Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)/Professional Wrestling: Difference between revisions

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== WWE ==
* Blueranger: Melina vs [[Alicia Fox]] at ''Summerslam 2010''. Whether or not you liked Alicia as champion, the way Melina completely buried her in that match is inexcusable. Melina can't help how she's booked (winning the match) but she can help the way she wrestles. Alicia was only able to get basic offence in that match and looked incredibly weak. [[It Got Worse]] in their rematch for the title - Alicia got no offence in whatsoever. For three minutes all Melina did was beat the crap non stop out of Alicia, burying her once again. These days Alicia is being used as a jobber while Melina got a push of her own and is still being booked strongly.
** SomeoneElse17: This ended up being instrumental within the culmination of another Dethroning Moment. One featuring this girl called Ariane on the 2011 revival of ''Tough Enough''. She screams about a [[Your Mileage May Vary|sensibly]] sexist remark by one of the male contestants. While all we see from her is complaining about not looking "Divalicious" during a janitorial task, pulling her pants up the whole frickin' time while running the ropes, and [[Hypocrite|trying to argue with the other girl on the chopping block about who has passion for wrestling when said argument is easily hypocritical on both sides]]. Shortly after this, [[Stone Cold Steve Austin]], barely even prying, [[Idiot Ball|listens to her her refer to wrestling as her "new" passion]]. Then, when he asks her, she tell him that her favorite match in the history of the business [[Too Dumb to Live|is the above squashing of Fox by Melina]]. Knowing that the current [[Beauty Contest|Miss USA]] is on the show and thus probably supposed to be a [[Creator's Pet]]/[[The Scrappy|Scrappy]], had Austin NOT sent this bitch packing it would've gone into [[So Bad It's Horrible (Darth Wiki)/WWE|So Bad It's Horrible]].
* Rickysayshi: ''Survivor Series 2006'', [[Lita]]'s farewell from WWE. Who honestly thought this up? After years of dedication she gets sent away by having Cryme Tyme give a "Ho Sale" and sell her "belongings" that include her panties, tampons and a dildo. And you want to know the kicker? Before the segment starts you can see a security guy confiscating a "Thank You Lita" sign from a group of people in the crowd.
* gurudyne: [[Jersey Shore|Snooki]] debuting in Wrestlemania 27. Wrestlemania, as in the crown jewel of WWE's [[PP Vs]], the event that exists as a hallmark of each participating wrestler's career. Sure, it's never been completely free of gimmicks or special guests, but I honestly can't remember someone less deserving of screentime at Wrestlemania, let alone a match. [[Bryan Danielson]] was bumped off the card for Snooki's match. To make matters worse, this reeks of something TNA would pull.
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** Voidekat: To make things even clearer, that long awaited title that Christian truly deserved? His first ever one? The one that made everybody happy? The heartwarming moment? All scrapped in less than two days.
*** Gravityman: Christian did win the title back a little while later, but unfortunately they apparently decided that Christian isn't allowed to look competent or anything. To put the belt on him, they put them in a match were if Orton gets disqualified, Christian gets the belt. The match then ends with... Orton randomly kicking Christian in the junk, a move so bizarrely out of character that it comes off as nothing but incredibly forced.
* Jables6: [[John Cena]] and [[Alberto Del Rio]] failed to stop CM Punk from escaping MITB with the championship. In repsonse, Vince holds a tournament of eight superstars, and none of them is Cena. [[Rey Mysterio, Jr.]] and [[The Miz]] enter the finals, but their match is postponed by Vince, who wanted to fire Cena in front of the entire WWE universe. Cue HHH. He walks in, not only to stop Vince from firing Cena, but to fire Vince as well, with HHH taking his place. Fast forward one week. Mysterio beats the Miz to obtain not only the first post-McMahon championship, but his first world championship. Now all that's left is to see how long it will be before Del Rio cashes in his MITB. Then, [[Triple H]] pulls what many sports analysts call a 'dick move' and forces Mysterio to defend his title against none other than John Cena in the same night. in less than two hours, Mysterio lost his championship, and not even [[CM Punk]] walking out with the real belt around his waist his old indy theme, Cult Of Personality, blaring through the speakers could end the fan rage felt that night.
