Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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* [[Tropers/Demonsead|Demonsead]]: Near the end of The Answer, a [[Playable Epilogue]] included in [[Persona 3|Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3]] [[Updated Rerelease|FES]], after finally getting through the hell that was The Abyss of Time, each member of SEES(except Metis) is given a key that would allow them to either leave the dorm(which would make the Abyss disappear) or use the door the the [[Silent Protagonist|Main Character's]] dorm room(which is impossible to open normally for some reason) to travel back in time to {{spoiler|the date of their final battle against the Nyx Avatar.}} Everyone is in agreement to leave....except [[Implied Love Interest|Yukari]], who wanted to use the keys to {{spoiler|save the Main Character's life.}} This leads to a disagreement about whether it was right or not to {{spoiler|undo his death, both for ethical reasons and for the possibility of fighting the Nyx Avatar again, and possibly losing.}}Yukari [[Wallbanger|ignores all of this]], [[Hannibal Lecture|says Junpei is just afraid to die]], Calls [[Changing of the Guard|Aigis]] out on {{spoiler|not saying goodbye with the rest of SEES to the Protagonist after he died}}, says everyone else only cares about themselves, and single-handedly causes SEES to fight for the keys with the winner having them all. All of this unnecessary drama could have been avoided if she just accepted the past and the action of the Main Character like everyone else and just left the dorm, goddammit Yukari.
** [[Tropers/Hoki|Hoki]] : For me, it was not Yukari's decision to fight for the keys to go back in time {{spoiler|to save the Main Character's life.}} that was the moment of suck (her grief was partly understandable). It was the fact that the supposed smartest person in the group backed her up for no apparent reason (other than probably having an even playing field) knowing full well of the possible implications of going back in time. So much for being an honor student.
* [[Tropers/Namco|Namco]]: The last 10% of [[Suikoden V]]. While an otherwise refreshing game that wonderfully shows the implications of leadership of a queendom, the last bit is a horrid, horrid, Asspull to the story. Just after the last War battle, and fighting {{spoiler|Allenia and Zahaak}}, the story spews out [[Ass Pull]] so [[Creator's Pet|Creator Pets]], Gizel and Marscal Godwin are redeemed. I expected that after having every last of his plans destroyed, all of Falena agianst him after their {{spoiler|Genocide}} plot, and even losing his home, I expected resident [[Smug Snake]] Gizel to go out into one of the biggest [[Villainous Breakdown]] in video game history. Instead, he goes off on a tangent about how the sun rune warped his and his father's minds into doing the worse things they did, and before you can call them on it, he then says they still knew what they were doing all along and were doing it for Falena's prosperity. There is so much wrong with this namely, they say the rune affteced them because they were near it. There are many, many, times where you see scholars in the same room as the damn thing, and they aren't afflicted at all! and the Godwins spend maybe 5% of the time they are in the room with it. Hey, if it afflicts those near it, how could anyone ever approach the Queen without being influenced themselves? Gizel's {{spoiler|death}} after his duel with the Prince is handled in such a way that [[Tear Jerker]] is impossible. After everything he did to screw with every citizen of Falena, players are supposed to feel [[Sympathy for The Devil]] which is very hard to do after watching the Meanwhile scenes: his [[Smug Snake]] personality is [[Up to Eleven]] as {{spoiler|the new Knight Commander}}. Despite the fact the game could have ended there (Lym even points out how dumb it is that there's still more to do), developers felt the need for a textbook example of Xen Syndrome with Ashtal Mountain. It is the [[Scrappy Level]] of the game (Minus Twilight Forest) with [[Let's Split Up, Gang!]] which, filled with [[Demonic Spiders]] and while done before in ruins, this time apperantly, the game needed padding for the dungeon of a boss (All [[That One Boss]] for bonus points) for each of the three parties (when you likely have maybe a party and a half of leveled characters to this point) and an extremely unsatisfying final boss which is a [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere]]. {{spoiler|Marscal}} taking the sun rune here is an absolute Wallbanger. The final boss comes about because he's testing whether the Prince will be a good royal...except there's only ending in which he even becomes {{spoiler|Knight Commander}}, and most probably shelled out for the 60-107 star ending. Afterwards, {{spoiler|Lyon will die if you didn't 60 or more stars, or}} they will have a [[Disney Acid Sequence]], and see the Prince's {{spoiler|dead}} parents. What makes even this a fail? {{spoiler|Zahaak and Allenia}} are there, and happy for them. The same girl who was going to kill the prince for Gizel is clapping for him. It is such a jarring [[Character Derailment]] for her after that it ruins the whole scene. Worse still, Gizel and Marstal are there, and happy as well, as if the whole thing was just for the Prince to be a better himself. This almost ruins the entirely because of how [[Out of Character]] everyone is. The final nail in the coffin? The Antaganists are five feet away from {{spoiler|Ferid and Arshtot}}, and they don't even so much as repremend them, let alone call them out on everything they've done and how they haven't the right to act as if every death was just so the Prince could beat the Sun rune.
