Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)/Western Animation/SpongeBob SquarePants: Difference between revisions

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Being a [[Long Runner]], [[SpongeBob SquarePants (Animation)|SpongeBob SquarePants]] is bound to have moments we can't forget, moments we can't remember, and [[Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs|moments we wish we'd forget]]. Guess which of the three we're listing here.
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** [[Tropers/Philipnova 798|Philipnova 798]]: This is something I have to agree with. I've seen other bad episodes, but those didn't bother me too much. What makes this a DMoS, is that it puts the Sponge in a very [[Cliché Storm|cliched]] negative light towards his "Friends" when all he did was accidentally ruin their day. Also, why was he even trying with Squidward? [[Idiot Ball|He should have known]] by now [[Captain Obvious|that ol' Squidy hates him]].
* [[Tropers/Steve Potter|Steve Potter]]: I have to agree with the sentiment about the post-movie episodes, although not all (Several Squidward episodes like Suction Cup Symphony gave him a [[Heartwarming Moments|Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]), but ''20,000 Patties Under the Sea'' really did it for me. While the premise was funny (along with the scene where Plankton insulted all of his potential customers), the Abyss sequence was idiotic and the monster was corpulent and annoying. Quite a few episodes sucked before this (notably the twofer Karate Island and Pearl's Birthday), 20,000 Patties Under the Sea marked an almost irredeemable downhill slope for the series.
* [[Tropers/Innocent Darkside|Innocent Darkside]]: While virtually everything on this page has earned it's spot as a [[D Mo S]], I would take the opportunity to add the episode ''Money Talks.'' Mr. Krabs sells his soul to the Flying Dutchman so....[[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|he can be able to talk to money.]] It pretty much cemented that the writers were not only just plain out of ideas at that point, but yet another prime example of the rampant Flanderization that's been plaguing the series.
* [[Tropers/Jaryl|Jaryl]]: "Boat Smarts" was the point were I gave up on watching [[SpongeBob]]. The episode itself was like an educational video of how to drive your boat, with Squidward as the smart driver and SpongeBob, as always, the haywire one ([[Fridge Logic|Why that moron never learns from his driving-mistakes is a mystery.]] And no, I don't take [[Rule of Fun]] as a legit answer. It might even lead someone to think Spongebob's [[Getting Crap Past the Radar|drunk]], [ like driving drunk while you're sober]). Squidward does the right things, only with SpongeBob following and making a mistake, but with Squidward taking the pain. For instance, there's a lesson about how you always have to fasten your seatbelt. Guess what happens: SpongeBob crashes into Squidward's boat, the seat flies out of it. With Squidward still sitting on it, he tries to open his seatbelt, but failing and getting crushed by a [[Fridge Logic|vehicle with two spiked cylinders on its front, which solely seems to exist just to make Squidward miserable at this exact moment]]. [[Rule of Funny]] be damned, what is the reason for such a thing to exist? That makes me, [[Shameless Self Promoter|a hobby-writer trying to write an entertaining and logical story]], really cringe. The ending is even worse. SpongeBob causes a major car accident, with Squidward (who's by far the only character on this goddamn show I like, even though he is a jerk sometimes) and several other of the townspeople (who I absolutely despise, thanks to [[No Sympathy]] and [[What the Hell, Townspeople?]]) being the only victims, with SpongeBob getting away unscathed. And what does he do? He approaches Mrs. Puff, Squidward and the others and chastises them for not having the right boat smarts, then drives off laughing without any comeuppance! Not to mention that this episode apparently tells us the [[Sarcasm Mode|wonderful]] [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop|aesop: "Kids, regardless of what you do when you're in traffic, you will get caught up in an accident."]] That's not helpful for kids who always fear they will do something wrong when they're old enough to drive a car. Good thing it was only four minutes long.
* [[Tropers/Frankiefoster|Frankiefoster]]: I never thought season 4 and beyond was very funny, (except for ''Skill Crane'' and a few exceptions) but the worst one that made me actually cut the show was ''Good Ol' Whatshisname''. It was basically yet another Squidward torment episode, with him and Spongebob trying to find out some guy's name before the contest Mr. Krabs sets up is over. Long dull story short, the episode carries on with Squidward going crazy and stealing the guy's wallet, only to find out the guy's name was actually Whatzittooya, the name the guy was yelling at him earlier on in the episode. The guy yells for the police and they proceed to arrest him, the guy calling him a wallet snatcher. Worse, the real prize wasn't a trip--it was just the fuckin' brochure. What the hell, writers? Oh, and the brochure part seemed like the worst part, tacked on to make Squidward's life even more miserable than it already was. Tell me why this show is still lurching like a zombie again?
