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** Basically any time your less-than-useless Delta Force escorts come to extract you/insert you they all get killed horribly before the fighting even begins.
* Halfway through ''[[Call of Duty 4]]'', after you've completed the primary objective in Shock and Awe, there's a Diabolic [[Nuke Ex Machina]], when you get a call that the bad guys have set up a nuke in Asaad's palace, then one of your fellow chopper pilots gets shot down. You land to rescue her, but it's already too late, and the nuke knocks the escaping helicopters out of the sky and kills all of the American main characters. You have a minute of [[Controllable Helplessness]] before the protagonist, too, expires from radiation poisoning. As a result, [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog|the shaggy dog has not just been shot, but totally annihilated]].
** And during the final mission, after stopping the nuke launch, an invincible Hind gunship appears and lays waste to your squad. Then the [[Big Bad]] starts executing the survivors, but before he can get to you, in a semi-[[Deus Ex Machina]], the Russian Loyalists arrive and destroy the Hind, distracting the [[Big Bad]] and allowing your CO to pass you a pistol. It isn'st notuntil clearthe ifnext game that you find out whether either of you survive, thoughsurvived.
** The fake-surrendering Japanese soldiers who kill Roebuck/Polonsky at the end of "Breaking Point" in ''World At War'' could qualify, too, seeing as the mission had been a success up to that point, and Roebuck even said in the opening narration that they would all go home at the end. Even worse, [[Sadistic Choice|you have to choose which one to save.]] In about a split instant.
*** But that one's kinda okay, considering one choice leads to your group essentially being led by Jack Bauer.
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* ''[[Mass Effect]] 3's'' ending. {{spoiler|The Catalyst gives Shepard a choice between a few different ways to [[Reset Button|hit the reset button]] on galactic civilization and end the violent Reaper cycle}}. However, no matter how the Crucible is used, {{spoiler|the dissemination of it's energy either shuts down or outright destroys the mass relay system}}.
** Slightly earlier in the ending, when the heroes' huge assault force are planning to assault {{spoiler|the teleportation beam leading to the orbiting Citadel/Catalyst}}, Harbinger shows up. No, not a [[Villain Override|mook possessed by Harbinger]] like in the previous game; the actual, kilometers-tall, leadership-caste Reaper himself, who proceeds to utterly massacre the entire assault force; {{spoiler|only Shepard and Anderson survive, with Shepard mortally wounded}}.
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