* [[Tropers/Anarchy Balsac|Anarchy Balsac]]: [[Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne]] has the True Demon Ending. {{spoiler|You kill everything and everybody just to help some emo kid who's sore about getting his ass kicked grind his ax with God. Granted, God is supposed to be evil up until and through this game, but clearly you are too if you did this just to go after him.}}
** [[Tropers/Jay Ju Jay Me Man|Jay Ju Jay Me Man]]: Made worse by the fact that you have to work hard to get this ending. You must complete a [[Bonus Dungeon]], and face the game's [[True Final Boss]].
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** [[Tropers/Abodos|Abodos]]: In contrast with about [[Broken Base|half]] the people who played the game, I generally liked the gameplay but found the story to be passable, neither great nor abysmal. The part that really left a bad taste in my mouth, however, was the whole sequence between the awesome battle with {{spoiler|the Queen Metroid}} and the end credits. {{spoiler|The whole introduction of Melissa and her backstory felt very rushed and contrived, and the "boss battle," [[Anticlimax Boss|which consists of you merely aiming (not shooting) at Melissa]], was very poorly done, especially in contrast to the previous battle}}. I hope that next time, Nintendo will look back at this game when making the next entry in the series and preserve the good parts while avoiding mistakes such as these.
* [[Tropers/Videogmer 314|Videogmer 314]]: [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers (Video Game)|Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky]]. The Perfect Apples incident. {{spoiler|You're supposed to go to Apple Forest to collect Perfect Apples because Team Skull ate the stock while the guild was sleeping. Team Skull, being the jerks they are decide to give you a hard time (again) and follow you. When you get there, Team Skull has beaten you to the punch and ambushes you, then steals the apples. Chatot decides this is somehow your team's fault, and he punishes you by making you go without dinner and face the wrath of the Guildmaster, only to find that Team Skull has saved one apple just for Wigglytuff just to rub salt into the wounds. The next morning, [[Ted Baxter]] Chatot pretty much tells you "Don't get your hopes up" when asked about being picked to go on the upcoming expedition. This is what solidifies Chatot's status as [[The Scrappy]] of Time/Darkness/Sky by the way...}}
* [[Tropers/Arcadiarika|Arcadiarika]]: And speaking of ''Pokemon'', its other spinoff series, ''[[Pokémon Ranger]]'', has the infamous Yellow Gem incident in ''Shadows of Almia''. After going through Hippowdon Temple and defeating one of the Gem Masters, Heath shows up and offers the gem for your partner. The kicker when you say "No"? [[But Thou Must!|"Oh? You not care about Keith? Not a very good friend?"]] That's right, you have to give the gem up for your partner despite him/her not being in complete danger. All that hard work ruined. [[Sarcasm Mode|Nice work, GameFreak, Creatures, Inc., etc., for doing such an infuriating scene.]]
** [[User:So We Ate Them]] feels your pain. That was the one major [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|Wall Banger]] in the entire spinoff. I mean, Keith pretty much stated outright that he was less important than the Gem, and yet the game itself contradicts him. It just comes off as really contrived. [[Railroading|Chugga chugga chugga chugga...]]