** [[Tropers/Hayley Chaotix|Hayley Chaotix]]: Actually, he doesn't yell for the police. It's even worse. One of them starts chasing him for running a red light (on foot). His punishment for running a red light, resisting arrest and stealing a wallet? Ten years in prison. Not kidding.
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* ''[[Troper/Baronobeefdip|Baronobeefdip]]'': [[SpongeBob]] Vs The Big One is a DMOS for me. First of all, Depp's fish-character is so far in the [[Uncanny Valley]] that he's pretty much underground (Seriously, remember when the show had relatively "believable" cartoon fish that didn't have any hair?). Second, the plot just seemed nonsensical and was just dull. It was all too predictable as to what was going to happen (IE: [[Sarcasm Mode|"Ooh, there's a "mysterious figure" who's going to teach them how to surf. I wonder if he's going to give a seemingly nonsensical "lesson" that'll somehow help them in the end." "Ooh, there's a giant wave that comes only "X" amount of years. I wonder if they'll use it to get back home."]]). Third, it was promoted as this [[This Is Going to Be Huge|big]] special (especially due to [[Johnny Depp]]'s guest-starring role) on Nickelodeon (yes, this is common practice with regards to ''Spongebob Squarepants''), but it turned out to be nothing more than a full half-hour episode rather than the standard "two 15-minute short" formula of the series. About the only good part of the episode was the "Davy Jones Locker" gag with Mr. Krabs and, well, [[The Monkees|Davy Jones]]. Though, for the most part, the rest of the jokes in the episode were mainly forced and just plain unfunny.
** ''[[Tropers/Unknown|Unknown]]: [[Writer Cop Out|Not to mention that it was promised in both the promos and the special that "one of you will not return.." which was revealed to be a load of baloney!]] [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|This would've been the perfect opportunity for some emotional buildup, but that would call for writing somebody out.]] Ripoffs you are all.
* ''[[Tropers/King Cr Inu Yasha|King Cr Inu Yasha]]'': The episode where Spongebob turns his house into an exact replica of Squidward's - "Squid's Visit". This isn't the first time Spongebob's obsession with Squidward as been [[Flanderization|Flanderized]], but this one has him acting like some psycho straight out of ''[[Criminal Minds (TV)|Criminal Minds]]''. You even have Sponge [[Nightmare Fuel|breathing heavily]], looking at Squidward through the window while they're on the phone when Squid says he's coming over to get his vacuum cleaner back. Oh, and Squid's house burns down near the end, due to a casserole he left in the oven.
* ''[[Tropers/Retsof Noraa|Retsof Noraa]]'': Has anyone else seen "The Splinter?" Spongebob [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|gets a splinter in his thumb]], which proceeds to [[It Got Worse|get infected]] to the point that his thumb [[Body Horror|is as big as half his head]] [[Squick|and issues forth a fountain of pus when the splinter is finally pulled]]. I [[Nausea Fuel|get sick]] from even looking at screencaps. Oh, and keep in mind that - despite the progressed nature of the infection - Spongebob wants to keep working. Around fast food. With a pus-gushing thumb. But that's not even the worst part. It wasn't a larger-than-life pus initially- Spongebob consulted help from Patrick at first, who is obviously no doctor and becoming [[Too Dumb to Live]] by examining and even biting Spongebob's foot. And when Spongebob says that it's not helping, Patrick decides to ignore him completely and Spongebob ends up begging for his help! Normally I can tolerate Patrick but this put me off completely. And here's the worst part- when Patrick attempted to help [with as much medical knowledge as a preschooler] he hammers the damn splinter in! Now that's how it enlarged to such a horrendous size. This is just one of the key moments where Patrick "Finland!" Star deterioriated into a complete jerkass.
* ''[[Tropers/Sizzly Bacon|Sizzly Bacon]]'': "Shuffleboarding". First, the episode [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|had nary a thing to do with it]]. It was about [[SpongeBob]] and Patrick going around, pretending to be Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy. Well, they start arresting people for stupid reasons [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|(i.e., a jail guard for throwing away a half-eaten Krabby Patty, some guy for his shoe being untied, and an old lady for being too old.)]] First of all, Why would you arrest people for doing something you can't change? Plus, everyone thinks they are the real Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, dispite the fact that the costumes are horrible. It wouldn't be too bad, but the jail guard mentioned above [[What the Hell, Townspeople?|asks why MM and BB are doing there the first second they see them]].
* ''[[Tropers/Wolf Man 16|Wolf Man 16]]'': I just recently watched the episode "Boating Buddies", and I have to say that along with "Squid's Visit" and the infamous exchange in "20,000 Patties Under The Sea", this was the episode that really [[Flanderization|flanderized]] the ridiculous [[Ho Yay]] Spongebob gives to Squidward, possibly even worse than those examples. In this episode Spongebob, as always, annoys Squidward, [[It Makes Sense in Context|this time to the point where he tries to get away from him and ends up in the same boating school with Spongebob]]. No, that's obviously not the sucky part, there are scenes in the boating school where he touches Squidward rather suggestively, fawns over him numerous times, and even wrote a note on the board where he proclaims his liking to Squidward with hearts all around the writing. Seriously, it seems as though the writers are trying to scare off the fans by turning their once beloved cartoon hero into a creepy gay stalker. Jesus Christ, people.
