Deus Ex: Human Revolution/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Creator Worship]]: The original ''[[Deus Ex (Video Game)|Deus Ex]]'' was a personal project of Warren Spector's. News that ''Human Revolution'' was being made without much input by Warren Spector was poorly-recieved. Initially even Warren Spector was displeased by this news, although he changed his tune after getting to see Eidos Montreal's work.
* [[Crowning Music of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|Crowning Music of Awesome]]: [[Deus Ex Human Revolution (Video Game)/Awesome Music|Has its own page.]]
* [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!]]: The B / Circle button is the cancel action button in nearly every context, but it is also the one hit takedown button. More than one player has accidentally started a conversation they didn't intend to, hit B just after the game registered the conversation as over, and wound up punching out a random person.
* [[Disappointing Last Level]]:
** Not as bad as the other games, but it starts to replace the mission hubs with singular levels after the final visit to Shanghai. It's actually justifiable, because Adam closes in on the conspiracy so why would he want to waste time doing random side missions for people? In real life, the main reason for the lack of a 3rd mission hub is the game needing to be released on time but the 3rd hub not being close enough to completion to justify any additional delay.
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* [[Game Breaker]]:
** The Linebacker grenade launcher, which is a [[Preorder Bonus]], can kill the third boss in seconds.
** [[Punch -Packing Pistol]]: Per any ''Deus Ex'' title, the standard pistol is a reliable and accurate medium-range weapon with plentiful ammo. What makes it a Game Breaker is the armour-piercing upgrade, which allows you to take out almost every mook you come across with one or two headshots. Heavily-armoured enemies can otherwise take ''several'' clips to bring down.
* [[Genius Bonus]] / [[Meaningful Name]]: {{spoiler|Eliza is an AI, which was the [http[wikipedia:// |the first program to mimick human intelligence]]. The room where you first "meet" her is Room [http://en.[ 404|404]]. The room where her program is housed (and her signal is broadcasted from) is Room [http[wikipedia:// |802-11]]}}.
* [[Good Bad Bugs]]: There's a glitch you can exploit that allows you to get infinite XP, allowing you to get all 68 Praxis points and max out ''every single Aug you have''. Simply save your game in front of a computer, then hack it (Nukes make it much easier). Once you've finished hacking and your reward is displayed on screen, exit the computer before collecting your reward, then reload your last save and complete the hack again. Each time you repeat this process, your XP reward for completing the hack will double.
* [[Harsher in Hindsight]]:
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** Not to mention riots and protests over class disparity turned out to be very on the mark shortly after the game's release.
** Detention policies for American citizens hit closer to home with recent developments in the [ government.]
** Blink and you'll miss it, but one of the scrolling texts underneath news broadcasts mentions that there has been a tsunami alert in Japan, but it is expected to be harmless. [http[wikipedia:// tsunami|Not so much in real life.]]
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: The game could have been an [[Arthur (Animation)|Arthur]] reunion, with Arthur Holden, the voice of Mr. Ratburn, voicing Hugh Darrow, Bruce Dinsmore the voice of both Dave Read and Binkey Barnes in the role of William Taggart, and Francine's VA voicing several nameless NPCs.
* [[Ho Yay]]: Pritchard becomes more... ''concerned'' about Jensen late in the game.
** And after Jensen {{spoiler|goes MIA for a few days}}, Pritchard expresses a desire to keep Jensen on a leash.
* [[Idiot Ball]]:
** When Jensen first encounters Zhao, he has plenty of intel telling him that she is a ruthless, powerful, amoral woman who has forged her world-spanning company by sheer grit. As such, when she pulls the damsel-in-distress routine, he simply stands there, apparently rebooting, while she maneuvers behind him and shoves him out of the panic room. Sarif very rightly gives you shit for it.
*** There's a [[Fan Wank|fan]] [[Wild Mass Guessing|theory]] that Zhao was [[Charm Person|using a CASIE mod]], which would make Adam's complete disregard of everything he knows about her (and his susceptibility to her [[Large Ham|incredibly transparent acting]]) a ''bit'' more understandable, as the CASIE is essentially a [[Stupidity -Inducing Attack]].
* [[Iron Woobie]]: Adam, for the most part. He does allow his angst to show at occasional intervals, but for the most part he just swallows his despair and tries to get on with his life, dangerous though it may be.
** Adam is also a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|near-literal Iron Woobie]].
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* [[Vindicated By History]]: The game was overlooked by many when it came out, as 2011 was chock full of great titles, but when Game of the Year discussions came up later on, ''Human Revolution'' was on the short list in just about everyone's book, prompting some to give it a closer look.
** The game won five awards at the 2012 Canadian Videogame Awards, including the high profile Console Game of the Year award.
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Political?]]: The entire augmentation debate is just like the abortion debate. Clinics built for augmentations being protested and bombed by detractors, supporters declaring that it is their body and they will do with it what they like, and people against it using religious statements to oppose it. In one protest, you can see signs that say, "I regret my augmentation," just like "I regret my abortion" signs in real life. The Humanity Front and Purity First has many real-world analogies, with a legitimate political group sharing goals and views with a terrorist organisation, such as Sinn Féin and the IRA or Animal Rights groups and the ALF. Conspiracy-wise, Serif Industries is under fire for trying to end Neuropozyne dependency, and in Real Life, there are proposals to develop [http://en.[ transfer|embryo transfer]] to the point that abortion would not be lethal to the fetus - these cannot get off the ground due to anti-technologists protesting stem cell research... and stem cell researchers would probably rather not have the supply of aborted fetuses for stem cells cut off. The anti-aug crowd want augs eliminated, and Versalife is making a killing on Neuropozyne.
** [ One fan's essay on Deus Ex: Human Revolution's Social Satire] covers some of the issues nicely.
*** He also wrote a sequel on the DLC. [ The Missing Link Social Satire.]