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Often enough, Dem Bones are reused in the same game ''à la'' [[Underground Monkey]]. Expect, in the spirit of a Zombie Minotaur, to find [[Hybrid Monster|double-category monsters]], like a skeletal mammoth or dragon. Also for some odd reason, many games have even tougher skeletons that are [[Palette Swap|colored red]].
A prominent variation is a being composed of [[Nothing but Skulls|just a skull without a body]]. In this case, their ability to attack may be a simple bite, or through magic spells. They may or may not also have the power to defy gravity to compensate for the lack of legs. As trope examples indicate, there are a noticeably greater number of friendly talking skulls compared towith the rare friendly skeleton.
In video games, skeletal foes will often [[Ballistic Bone|attack by throwing bones]]. One cannot help but wonder where they get ''[[Pun|dem]]'' [[Pun|bones]] from. Some versions are difficult to harm with ordinary swords or arrows, but can be dealt with using blunt weapons or magic. But be warned: [[Sliding Scale of Undead Regeneration|many have the ability]] to [[Pulling Themselves Together|pull themselves back together]] after you knock them apart.