* [[Tropers/Kitty Katt|Kitty Katt]]: The episode ''The Krabby Kronicle''. It starts out fair enough with Mr.Krabs getting an article in the newspaper to advertise the Krusty Krab, but no ones buying it because they're to busy reading a tabloid called The Bottom Feeder. So he makes Spongebob become a news reporter to find news stories so he can make off money of his own newspaper, but it quickly goes downhill when he tells Spongebob to make up stories which end up ruining all his friends lives in a way that is not only devoid of humor but downright painful to watch. Thankfully Spongebob starts to feel guilty, but when Spongebob tells Mr.Krabs he doesn't like what they're doing Mr.Krab acts like a complete jerk to him and ignores what he says and overworks him even though Spongebob is visibly depressed throughout the episode. Near the end Spongebob finally retaliates by printing a news story about Mr.Krabs abusing him and people are so angry they take their money back. So does this episode end with [[Karma Houdini|Mr.]] [[Jerkass|Krabs]] finally getting what he deserves? Of course not! It ends with Mr. Krabs using the press to produce counterfeit money... to the objection of nobody. This episode is the main reason I rarely watch new episodes of Spongebob anymore.
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* ''legoking831'': The episode ''Ditchin'''. It starts off with Spongebob and Patrick watching Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, seeing a commercial for comic book signing. It happens to take place when Spongebob is at boating school. They start thinking of ways to ditch school, and they realize having to go to the restroom is a good idea. However, they unnecessarily find ways to go to the restroom that day. He just needs to fake having to go just to get out, but noooo, they had to [[Padding|pad]] this segment to heck by making them come up with ways to legitimately go. When he finally gets out, they get their comic books signed. [[But Wait! There's More!]] He starts getting mixed into all sorts of unfunny crap, eventually landing into a tar pit. Ok, seriously? I can get past the fact that they have water and fires in the ocean, but a tar pit? Number one, why would Bikini Bottom have one of all places, and two, isn't tar something that easily pollutes the ocean? Maybe I'm questioning too much, but this really bothers me. When he escapes, he finds Mrs. Puff getting arrested (as usual) for ditching jury duty. She tells Spongebob to never ditch, only to be surprised that he was ditching too. Yes, all this time she never suspected Spongebob of ditching, even though he was gone for at least 20 minutes, if not a whole hour. What the heck, writers?
* ''[[Tropers/Fantazindy|Fantazindy]]'': ''Penny Foolish'', which was in my opinion one of the worst episodes in Spongebob history. Basically, it was just a worse version of ''[[Crowning Moment of Funny|One Krab's Trash]]'', where Krabs (being the money obsessed [[Jerkass]] he is) sees Spongebob pick up a penny on the street. After several hallucinations of pennies that Krabs has, [[Money Fetish|he decides that he really needs the penny.]] Mind you, it is a mere hundredth of a dollar, but for a money-obssessed person like Krabs this is excusable. He attempts to 'borrow a penny' from Spongebob but fails. That's fine. But from then on his obsession with money comes in full force- he decides to open a movie theather, with a ticket price of one penny (Now I'm not an economist but to build a theater itself costs millions of dollars... and he would be making a loss by selling those tickets at such a low price- just to get a stupid penny!), and hosting a 'charity night' to donate one penny for the cause of accompanying other coins (which, needless to say, is completely idiotic and besides, it costs more than just one cent to hold such an event...). In the end, nobody attends except for Spongebob, who is deeply excited/moved by Krabs' absurd claims, but he reveals he can't cough up a single cent each time, sending Krabs on a rampage (who is too dense to come to terms with the fact that Spongebob has no freaking penny!). In the end he has to stalk Spongebob down for the penny before getting spotted by Spongebob and is forced to say why he's so 'penny foolish'. This is where it gets too absurd- it had been evident Spongebob has picked up a reddish-copper disk from the floor, but guess what? He reveals it to be peppermint gum! And here's the [[Sarcasm Mode|surprise]]- Krabs is still too dense to realise that Spongebob has no penny and excavates the area surrounding his house! That's not even the worst part- when Gary's saliva falls onto the 'gum' it soaks the moisture up and reveals to be a 500 dollar bill (how the freak does this happen, anyway??)! Of which Spongebob so [[Sarcasm Mode|cleverly]] [[What an Idiot!|discards (because it isn't what he wants, apparently)]]. ''Penny Foolish'' marked the all-time low for Spongebob besides 20,000, Wringer and Boating Buddies- it [[Ruined FOREVER|ruined One Krab's Trash forever]].
