Demon's Souls/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Accidental Innuendo]]: Sometimes, the Maiden's line "Touch the demon inside me" sounds a lot different from what it should mean.
** Not to mention the item you use to give your weapon magic damage, ''Sticky White Stuff''.
** The Penetrator is going to [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|pierce through your armor with his long, long sword.]]
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: Many get this feeling after killing {{spoiler|Garl Vinland and Maiden Astraea.}}
** Some also get this feeling after {{spoiler|impaling the Dragon God with both spears, injuring him so badly all he can do is lie there, writhe in agony, and snort little spurts of fire until the player ends his pain.}}
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** The Thief Ring. While its effect doesn't sound too exciting on paper, it's actually incredibly effective, allowing you to sneak right past everything, sneak up on Black Phantoms and [[One-Hit Kill|soulsuck]] them and become invisible to invaders unless they move in on you (auras and such are still visible though)... oh, and it works on bosses too, including the [[Final Boss]].
** While not necessarily a game breaker, the Anti-Magic Field miracle can transform world 3 from "That One Level" into "Happy Squid Head Stab Time", since the squid headed guards (who have a powerful distance attack spell and a paralyzing field spell that they use to render you defenseless against a nearly 100% fatal attack) rely entirely on magic, and once you're up close to them, all they can do is try to cast while you stab them to death. It is strongly recommended that you get the 4-3 boss' demon soul, rescue Saint Urbain, and trade that soul for this miracle. It makes that entire world much, much easier. Just don't use it in co-op or pvp, since it can cause serious lag.
** Dual Katanas. While not gamebreaking for the singleplayer portion, these have [[Tier -Induced Scrappy|earned a lot of hate in PvP]]. Their attacks are fast, hard-hitting, and stamina-economic. To top it all off, it can combo a main-hand push into an off-hand attack, back into a main-hand push. The added damage following a push combined with the aforementioned stamina economy makes it possible to kill full-health opponents with one combo. To add insult to injury, it is one of the easiest combos in the game to land, as you can chain into it with three different attacks, all of which are powerful tools on their own.
*** Almost everything in Demon's Souls's [[PvP]] could be considered a game breaker. By casting [[Status Buff|Light Weapon]] [[Power Fist|on an Iron Knuckle]] you can kill a [[Mighty Glacier|high-vitality body form character with Second Chance active]] when they're at full health by headbutting them. It's an inescapable combo, unlike the Dual Katana combo mentioned above, [[Combo Breaker|which can be escaped]]. Despite all that, it's considered one of the worst set-ups in the game.
* [[Goddamned Bats]]: The Valley of Defilement has Giant Mosquitoes who are very annoying if you don't have ranged weapons or melee attacks that work well on them. There's also an annoying group of hard-to-hit rats in the first level of this section. The main mook enemies, the Depraved are also somewhat this; they aren't very dangerous singularly but they can come in hordes, like to sneak up on you, can cause status effects and have an irritating push attack (that can be outright dangerous in the first map with all its pitfalls).
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* [[Memetic Mutation]]: "This is <insert negative adjective here>, please evaluate me."
** "I'm in trouble, please recommend this message!"
** No, his name is Ostrava, not [[Armored Core (Video Game)|Otsdarva]].
*** [[Overly Long Gag|And no, the white sprinkly particles that came out of Tower Knight's feet when you attack it]] [[Wild Mass Guessing|are not]] [[Armored Core (Video Game)|Kojima Particles]].
* [[Moe]]:
** Yuria, if the fan art is to be believed. Sadly averted.
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** {{spoiler|The Old Monk's}} ridiculous hat. It makes him a whole lot less creepier.
* [[Needs More Love]]
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]: A few areas around Boletaria; the Prison of Hope especially, what with the mad prisoners, the royal mistress' singing, the iron maidens and the [[Dungeons and Dragons (Tabletop Game)|illithid]]-[[Expy|looking]] things...
** The plague babies in the Valley of Defilement. ''*shudder*''
** Are you afraid of anything? If so, Boletaria has something for you. Hate bugs? Enjoy the six-foot centipedes with four faces. Does body horror terrify you? Then the Old Monk or the prisoners should really terrify you. Scared of the dark or of heights? Then the first two areas of the Tower of Latria will make it hard for you to sleep.