Did You Think I Can't Feel?: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|"''Before I put on this dress, you couldn't even remember my'' name." |'''Carter''', ''[[Princess Protection Program]]''}}
Alice is an all around [[Nice Guy|nice girl]]: she's quiet and maybe a bit of a pushover, but every so often she hints at having some ''deep'' [[Hidden Depths]]. She's sure to do whatever Bobby asks her, not just because of her [[True Companions|loyalty]] but because she "doesn't seem to mind". She may even have a crush on Bobby, [[Oblivious to Love|who seldom notices]], dates everyone else but her, and asks her for dating advice. Over the course of the story Bobby will go on adventures and drag Alice along with him, putting her through progressively more embarrassing, painful, and emotionally hurtful situations while [[Comedic Sociopath|ignoring]] [[No Sympathy|her feelings]]. She won't complain, and will likely offer advice and help however she can.
Until she says "No". Bobby will be blown away and fail to understand why: "How can you be so selfish? I've always treated you right!"
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At this point Alice [[What the Hell, Hero?|lets loose]] a simple yet [[Armor-Piercing Question|powerful question:]] "Did you think I can't feel?"
Turns out that Alice may be [[The Stoic|Stoic]] or even an [[Extreme Doormat]], and that [[The Woobie|she'll tolerate heaps of emotional torture]] just to be next to Bobby even if she can't date him... but [[Break the Cutie|he's finally crossed the line]], not because of his schemes, but for both failing to consider she has feelings and that he was badly hurting them. Alice will then painfully lay out just what it is he's put her through and leave. If [[Beware the Nice Ones|Alice is especially nice]], you can expect at least some violence to follow. If Alice is [[Shrinking Violet|very shy]] she may run away instead, leaving it up to another character to enlighten Bobby on his carelessness.
Knocked out of his [[It's All About Me|egocentric]] [[Protagonist-Centered Morality|worldview]], Bobby now has to find a way to patch up their friendship or pursue a romance. In a kid's show, this is usually accompanied with [[An Aesop]] about considering other people's feelings.
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* ''[[Drake and Josh]]'' had an episode devoted to this.
* Instead of saying it to Buffy, [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|Spike]] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBl82U4rQrQ&feature=related sings it] in the [[Musical Episode]].
** Xander is also on the receiving end of this when, having failed to successfully ask Buffy to a high school dance, he tactlessly asks Willow (who has been crushing on him all season) to go with him as his backup.
* In ''[[Torchwood]]'', Ianto's job description is general dogsbody: he does everything nobody else wants to do, from feeding weevils to ordering pizza, and tends to blend into the scenery unless someone (usually Jack) wants something. They're so dismissive of him and his feelings that they don't even notice that he's hiding a half converted Cyberwoman in the basement which is pretty damned oblivious. When this is finally discovered, Jack blows a fuse and starts violently question him on it, Ianto bites back: ''"when was the last time any of you asked me anything about my life?"'' It's possible that realising how dismissive they've been of him is part of the reason as to why he wasn't fired from Torchwood (at ''least''), after this incident in the first place.
* Steve Urkel of ''[[Family Matters]]'' finally [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|stood up to Laura]] after she refused to show any consideration for Steve giving her a ride to an out-of-town function, caused his car to break down by putting it into high gear and insisting she take the bed alone while Steve sleeps in the bathtub in their motel, culminating in the line [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukH_g_HMonk&feature=related "I'm a person, I have feelings and I demand to be treated with respect and dignity."]
* In ''[[Coupling]]'', [[Cloudcuckoolander|Jane]] gives a [[Tear Jerker|speech]] to Steve about this.
* A variation in [[How I Met Your Mother]] occurs when Barney finally realises how much his behaviour post-breakup is hurting Robin, although its more a "Do you think she can't feel" as its the rest of the gang who eventually break it to him (after each realising themselves how much they weren't helping the situation).
* In [[Doctor Who]], companion Martha spent an entire season pining after the Doctor- probably due to the fact that on top of being good looking and intelligent, he kissed her the first time they met. (To save the Earth, but still). He spent most of the time dismissing her, and constantly comparing her to his last companion and love interest Rose. Eventually she took a level in badass and left the TARDIS, telling him up straight that she wasn't going to stick around feeling second best.
* In ''[[Robin Hood (TV series)|Robin Hood]]'' after Guy of Gisborne discovers that Marian is in fact the Night Watchman (a vigilante who steals for the poor) he manages to bring the entire situation back to his unrequited feelings for her. Marian? She's more concerned about not getting hanged for treason.
* Throughout [[Sherlock]], Molly Hooper has always had a very obvious crush on Sherlock, and always takes his abuse/taunts. In 'A Scandal of Belgravia,' Sherlock goes too far during Christmas at 221B, deducing that the reason she's dressed up is to try and seduce a man, and that she's obviously bought a present for 'someone special.' When he realizes that the man in question is him, he's stunned into silence and shame at his own cruelty. And finally, Molly calls him out on his behaviour.
{{quote|(tearfully) You always say such horrible things....}}
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