Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)/Professional Wrestling: Difference between revisions

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== WWE ==
* Blueranger: Melina vs [[Alicia Fox]] at ''Summerslam 2010''. Whether or not you liked Alicia as champion, the way Melina completely buried her in that match is inexcusable. Melina can't help how she's booked (winning the match) but she can help the way she wrestles. Alicia was only able to get basic offence in that match and looked incredibly weak. [[It Got Worse]] in their rematch for the title - Alicia got no offence in whatsoever. For three minutes all Melina did was beat the crap non stop out of Alicia, burying her once again. These days Alicia is being used as a jobber while Melina got a push of her own and is still being booked strongly.
** SomeoneElse17: This ended up being instrumental within the culmination of another Dethroning Moment. One featuring this girl called Ariane on the 2011 revival of ''Tough Enough''. She screams about a [[Your Mileage May Vary|sensibly]] sexist remark by one of the male contestants. While all we see from her is complaining about not looking "Divalicious" during a janitorial task, pulling her pants up the whole frickin' time while running the ropes, and [[Hypocrite|trying to argue with the other girl on the chopping block about who has passion for wrestling when said argument is easily hypocritical on both sides]]. Shortly after this, [[Stone Cold Steve Austin]], barely even prying, [[Idiot Ball|listens to her her refer to wrestling as her "new" passion]]. Then, when he asks her, she tell him that her favorite match in the history of the business [[Too Dumb to Live|is the above squashing of Fox by Melina]]. Knowing that the current [[Beauty Contest|Miss USA]] is on the show and thus probably supposed to be a [[CreatorsCreator's Pet]]/[[The Scrappy|Scrappy]], had Austin NOT sent this bitch packing it would've gone into [[So Bad ItsIt's Horrible (Darth Wiki)/WWE|So Bad It's Horrible]].
* Rickysayshi: ''Survivor Series 2006'', [[Lita]]'s farewell from WWE. Who honestly thought this up? After years of dedication she gets sent away by having Cryme Tyme give a "Ho Sale" and sell her "belongings" that include her panties, tampons and a dildo. And you want to know the kicker? Before the segment starts you can see a security guy confiscating a "Thank You Lita" sign from a group of people in the crowd.
* gurudyne: [[Jersey Shore|Snooki]] debuting in Wrestlemania 27. Wrestlemania, as in the crown jewel of WWE's [[PP Vs]], the event that exists as a hallmark of each participating wrestler's career. Sure, it's never been completely free of gimmicks or special guests, but I honestly can't remember someone less deserving of screentime at Wrestlemania, let alone a match. [[Bryan Danielson]] was bumped off the card for Snooki's match. To make matters worse, this reeks of something TNA would pull.
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* [[Tropers/Kilgore Trout|Kilgore Trout]]: I took a break from WWE starting in 2003. There was stuff on the show that made me uncomfortable, such as the infamous Katie Vick stuff, and a sketch involving the Hurricane and Rosey where Rosey tried to rescue a cat from a tree as part of his superhero training and ended up killing it, but I kept watching...until the Iraq War began and [[Vince McMahon]] decided to crank the [[Patriotic Fervor]] [[Up to Eleven]]. I distinctly remember [[Jim Ross]] talking about how great it was that the U.S. was invading that country, taking time out of a pay-per-view to do it no less. And then came the [ debate between Scott Steiner and Christopher Nowinski]. Which, as I recall, was preceded a week earlier by Nowinski walking out with a mic to talk about how wrong it was for the U.S. to invade Iraq, prompting [[Scott Steiner|Steiner]] to run out and kick his ass on behalf of all "true Americans". And then came "La Resistance", who were heels because they were from France, which had objected to the invasion you see. There was only so long I could continue to watch a show that kept on villifying people with my beliefs and creating [[Strawman Political]] heels for the babyfaces to destroy. I really felt like Vince's message was "If you're not behind [[George W Bush]] 100%, then you also deserve an asskicking like Nowinski's getting and like La Resistance are getting."
* Goldeneye101: I'd say the [[CM Punk]] / Cena Feud after Money In the Bank 2011. Not only did the aforementioned tournament happened, but at the actual match, [[Kevin Nash]] attacks Punk after he wins and [[Alberto Del Rio]] wins the title by cashing in the Money in the Bank. Cena gets pissy because him and Punk work their asses off to end in THAT. There then is a No. 1 contender matchup, where Nash interferes again by distracting Punk. Cena, completely contradicting his actions last week, capitalizes on it to win.