* [[Tropers/Lily Nadesico|Lily Nadesico]]: The end of the June mission in ''[[Valkyria Chronicles II]]'', with Cosette {{spoiler|going through a sudden [[Heroic BSOD]] for reasons that, while reasonable, end up seeming contrived and artificial within the plot of the game (she had healed people before, where does that fear of blood come from? And she's a medic who has a fear of blood? What gives?)}} and Avan {{spoiler|shooting himself in the gut just to make a point and motivate her to get over her demons. Thereby irresponsibly removing himself from the chain of command and diverting medical attention from injured civilians and soldiers who needed it more than him. And we're supposed to consider him heroic and admirable for that.}} Geez, and people get all worked up over [[Designated Evil|the infamous]] [[Kick the Dog|Faldio debacle]] in the [[Valkyria Chronicles|first game...]]
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* [[Tropers/darkrage 6|darkrage 6]]: [[Saints Row 3]] was pretty good overall, but it REALLY pissed me off that the writers felt the need to {{spoiler|kill Johnny Gat off-screen in the first 15 minutes of the game in the most pathetic, contrived and half-assed way imagineable, at first I thought he would be back later in the game since we only heard gunshots over the intercom and we never saw Gat's body, but then later on, after the Saints get attacked on the bridge, the boss rants about how the gang attacked them during Johnny's funeral, and I was like WTF? Johnny's dead and they didn't even bother to show the funeral?! I would've been fine with Johnny dying, but not in such an asinine and ridiculous way so early in the game, come on writers! Have him die in a blaze of glory, not like some punk-ass bitch! Hopefully one of the DLC packs will rectificy this misstep.}}
** [[Tropers/Gyrobot|Gyrobot]]: At least Donnie wasn't part of the gang that killed him. Donnie is a bad luck charm that gets fellow saints killed.
* [[CP/F Mfan|F Mfan]]: The ending of the otherwise great expansion pack for [[Command and Conquer Generals]], ''Zero Hour''. Basically, the [[Middle -Eastern Coalition|GLA]] launches a counter offensive against the USA after they got the hell beaten out of them by the USA in not one, but TWO campaigns in a row. Their attack is successful beyond belief; not only do they completely obliterate US Forces in Europe and wreck the USA itself (due to the American leaders picking up the idiot ball), causing them to withdraw from all their strongholds in the world, but the GLA actually manages to launch a full scale invasion of Germany. What does NATO, the USA, and the EU do? Absolutely fucking nothing. They just sit on their hands while the dirt poor Middle Eastern / Central Asian army marches on Europe, leaving China to pick up the slack, which ends with China beating back the GLA and becoming the new world superpower. Regardless of your [[Misplaced Nationalism|stance on current world politics]], this ending is so improbable (requiring the US and EU to lose all semblances of competence and power, while making the Chinese a nation of [[Mary Sue|Mary Sues]]) and unnecessary (completely negating the [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] that was the Zero Hour US campaign) that it is ridiculous.
* [[Tropers/L Dragon 2|L Dragon 2]]. "[[Mass Effect 3]]'s endings. {{spoiler|After all the hard work and toil that one has done over the course of three games, and with the hopes of at least getting an ending that reflects your choices, it ends up being confined to three choices: destroy the Reapers, sacrifice Shepard to control the Reapers, or turn all life in the galaxy into organic-synthetic crossbreeds. No matter what you choose, Shepard either dies or wakes up in a pile of rubble, the mass relays are destroyed, and the Normandy is stranded on a distant planet with all your squadmates aboard. Not only does this completely go against the whole idea of having meaningful choices in a game, as they clearly had no impact since one is forced to choose between these three endings, it also feels like a slap to the face of all the fans who had invested in the series. All of this just so Bioware could try to squeeze in a [[Bittersweet Ending]]. It wouldn't even be bad if there was a way to get a happier ending.}}
** atrasicarius: Ditto, but for me, it's because the ending makes no sense, is completely contrary to the themes of the games, and makes all the things you did in the games completely irrelevant. I mean, you get pretty much exactly the same ending no matter which option you pick or how any war assets you have. That is ''not'' what they promised us the endings would be like.