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* Why is it, when {{spoiler|Cain/Naoya}} continues to build up more hatred ''instead'' of reflecting on his sin, that God can't just say, {{spoiler|"Okay, he's not learning, and is planning to create a King of Bel to declare war on me. Maybe I should just let him go on his merry way, or just let him reincarnate normally in peace like his little brother,"?}} Really, he's a literal database of human history right now, and he's not planning on "repenting" any time soon. Why, then, can't this God just lighten up and lessen the sentence? As has been stated, this isn't even the standard SMT [[God Is Evil|Jerkass God]] who would screw with {{spoiler|Cain}} [[For the Lulz]]. Yet he's ''still'' being punished, in the exact same way, even when {{spoiler|Cain starts using his sentence to ''start a war on the heavens themselves.'' '''With his own brother.'''}}
** Your mileage may vary, but I don't think saying 'screw it, you aren't doing what's right and are actually doing things that are worse than what you originally were punished for, so let me lessen your sentence' is a good idea. God is giving {{spoiler|Cain/Naoya a chance at repentance which is supposed to run in parallel to how He is offering the whole of humanity a chance at repentance during the events of the game. In most of the endings bar Yuzu's and Naoya's, you wind up doing for sins not your own (i.e. making pacts with demons and causing "God's" ordeal in the first place) what Cain couldn't do for his - repenting.}}
** One [[Devil Survivor (Video Game)/WMG|theory]] suggests that he's an [[Unwitting Pawn]] -- basically, his refusal to repent reinforces the theory that [[Humans Are Bastards]] who don't deserve free will, because look at how ''he'' abuses it! He has the ability to repent, but ''chooses'' not to, instead lashing out at God. God could just erase him from existence and end the stalemate ''that'' way, but then we're firmly in [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope|Slippery Slope]] territory; if He can wipe out {{spoiler|Cain}}, why not do the same to ''everyone'' who refuses to follow Him?
** The theory is interesting but it begs the question: Why would He feel the need to 'prove to the universe' that humans were bastards? That doesn't seem necessary if his goal is to 'eliminate human free will', nor is it in keeping with His character. Metatron is God's agent, and Remiel is Metatron's agent. Remiel, more so than the other angels, is portrayed positively in the game and Remiel actively works towards helping humanity overcome the lockdown. Why would he do this if free will was something that humanity did not deserve? In particular, note that the angels outside of Metatron-Remiel are portrayed as high-and-mighty jerks. These angels all voted to {{spoiler|eliminate Tokyo and remove free will the second demons began emerging thanks to the Shomonkai,}} but Remiel tells us that God stayed their hand. Why would He do this if He didn't want to give us a fighting chance to prove ourselves worthy of our will? {{spoiler|Note, even in Amane's ending, no one says that free will is taken from humanity; crimes are judged, which may sound harsh at first until one remembers that governments judge crimes as well. The ending is far different from the mind-wiped humanity eternally singing songs to please the Lord in Strange Journey.}}
** God may not be the one using that argument; his more [[Tautological Templar]] angels are -- and as alluded to above, God can't simply smite {{spoiler|Cain}} because then his more [[Holier Than Thou]] angels could argue "Well, you got rid of HIM for flouting your will; why not deal with all these ''other'' defiant mortals, too?" It may not be HIS theory that humans are all irredemnable bastards, but that of most angels...