* clownishchimp: The whole [[Triple H]] as the COO angle. Before that the angle was about [[CM Punk]] shooting on [[Vince McMahon]] and WWE, taking shots at their behind the scenes activities and their attempt at a PG public image. As a result Vince suspended him and decided to give someone else a shot at the title until [[John Cena]] confronted him and demanded that Punk get his shot or he would walk out. Vince agrees but says if [[You Have Failed Me|Cena fails to beat Punk, he is fired]]. So Punk gets his shot, and despite Vince's attempts at another [[Montreal Screwjob]], Punk wins and escapes with the title. At this point WWE is getting a ton of praise over the angle and people can't wait to see what happens next. The following night they hold a tournament to crown a new WWE Champion, while Cena is about to be fired by Vince, making people wonder if Vince would actually do it or not. Then the angle goes downhill when [[Triple H]] shows up completely out of the blue and announces that the Board of Directors has relieved Vince of his duties (even though [[Vince McMahon]] is the majority owner of the company) and that he is the new COO. There's also the fact that this is [[Vince McMahon]] the man whose been running WWE since the 80's and brought wrestling to the mainstream and boom periods such as the [[Rock N Wrestling]] and {{Attitude Era [[Attitude Eras]]}}, and who has played the [[Big Bad]] of WWE programming since the [[Montreal Screwjob]], and yet he's just kicked out of his own company out of nowhere and dropped and forgotten about like a bad date, just to stop him from firing Cena. It gets worse when Cena simply gets the title back the next week and Punk shows up right after he wins it. This has lead to an extremely confusing angle in which HHH and Punk are feuding, yet neither wants to do a [[Face Heel Turn]], making it hard for the fans to figure out who to root for. Then at Summerslam Punk beats Cena to be undisputed WWE champion, but is then attacked by [[Kevin Nash]] so that [[Alberto Del Rio]], a heel whom WWE had pushed to the moon despite his lack of overness with the fans, can become the new champion. So Cena is now busy feuding with Del Rio for the title, while the angle turns into a three-way feud between Punk, HHH, and Nash(who is the one playing the heel), two of them being semi-retired from in-ring competition. There's a whole mystery over who sent the text to Nash, but he then reveals he sent it to himself, so HHH fires him. HHH and Punk finally face each other at Night of Champions, which has interference from [[The Miz]], [[Ron Killings|R-Truth]], and Nash, and HHH winds up winning the match, thus burying Punk. He then fires Miz and R-Truth and makes a Triple Threat match for HIAC between Punk, Cena (who beat Del Rio cleanly to win the title), and Del rio for the title. It ends with Del Rio winning the title despite just losing it weeks ago when Miz and R-Truth attack Punk. This incident leads to the entire roster becoming threatened by an "unsafe workplace"(yeah, they are afraid of the [[Smug Snake|MIZ]] of all people), and pretty much everyone on the roster walks out since they do not have confidence in [[Triple H]] and want him to step down. Yes, almost the entire roster pulls a [[Face Heel Turn]] because they do not support HHH, whom is being portrayed as the sympathetic face of the storyline. And there's no end in sight for this angle. To make things even [[It Got Worse|worse]], they are playing up [[Yes Man|John Laurinitis]] as the [[The Man Behind the Man|the person, or one of the people, behind the conspiracy]], meaning that potentially the angles payoff of this whole storyline is a semi-retired [[Triple H]] fighting one of his [[Vince McMahon|father-in-law's]] former stooges for control over WWE. Alternatively it could also lead to yet another feud between [[Triple H]] and his wife [[Stephanie McMahon]] for control over their father/father-in-law's company. What would make the latter potentially worse is that it may extend to Wrestlemania 28, in which the Wrestlemania ten years earlier saw the last feud between HHH and Stephanie, which was terrible and the match that the feud was building up to, HHH vs [[Chris Jericho]], [[Epic Fail|somehow got to be the final match on the card over]] [[Dwayne Johnson|The Rock]] vs [[Hulk Hogan|Hollywood Hulk Hogan]], one of the biggest matches of all time. And Wrestlemania 28 has Rock vs Cena as the schedule main event. [[Fridge Horror|Which means WWE could be repeating history by booking HHH and Stephanie's marriage problems over one of the biggest, most anticiopate matches of all time.]] So basically it looks like this whole thing is just to make HHH [[CreatorsCreator's Pet|the center]] [[Spot Light Spotlight-Stealing Squad|of attention]] once again. And as big as this rant is, it still probably doesn't fully cover how bad this is, but I will leave that to anyone else who has something to say about it.
** ryu238: I was alright with the whole angle up until [[Kevin Nash]] opened his mouth on the Raw after SummerSlam. (Though they really should've held off longer on CM Punk's return till at least after SummerSlam) The whole angle died right there and then despite the WWE's attempts to revive it with Miz and R-Truth. And then it died again once Nash said [[Shocking Swerve|he sent the text.]] How does that make sense? And while the vote of no confidence angle was compelling, [[Fridge Logic]] took some of the excitement away, and then WWE screwed that up by making the angle null and void, and shit, by resolving it the next week by having everybody just come back in because Trips was replaced by Laurenitis. And [[Vince McMahon]], who we really never expected to see again, announced it by interrupting a exciting match. [[Epic Fall]] doesn't begin to describe how badly the whole thing was handled.
