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== Other series ==
* Aoyama Masaya of ''[[Tokyo Mew Mew]]'', Ichigo's [[Official Couple|canon love interest]]. Fans who prefer Ichigo with the [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]] or the [[Stalker With a Crush]] often portray him as either an unimportant idiot who is quickly discarded or an evil mastermind who is cheating on her with Miwa or Moe or both. (Or Minto in a double pairing derailment, if the shippers happen to come from the section of the fanbase that believes Yuri Is Ew.) Either interpretation completely ignores his kind, intelligent, loyal canon personality. He usually ends up run over by a semi.
** It gets so bad that fanfic writers change the continuity so that {{spoiler|Ichigo's [[Mysterious Protector]], the Blue Knight, ''a.k.a.'' Ao no Kishi, turns out to be Ryou instead of Masaya}}, despite this completely destroying the continuity. Then again, that's how [[Four Kids4Kids! Entertainment|4Kids]] did it, too.
** Worse, Ryou/Ichigo shippers often call Masaya "boring" and Ryou "interesting" because of the latter's angsty past that Ichigo could "cure"... {{spoiler|completely ignoring that Masaya is secretly just as angsty as Ryou and twice as bitter -- [[Stepford Smiler|he's just very good at keeping those secret]] -- and that [[Love Redeems|his relationship with Ichigo is what gets him to realize that not everyone in the world is selfish and deserves to die]].}} Did these shippers ''read'' the last two volumes of the manga?
* Some of the less mature fans like to make Guido from ''[[Samurai Pizza Cats]]'' an abusive jerk because they see him as a threat to the Speedy/Polly pairing. This is ridiculous because Guido never shows any interest in Polly. For that matter, until the [[Grand Finale]], neither does Speedy -- they only fought over the affections of Lucille until [[Last -Minute Hookup|Speedy fell for Polly at the eleventh hour]]. When Polly and Speedy do hook up, Guido is happy for them. The crazy shippers seem to hate Guido for being there, even though his lack of interest means that he's not an obstacle.
* Amagi Michal of ''[[Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch]]'', a [[Clingy Jealous Girl]] ''and'' [[Ill Girl]] who is smitten with Kaito, gets this. Take out the clingy jealous part, and she's a lot like Tomoe Hotaru of ''[[Sailor Moon]]'' fame, but none of the latter's fans seem to realize this.
* Kouji and Natsu from ''[[Yes Precure 5|Yes! Precure 5]]''. The fact that they turn into [[Talking Animal]] sidekicks Coco and Nuts spurred the hatred by providing [[Squick]] as a ready excuse. They eventually found fandom support, however.
* A minor example in the ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'' fandom: Frequenters of the AnimeSuki forum would've known the infamous 300 YU-NANO AGAINST LEGION OF FEI-NANO [[Flame War]]. And no, we're not talking about some [[Three Hundred|smelly old men]]. This [[Flame War]] was mostly fueled by irritation that Yuuno was used as a plot device and not a character -- an 'out' for the writers in case they got too scared of Nanoha/Fate. The [[Theme Park Version]] of this irritation is Yuuno Hate (at least from the Legion). But [[Poe's Law]] and [[GIFT]] means there are people who will take it seriously or claim total seriousness.
** Even though [[The One Guy|Erio]] has managed to escape the brunt of bashing due to being overtly [[Puppy Love|shipped]] with Caro, preventing him from being a threat to the main pairings, he still gets "Erio must die" vitriol every now and then from [[Het Is Ew]] fans who think his mere presence among the main cast ruins the perfect yuri dynamic of the [[Improbably -Female Cast]].
* This is common in ''[[Tenchi Muyo]]!'', if for no other reason than the ''characters'' are usually already doing it themselves:
** Princess Ayeka is hated by the pro-Ryoko''/''pro-Tenchi x Ryoko fans. The reverse is also true, particularly those familiar with the [[Alternate Continuity]] ''Tenchi Universe'' TV series and movie ''Tenchi Forever'', which [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad|show a slant in Ryoko's direction]]. Still, the hatred against Ayeka was practically there pretty much from the start, since some Ryoko fans deemed Ryoko [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses|as stronger and more worthy because she was less traditionally feminine]] than the more proper, moody and comically prissy Ayeka.