* ''[[Tropers/Woodsman|Woodsman]]'': While "Overbooked" was by no means a great episode, one moment in particular really stood out. [[SpongeBob]] has to go get a cake for Patrick's birthday party, but didn't reserve one in advance. He goes to the bakery and finds there's only one cake with a message already written on it. The message? "Sorry about the scabies." This isn't [[Getting Crap Past the Radar|getting crap past the radar]], this is nuking it. I was appalled that such a thing could be aired in a kid's show with no apparent outcry. This was the final nail in the coffin for me; I knew [[SpongeBob]] was past its former glory if it had to resort to this kind of adult joke.
* ''[[Tropers/Cartoon Freak 95|Cartoon Freak 95]]'': The episode "Pets or Pests" had a huge one, there's a particular scene where Larry the Lobster claims that he doesn't know who [[SpongeBob]] is. Okay, so we're supposed to forget "Ripped Pants", "House Fancy", "Lifeguard on Duty".etc?! Granted, those were made years ago, but with Larry's position in those episodes, he can't forget who Spongebob is, he might not be one of his best friends, but [[SpongeBob]] goes to the beach alot, and with the amount of episodes he's been there, Larry is supposed to not forget who he is, he knows who [[SpongeBob]] is in the other episodes, so why not in this one?! Continuity errors are frequent, but with the times that Larry the Lobster has appeared, this is why this is a DMOS for me, Stephen Hillenburg(the show's creator) might not be involved with the newer episodes, but Paul Tibbitt(current showrunner) and the writers should at least try and put some more effort into it, instead of trying to deliberately piss off the show's fanbase.
* ''[[Tropers/Zurreal 45|Zurreal 45]]'': The episode "Cephalopod Lodge" was in my opinion a huge downgrade in the series. The entire thing was a terrible plot. It starts with a normal day at work and Spongebob, seeing Squidward so happy decides to find out why. So they stalk him and find out he is part of a secret club and they somehow get in. how did they get in? Seriousy! Did anyone stop them? Anyway, Squidward gets kicked out as they trailed him but when they want to get him back in, they deny it being their fault which it was! Screw Rule of Funny! They decide to make things up which ultimately fails as they are torturing Squidward even more. So they come up with a good plan to get him bakc in which succeeds but they come out of their freaking disguise and blows his chances again! This was a Squidward torment episode which marked the downhill slope of Spongebob.
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== Season 7 ==
* ''[[Tropers/Super Saiya Man|Super Saiya Man]]'': The episode ''A Pal for Gary'', which had Spongebob adopting a new pet...despite the warning that it doesn't like snails or snail noises. Said pet terrifies Gary, and Spongebob is too stupid to see that Gary was about to be eaten and then the new pet starts eating him. Gary chases said pet out. Instead of thanking him? Spongebob scolds Gary for chasing him off! Not funny! Spongebob becomes even more [[Too Dumb to Live]] when he can't recognize he was going to be fucking eaten and Gary saved him.
** ''[[Tropers/stewyworks 333|stewyworks 333]]'': Agreed. [[Creepy Awesome|The monster pet was pretty cool]], but that did little to justify [[Character Derailment|how much of an]] [[Jerkass|asshole Spongebob was being.]] The cruelty Spongebob treated Gary over the second half of the episode [[Iron Woobie|Gary should have]] [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Jerk|let Spongebob]] [[Cruel and Unusual Death|have his just desserts.]] No really, just watch the first half, where Spongebob was worried about Gary being alone, then watch the second half [[Took a Level In Jerkass|where he totally changes character.]] Yes, [[Character Derailment]], in just a few minutes. Casey Alexander's and Zeus Cervas' writing [[Sarcasm Mode|at its finest.]]
** ''[[Tropers/From The Words Of BR|From The Words Of BR]]'': I fricking HATE that episode. [[SpongeBob]] blamed Gary for the damages in his house. But somehow, it was P.F. that done the damage! In this episode he's more of an idiot than Patrick is.
* ''[[Tropers/Cabbit Girl Emi|Cabbit Girl Emi]]'': For me, it was ''Stuck in the Wringer''. [[SpongeBob]] gets stuck in his wringer and Patrick becomes even stupider than usual by thinking he wanted to be glued in! Just when you thought it was bad enough when [[SpongeBob]] is forced to take the day off from work, Patrick more or less tries to get him to cheer up at the amusement park, and it ends up with [[SpongeBob]] yelling at Patrick. The worst part? Everyone in the crowd gives [[No Sympathy]] towards [[SpongeBob]], and said that what happened to him served him right. Pissed me right the hell off, that did.
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