** [[Tn Adct 1]]: Oh god, the "vote of confidence" segment is pretty much one of the worst segments ever written for a WWE program, as there's so many problems in that bit that I'm likely going to miss one of them. First, the whole reason for this "vote of confidence" has to do with the talent feeling unsafe due to recent run-ins by recently "fired" wrestlers [[The Miz]] and R-Truth. In other words, they are complaining about stuff that's the norm in any wrestling league. That's like saying that hockey players feeling that their sport is unsafe due to the amount of body checking in their games. Second, outside of a referee and [[Jerry Lawler]] (who himself provides another problem in that he votes "no confidence" despite the fact that he clearly points out that this is not [[Triple H]]'s fault, but rather someone conspiring to overthrow him), everyone who spoke against [[Triple H]] were heel wrestlers. Making things worse, among those complaining are [[Hypocrite|Wade Barrett (whose actions during the initial Nexus attack the previous year were far worse than what Miz and R Truth did), MarkHenry (who is booked as a vicious monster heel and had attacked Lawler two weeks prior), and BethPheonix (who feels that these run-ins may result in the Divas getting harmed, despite the fact that she's a monster heel Diva and one of only two females to ever wrestled in a Royal Rumble match)]]. In other words, it's [[Straw Hypocrite|hypocrisy]] at its worst. Third, WWE bookers purposely had all the top faces ([[John Cena]], [[CM Punk]]) not take part in this bit, as they didn't want them to receive heat during the walk-out at the end. Hence, rather than have Cena come out and obviously call out all the bull that's been going on here (and hopefully encourage the faces and non-wrestling staff to give a vote of confidence), it turns into basically a thing to make [[Triple H]] feel sympathetic to the fans. Finally, [[Spot Light Spotlight-Stealing Squad|this whole event]] took prominence over actually getting things ready for Vengeance, resulting in two PPV's in a row in which there's only two weeks to have the Raw portion of the card built up before the event.
*** Gravityman: It would have been better if [[Triple H]] had pointed out the hypocrisy, or more accurately, [[Triple H]] did point out how stupid it was for them to choose Wade Barrett to voice the opinion (to be fair, he had way more to work with than just that, as you said). Also, the heels who were leading the no-confidence vote (Christian, [[Dolph Ziggler]], [[Cody Rhodes]]) are intended to come off as whiny, as once again, [[Triple H]] basically pointed out that run-ins are something that's been happening since pro wrestling was pro wrestling. Although, once again, the others have no excuse for letting guys who have an obvious interest in getting Triple H out for their own goals lead them.
* [[On Soaring Wings]]: 11-22-11 [[Daniel Bryan]] cashes in Money in the Bank against a knocked out [[Mark Henry]], and wins the World Heavyweight Title only for Theodore Long to come out and declare that since Henry was unable to compete the title change was null and void. I'm sorry doesn't that completely fly in the face of almost every single money in the bank cash in ever!? [[Negative Continuity]] should not be used to justify screwing a face over, especially an [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] like Bryan
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* erics: At TNA's ''Against All Odds'' '12, Jesse Sorenson accidentally takes a knee to the top of the skull, temporarily paralyzing him and almost killing him. The very next night on Raw, in order to help [[John Cena]] get over even more, Kane throws an already "injured" [[Zack Ryder]] off the stage, "paralyzing" him.
* [[Tropers/Das Nordlicht 91|Das Nordlicht 91]]: At ''[[Wrestlemania]] XXVIII'', [[Daniel Bryan]] vs. [[Sheamus]] for the World Heavyweight Championship opened the show. You would expect a back-and-forth and hard-fought match to get the crowd going for what could be one of the best [[Wrestlemania]] events in recent memory, right? {{spoiler|1=Nope. Sheamus squashes Bryan in 18 seconds flat with one Brogue Kick to become the new WHC. I mean, wow. You've got two guys who were bumped off WM27 the year prior in a big title match, and it ends in eighteen fucking seconds. Wow.}}
* Tropers/Renelia: Going back in time, it has to be TheInvasion and what went wrong. It was supposed to be the biggest angle in (then) [[WWE|WWF]] history. Now, I understand that some of the wrestlers they couldn't get a hold of because of contractual issues. The main problem was that it had a lot of potential and it ended up [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|utterly wasted]] because of unknown reasons. What causes this to be even worse: the wrestlers that were "too expensive", with the exception of Sting, ended up wrestling in the WWF/WWE in the (then) near-future! However, what made this a real wall banger: The so-called WWF vs. WCW battle royal match in November 2001...the last two wrestlers were from the WWF during the Attitude Era. It may have been a deliberate plot for WWF to screw over what was left of WCW, but the entire angle was poorly planned and it's no wonder why it's remembered as one of the [[So Bad ItsIt's Horrible (Darth Wiki)/WWE|worst angles in WWE history.]]
* KantonKage: [[John Laurinaitis]] defeating [[John Cena]] at Over The Limit 2012. Didn't make sense in any way possible. [[The Big Show]] comes out and when you think he's out for revenge after being humilated and reduced to tears. Nope, he goes and WMD'd Cena and Laurinaitis still has a job. And in the words of [[John Cena]] '''[[You Have Gotta Be Kidding ME|What The Hell]]!!!'''