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*** [[War On Straw|Asuka's counter-argument]] in many S/R ships is " what the hell does that ''doll'' have that I don't?!"
** Maybe not an exact fit for this trope but in the S/A doujinshi ''RE-Take'', Rei was killed off in the very first issue. When she was rejected by Shinji, Rei had gone home and '''hung herself'''; three guesses as to who found her body first. Sure, she has her backup clones, and Shinji was already distancing himself due to foreknowledge of her nature (closing in with Asuka in the process), but still!
* For ''[[School Rumble]]'', there's ongoing [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]] between Harima/Eri and Harima/Tenma fans. Eri fans are adamant that Tenma is [[The Vamp|a tease who was only playing with Harima's heart]] the entire series, when in reality, Tenma [[Oblivious to Love|honestly did not know about Harima's feelings until the very end of the series]]; she never loved anyone other than Karasuma, and [[Shipper On Deck|actively SUPPORTED Harima trying to win his love over]] (despite her not knowing that ''she'' is said love) and [[Tomboy and Girly Girl|is good friends with Eri]] to boot. Tenma fans, on the other hand, insist that Eri is a [[Spoiled Brat]] [[Rich Bitch]] who doesn't really love Harima, while in fact [[Tsundere|she really does love Harima but is very proud]]. Most of the war here comes from delusion and overreaction, unfortunately, especially since Karasuma/Tenma and Harima/Eri have been [[Official Couple|all but canon]] throughout most of the series.
** And ''then'' you have the fans who just dearly ''dearly'' want the whole [[Oblivious to Love]] and [[Cannot Spit It Out]] thing to resolve in canon, and hence will kill off an entire ''pair'' just so that their preferred canon pairing can get together faster. That or they just shove their preferred canon pairing into a room and dwell on what happens afterward.
* Back in the days of the ''[[Digimon (Franchise)|Digimon]]'' fandom, just about ''every single character'' had a squad of people out to get them for getting in the way of this or that pairing, most of which would never even happen, and even if it did, many of these victims would have no interest in breaking it up. The main triangles, though, were [[Digimon Adventure 02 (Anime)|Takeru-Hikari-Daisuke]] and [[Digimon Adventure (Anime)|Taichi-Sora-Yamato]], one a very frequent [[Ship Tease]] and the other involving an [[Official Couple]]. And before you ask, no, there was no specific popular combination of happy couple and evil rival; the combinations in each triangle were pretty much of equal frequency. Yes, counting the ''[[Everyone Is Gay|yaoi]]'' [[Gay Option|options]].
** In the end Sora and Yamato got together. Which obviously pissed off Taiora fans. As for Daisuke, Takeru, and Hikari ? None of them end of with each other but nameless and faceless characters. Pissing off Daikari, Takari, and Daikeru fans alike.
** Don't forget how Miyako took the brunt of the bashing in the [[Digimon Adventure 02 (Anime)|Miyako-Ken-Daisuke]] pairings, {{spoiler|because she got Ken in the [[Distant Finale]]}}.
** And not even the foreign Digidestined that appeared in maybe two or three episodes are safe from bashing. [[The Ojou|Catherine]], the French blonde girl who helped Takeru and Taichi and got kisses from them in return, is often seen as an horrible threat to Taichi/Sora and/or Takeru/Hikari. In a similar vein [[The Woobie|Wallace]], who kissed Hikari, has got both Takeru/Hikari and Daisuke/Hikari fans out for his blood. Same goes to [[Bratty Half -Pint|Rosa]], the Mexican little girl infatuated with Ken, who's very much maligned by Daisuke/Ken fans: many after-[[Grand Finale]] rants took pot shots at lots of characters, and Rosa was the one-shot female who took the hardest ones (Wormmon didn't like her, so she ''had'' to be a little bitch).
* Asuka Tenjouin/Alexis Rhodes of ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh GX]]'' is not only hated and called all manner of bad names for being the token female love interest and [[Ms. Fanservice]] in a show filled past the brink with [[Ho Yay]], but for vehemently refusing to get ''into'' a relationship with Manjyome/Chazz.
