Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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* [[Tropers/The Dragoness|The Dragoness]]: [[Duke Nukem Forever]]. Now this game was a dozen years in the making, and at best it was decent. There was a Capture the Babe mode that leaned towards [[Black Comedy Rape]], and there was the [[Disappointing Last Level]] creeping in. However they're not on the list. What makes this the [[Dethroning Moment of Suck]], I think we know where this is going, is the [[Dead Baby Comedy|Alien Hive level]]. Now alien rape is something I'm fine with in the context of the story, however Duke comes across the twins he was with at the start of the game, who have been kidnapped, raped and are about to die a horrible death. For as much of a misogynist Duke is he's always been portrayed as genuinely loving and caring of women. How does he react to their plight?
{{quote|"Guess you're...fucked."}}
* Strategia: [[Heroes of Might and Magic]] V, the Hammers of Fate expansion. [[Good Is Not Nice]] / [[Light Is Not Good]] was well-established with Isabel and the Griffin Empire in the main game. It got jarring at some points, sure, when Isabel was carrying an Idiot Ball you could crush an elephant with, but that kind of fit with her character. In the first campaign of [[Ho F]], the viewpoint switches to Freyda, who bears more than a passing resemblance to Isabel (minus the ruthlessness and being queen, ofc, and with a whole lot more naïveté), who gets sent off with a bloodthirsty murderer, an archbishop who's downright creepy when he's not being a total jackass, and an army of new, more than a little questionable troops (Griffins whose description hints that their "training" is little more than animal abuse, heavy infantry with horns and spikes all over their armour), to suppress some rebellions. The explanation Freyda is given is that the rebels are demonic cultists, evidenced by random low-level demons appearing out of nowhere, which means you get to murder hundreds of peasants, burn their huts, and then capture and raze entire cities, and watch Freyda's uncle get murdered in cold blood. She has deep misgivings about the whole affair, but continues with it anyway out of sheer bloody-minded loyalty, like someone combined [[Honor Before Reason]] with an [[Idiot Ball]] that would make Atlas proud. That's annoying to be sure, but it only forms part of this [[D Mo S]]DMoS. Playing the scenarios themselves, when I go beyond mere gameplay and stats and think about what it is I'm doing, I get deeply disturbed and disgusted. I'm commanding an army of elite soldiers, ravaging the countryside killing everyone they meet, for trumped-up reasons, in the service of an all-powerful, unquestioned leader of an increasingly zealous empire. I'm roleplaying the fantasy version of a Waffen-SS death squad. There's [[Good Is Not Nice]], there's [[Light Is Not Good]], and there's this - after the first mission or two, there's no justification for what you're doing, and it makes me feel sick just to sit through the cutscenes or burn down another town or two. I can never finish a mission in one sitting. This goes far, FAR beyond establishing that Isabel is not a Good queen, even knowing the reason behind it. I cannot fathom why the developers felt it necessary to stretch that storyline, which could have easily fit in one, maybe two missions, into a whole campaign. Not cool, Nival. Not cool.
** Fofa: Wanna know what makes this even better? It turns out Biara was disguising herself as Isabel all along. Then it's shown in the Dungeon campaign after the Dwarf missions that the real Isabel was with Raelag all this time, giving many players the impression that they were "spending quality time together". Later [[Word of God]] statements only served to send this further into [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|Wall Banger]] territory: they answered that only Raelag caught on to Biara disguising herself as the fake queen, so he went to rescue Isabel by himself and it escaping from Sheog is a time consuming affair. First, this wasn't even implied at all in the cutscenes, so that could've been re-written, and second, why the hell didn't Raelag say anything?! [[Poor Communication Kills|If he told the other heroes who were with him at the time, all those innocent people might still be alive and averted most of the damage that was done]]. Definitely the lowest point of the series' writing, reminding me why I rarely play the campaign modes.
* [[Tropers/Jicragg|Jicragg]]: ''[[Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors]]'': While the vast majority of this game is superb, good story, good characters, good puzzles, it was wonderful. The full/True/100% ending had one horrific reveal that ruined this almost perfect game. I am quite happy with the background of the story, that {{spoiler|Young Akane needed to connect with future Junpei so she could save herself in the past from being burnt to death alive.}} What completely destroyed the entire sturdy plot was what held it all together. The reason why {{spoiler|Young Akane ended up in the incinerator in the first place. She, "young" 'Seven' and other people, including her own brother, were escaping from the incinerator and a group of insane maniacs forcing them to do life or death puzzles. She was ahead of them on the stairs when she realised she dropped something... a doll. So she went back down to get... a doll... and got caught by the then [[Big Bad]] and forced to do the puzzle before she burnt to death.}} Seriously! The whole story hinged on a piece of fabric! A meaningless piece of fabric shaped to be {{spoiler|a doll}}! I had absolutely no intention of saving her. All that the other characters had been through (and since you need all the endings to get this one, you see everybody die at least once) because she wanted her {{spoiler|doll}}. The sad music plays over all of this and the final puzzle and you're supposed to care and feel sorry {{spoiler|that a [[Too Dumb to Live]] girl would go back to where she's been running away from to get a doll she got from a friend when another one could be bought easily.}} She even says she mustn't let anybody see her get it back because they would talk her out of it. Of course they would! They're smart! Any feelings I had towards the characters ([[Moe Moe|cute and likeable]]) was replaced with utter disgust. I felt robbed and cheated. I bought this game, spent time on it, expecting something great and wonderful... and it all ended with {{spoiler|a doll}}. And since the game is all about not judging things by its covers I think it worked out ironically for them. The game is great but was shattered by that... one little thing...