* [[Tropers/Kilgore Trout|Kilgore Trout]]: I took a break from WWE starting in 2003. There was stuff on the show that made me uncomfortable, such as the infamous Katie Vick stuff, and a sketch involving the Hurricane and Rosey where Rosey tried to rescue a cat from a tree as part of his superhero training and ended up killing it, but I kept watching...until the Iraq War began and [[Vince McMahon]] decided to crank the [[Patriotic Fervor]] [[Up to Eleven]]. I distinctly remember [[Jim Ross]] talking about how great it was that the U.S. was invading that country, taking time out of a pay-per-view to do it no less. And then came the [ debate between Scott Steiner and Christopher Nowinski]. Which, as I recall, was preceded a week earlier by Nowinski walking out with a mic to talk about how wrong it was for the U.S. to invade Iraq, prompting [[Scott Steiner|Steiner]] to run out and kick his ass on behalf of all "true Americans". And then came "La Resistance", who were heels because they were from France, which had objected to the invasion you see. There was only so long I could continue to watch a show that kept on villifying people with my beliefs and creating [[Strawman Political]] heels for the babyfaces to destroy. I really felt like Vince's message was "If you're not behind [[George W. Bush]] 100%, then you also deserve an asskicking like Nowinski's getting and like La Resistance are getting."
* Goldeneye101: I'd say the [[CM Punk]] / Cena Feud after Money In the Bank 2011. Not only did the aforementioned tournament happened, but at the actual match, [[Kevin Nash]] attacks Punk after he wins and [[Alberto Del Rio]] wins the title by cashing in the Money in the Bank. Cena gets pissy because him and Punk work their asses off to end in THAT. There then is a No. 1 contender matchup, where Nash interferes again by distracting Punk. Cena, completely contradicting his actions last week, capitalizes on it to win.
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* erics: At TNA's ''Against All Odds'' '12, Jesse Sorenson accidentally takes a knee to the top of the skull, temporarily paralyzing him and almost killing him. The very next night on Raw, in order to help [[John Cena]] get over even more, Kane throws an already "injured" [[Zack Ryder]] off the stage, "paralyzing" him.
* [[Tropers/Das Nordlicht 91|Das Nordlicht 91]]: At ''[[Wrestlemania]] XXVIII'', [[Daniel Bryan]] vs. [[Sheamus]] for the World Heavyweight Championship opened the show. You would expect a back-and-forth and hard-fought match to get the crowd going for what could be one of the best [[Wrestlemania]] events in recent memory, right? {{spoiler|1=Nope. Sheamus squashes Bryan in 18 seconds flat with one Brogue Kick to become the new WHC. I mean, wow. You've got two guys who were bumped off WM27 the year prior in a big title match, and it ends in eighteen fucking seconds. Wow.}}
* Tropers/Renelia: Going back in time, it has to be TheInvasion and what went wrong. It was supposed to be the biggest angle in (then) [[WWE|WWF]] history. Now, I understand that some of the wrestlers they couldn't get a hold of because of contractual issues. The main problem was that it had a lot of potential and it ended up [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|utterly wasted]] because of unknown reasons. What causes this to be even worse: the wrestlers that were "too expensive", with the exception of Sting, ended up wrestling in the WWF/WWE in the (then) near-future! However, what made this a real wall banger: The so-called WWF vs. WCW battle royal match in November 2001...the last two wrestlers were from the WWF during the Attitude Era. It may have been a deliberate plot for WWF to screw over what was left of WCW, but the entire angle was poorly planned and it's no wonder why it's remembered as one of the [[So Bad It's Horrible (Darth Wiki)/WWE|worst angles in WWE history.]]
* KantonKage: [[John Laurinaitis]] defeating [[John Cena]] at Over The Limit 2012. Didn't make sense in any way possible. [[The Big Show]] comes out and when you think he's out for revenge after being humilated and reduced to tears. Nope, he goes and WMD'd Cena and Laurinaitis still has a job. And in the words of [[John Cena]] '''[[You Have Gotta Be Kidding ME|What The Hell]]!!!'''