** There's at least one fan that will vilify ''anyone'' who so much dares to speak of Judai hooking up with anyone ''but'' Asuka, especially if said hook-up is with [[The Ace]] Johan/Jesse. With the series over now, it seems they took the best way out and {{spoiler|had ''no'' ships resolved.}}
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* Susanna Marlowe from ''[[Candy Candy]]'' gets this so bad that women in their ''thirties'' and ''forties'' behave like whiny teenyboppers whenever reminded {{spoiler|of how Susanna got Terry instead of Candy, after [[Honor Before Reason|Candy decides]] [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy|to give him up willingly]], since Susanna [[Heroic Sacrifice|almost got killed for him]] and ended up crippled and with her acting career in tatters.}}
* In ''[[Dragonball Z]]''... [[Butt Monkey|Yamcha]] often gets twisted into a wife-beater by fans of the [[Gadgeteer Genius|Bulma]]/[[The Rival|Vegeta]] pairing. As long as we're on the subject, why shippers think that a wife-beater would be worse than an [[Omnicidal Maniac]] is anyone's guess.
** In all fairness, Vegeta's omnicidal mania was largely an [[Adaptation -Induced Plothole]].
** Many ''Dragon Ball Z'' fanfics have had Yamcha cheating on Bulma with another woman as the impetus for Bulma to break it off with him and get together with Vegeta, who had pulled a [[Heel Face Turn]] by the time the Frieza saga was over, though he was still something of an arrogant [[Jerkass]]. Yamcha being unfaithful to Bulma ''might'' have some canon basis, but Bulma wasn't exactly the perfect girlfriend to him either and he ''definitely'' wasn't an abusive boyfriend to her at any point. Again, this begs the question of how Yamcha cheating on Bulma is worse than Vegeta nearly letting Bulma and their son get murdered in the Android Saga by Dr. Gero and then Vegeta flat out saying that he doesn't care about them. Surely not carrying if your girlfriend and infant son die is worse than cheating on your girlfriend, but not if you follow the shipper's logic.
** There's also the Trunks''/''[[Flat Character|Marron]] ([[Overshadowed By Awesome|Kuririn]] and [[Dark Action Girl|#18]]'s daughter) who bash Pan, and the Trunks/Pan fans who bash Marron, neither of whom have done anything to suggest a romantic rivalry. In fact, Marron doesn't do anything ''at all''. Not to mention Pan and Marron are ''never'' shown to be romantically interested in anyone at all, let alone Trunks.
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*** Piccolo/Gohan shippers either portray Videl as a horrible person or have her be the supportive best friend, depending on how old Gohan is in the fan fic.
* There appears to be quite a bit of animosity in the ''[[Mai-HiME (Anime)|Mai-HiME]]'' shipping camp between those deciding whether to pair [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo|Natsuki Kuga]] exclusively with Shizuru Fujino (Natsuki's most important person in HiME and her schoolgirl crush in Otome, a dyed-in-the-wool [[Schoolgirl Lesbians|Schoolgirl/School Supervisor Lesbian]] with an obvious crush on her) or Nao Yuuki (who [[Foe Yay|teases her]] [[Les Yay|like crazy]] in ''[[Mai-Otome (Anime)|Mai-Otome]]''), with fans of one pairing painting the designated "third wheel" as an evil harpy deserving of death (despite ''both'' Shizuru and Nao being examples of [[Draco in Leather Pants]]).
** Ignoring the non-shippers who [[The Scrappy|dislike]] male lead character Yuuichi Tate for being [[Non-Action Guy|largely useless]] (and [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad|stealing the spotlight in the manga]], to the point that some fans have [[Discontinuity/Anime|sworn off the manga adaptation entirely]] simply because he's in it), those who write him in fanfic at all keep [[The Hero|Mai Tokiha]] the hell away from him [[Fan -Preferred Couple|in favor of hooking her up with]] [[Cute Bruiser|Mikoto Minagi]]. This is complicated even further because of the constant [[Les Yay]] Mai and Mikoto share on-screen, and because {{spoiler|even though Mai feels like she'd be better as Mikoto's [[Cool Big Sis]], she actually tells ''Mikoto'' "I love you" ''before'' saying the same about Tate, even in the final episode's [[Omake]].}}
*** There's also some Yuuichi bashing by Shizuru/Natsuki shippers, since in the manga, Natsuki's pursuing him, and he's her Key instead of Shizuru ({{spoiler|Then again, Yuuichi ''also'' gets together with Mai in the manga}}.
