fiona's lawyer then rests.
The verdict is next. Fiona is nervous as hell. The judge finds in favor of Fiona in the amount of 250,000 dollars. She then recommends Bobby see anger management. Fiona is happily surprised, Bobby not so much. Tinsley, walks out the courtroom and sends a secret smile to Fiona, to which she returns. Fiona hugs her very proud mother, and Holly J comes up for her hug. They hug, kiss each other cheeks and then Fiona plants a [[Smooch of Victory]] on Holly J. Holly J is surprised but Fiona is oblivious to her shock and she tells her she loves her and says her victory is because of her.
=== B Plot ===
Anya is so excited to start the CPR unit of gym. She's training to be a lifeguard and needs the training. Coach Armstrong splits the class into groups of four...and Anya ends up with Owen. Anya asks Chantay to desperately switch with her to which Chantay says no. Why should she go with a gross guy? She tells Anya to suck it up. The classes start their thrusting exercises and Anya's up first. She starts her compressions and Owen takes the chance to "help" her being straighten her arms. Anya uncomfortably says she doesn't need his help and then Owen brushes her hair and touches her shoulder says he's available if she wants help...Anya ignores him and breathes into the dummy and Owen remarks he'd do anything to be that dummy. Chantay gives him a look and Anya looks grossed out.
The next day, Anya is still shaking off the grossness. She talks about how Owen was all over her and Chantay says she didn't seem to mind since she didn't say anything. Anya says didn't want to complain in front of everyone. Anya decides to talk to Coach Armstrong about putting Owen in another group. Later, Owen is waiting for Anya and he wants to have a word with her. He says he was kicked out of CPR, thanks to her. Anya isn't very sympathetic to his plight. Owen says that he didn't know what he wrong and Anya runs down how [[Degrassi/Recap/S10 /E20 Still Fighting It|he treated Riley and Zane]] and and it's not out of the realm of possibility he would grope a girl. Owen says she's overreacted and didn't say anything, so how was he supposed to know? And now, he can't be a lifeguard his summer. Anya looks a bit remorseful about telling Coach Armstrong.
Later, Anya finds Owen at her locker. She thinks he's stalking her but Owen wants to talk. Owen apologizes for CPR class. Anya accepts it, but turns away. Owen says that he wasn't trying to make her uncomfortable and that he likes her. Anya says she doesn't like him like that and probably never will. Owen notices the "probably" and Anya switches it to "definitely."