** Rabid Shizuru/Natsuki fans have also bashed [[Tall, Dark and Snarky|Reito Kanzaki]], vice president of the [[Absurdly Powerful Student Council]] Shizuru leads. Oddly enough, he shows no interest in Shizuru [[Platonic Life Partners|aside of friendship]] and has a crush ''on Mai'' in canon, but the Mai/Mikoto fans are ''not'' out for his blood. {{spoiler|The fact that Reito is Mikoto's older brother as well as [[Demonic Possession|the vessel]] for the [[Big Bad]] doesn't seem to bother them that much.}}
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** Shizuru/Natsuki fans who follow ''Otome'' also don't like [[Psycho Lesbian|Tomoe Marguerite]], and make up a large section of her [[The Scrappy|anti-fandom]]. It doesn't help Tomoe's case that she actually ''does'' attempt to hurt/kill people {{spoiler|(even going as far as to willingly join the bad guys)}} so that she can be the only one to get Shizuru's eye/pants... though {{spoiler|[[I Have You Now, My Pretty|the kiss]]}} was likely the straw that broke the [[Nanomachines]]-powered camel's back.
* The tagline to the harem anime ''[[Shuffle]]'' is ''"Which girl would you choose?"'' Better pick '''fast''', because the [[Instant Fanclub|Instant Fanclubs]] depicted in the show have carried over into the fandom, and they're just as crazy as on TV. ''Kitto Kitto Kaede'' (pro [[Yandere|Kaede Fuyou]]) and ''Ai Ai Asa'' (pro [[Bokukko|Asa Shigure]]) in particular have deep, ''deep'' vendettas against each other's characters.
* In ''[[Romeo X Juliet]]'', [[Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter|Mad Dictator's Handsome Son]] Romeo Candorebanto Montague has a [[Romantic False Lead|fiancee]] named Hermione. She's sweet, has an odd hairstyle, starts as a [[Proper Lady]] but has an episode that features her as a momentary [[Yandere]], and is in between Romeo's destined love with a Juliet portrayed as a mix of [[Bifauxnen]] and [[Action Girl]] for plot reasons. Of ''course'', no matter how [[The Woobie|sympathetic]] [[Romantic Runner -Up|she is]] in canon (which is rare for a [[Romantic False Lead]]), a good part of the fandom sees Hermione as an evil, stupid slut who must die so the strong and cool Juliet can have her Romeo, [[Leet Lingo|kthxbai]].
* If you're a more or less sane ''[[Code Geass]]'' fan, do ''not'' mention the name Shirley Fenette in front of rabid Lelouch/C.C. or Lelouch/Kallen fans (and even then, it's probably best to isolate Lulu/C.C. and Lulu/Kallen fans from each other for a while). {{spoiler|Even after Shirley actually ''died'' for the ship.}}
** There's one message board where one poster insists that Shirley is an evil, heartless, manipulative bitch for using her father's death as an "excuse" to get closer to Lelouch, ignoring that she ''admitted'' it was selfish and apologized to Lelouch for it, and Lulu actually reciprocates her feelings to some extent. {{spoiler|Interestingly enough, compare the above to Mao's little [[Hannibal Lecture]] he gives to Shirley in Episode 14 of the first season.}}
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** On the yaoi side of things, Carrot is often demonized into a homophobic [[Jerkass]] who would disown Marron for being in love with Gateau. Conversely, Gateau is made into a raping bastard for the sake of Carrot/Marron or Marron/Tira.
* In ''[[Elfen Lied]]'', Lucy/Kouta fans hate [[Team Mom]] [[Clingy Jealous Girl|Yuuka]] with a fiery passion. Even when, well, she's not exactly the biggest threat to their relationship... but the fact that {{spoiler|Lucy murdered Kouta's father and sister}} ''is''.
* A somewhat surprising exception can be found in the ''[[Vision of Escaflowne]]'' fandom. The one who gets the hardest and cruelest bashing from fangirls for getting in between [[Hot -Blooded|Van Fanel]] and [[Ordinary High School Student|Hitomi Kanzaki]] is... ''not'' [[Clingy Jealous Girl|Merle]] the [[Catgirl]]. Though fans ''do'' complain about Merle, the one hated the most is actually [[Officer and A Gentleman|Allen Schezar]], the blond-haired bishonen with a convoluted love life prior to meeting Hitomi (don't ask), who is seen as "sexist", "control freak" and "traitor" {{spoiler|because he got to [[Sacred First Kiss|kiss]] Hitomi in front of Van... when the three were in a sort-of weird [[More Than Mind Control]] situation enacted by Folken and the twin catgirls and [[Batman Gambit|staged by Dornkirk]]. That was ''not'' Allen's fault (and neither Hitomi's, nor Van's), but people still use that scene to woobify Van and bash Allen.}}
* ''[[Rurouni Kenshin]]'' fandom has the infamous "[[Tsundere|Kaoru]] is soooo emotional and sweet and that makes her better for Kenshin than the ice cold [[Mary Sue]] [[Emotionless Girl|Tomoe]]" v/s "Kaoru is a stupid, [[Clingy Jealous Girl|clingy little bitch]] and Tomoe was a [[Purity Sue|perfect goddess]] who made Kenshin truly happy" wars. However, said fans forget that {{spoiler|Tomoe was dead long before Kaoru came into the picture}}, which means that neither of them poses any threat to the opposing ship. It's as if the fans refuse to believe that Kenshin can fall in love more than once in his life.
** And if we go to [[Hot -Blooded|Sanosuke]] / [[Team Mom|Megumi]] fans... Argh. Their treatment of [[Ill Girl|Sayo]] is ''horrible''. Makes even ''less'' sense since {{spoiler|not only she's an anime-only character, but she ''dies''.}}
* In the ''[[Suzumiya Haruhi]]'' franchise, some Kyon/Yuki and Kyon/Mikuru fans just won't stop [[Character Exaggeration|overexaggerating]] Haruhi's [[Jerkass|childish, sociopathic and impulsive]] behavior to [[Complete Monster|downright evil and/or psychotic]] degrees and ''denying'' all the [[Character Development]] she ultimately got, while turning the "rival" into a victimised [[Purity Sue]] to "prove" how more "deserving" she is of Kyon's love. To them, Kyon doesn't care for Haruhi ''at all'' and ''ONLY'' puts up with her because he's forced to as a member of the SOS Brigade {{spoiler|(read: he doesn't want her to [[Reality Warper|re-write reality]] without knowing it, but would ditch her ''immediately'' if he could).}} Nevermind that {{spoiler|Kyon ''does'' gently but clearly tell Yuki in the novels that he ''likes'' all the craziness Haruhi brings to his life, and that without her, Yuki and Mikuru wouldn't even ''be'' there, so it's thanks to "the evil Haruhi" that they even have chances to approach Kyon.}}
** Kyon/Haruhi fans aren't entirely innocent of this either. A number of the more diehard fans seem unable to accept [[Out of Focus|Haruhi's reduced role in the series]], and instead paint Mikuru as an evil, [[Manipulative Bitch]] who is activly attempting to steal Kyon away from Haruhi. Never mind that she's apparently required to not get into relationships when outside her time frame, which would make her a [[Celibate Hero|Celibate Heroine]].
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* Should [[Shugo Chara|Amu]] end up with [[Troubled but Cute|Ikuto]] or [[White Prince|Tadase]]? Dare you even mention [[Big Brother Mentor|Kukai]]? It appears that Ikuto/Amu is the runaway winner, with 90% of the fandom touting it as the deepest, greatest love story ever told and calling Tadase a homosexual (at best) and potentially evil (at worst).
** You forgot [[The Mole|Kairi]], who canonically admited to having feelings for Amu. Oddly, he rarely seems to suffer from [[Die for Our Ship]], unlike Amu's other admirers. This is probably because he was [[Put On a Bus]] in the middle of the series.
* [[Tsundere|Naru Narusegawa]] of ''[[Love Hina]]'' is demonized by fans of [[Fan -Preferred Couple|Keitaro/Mutsumi, Keitaro/Shinobu, etc.]] On the other hand, some Keitarou/Naru fans bash [[Defrosting Ice Queen|Motoko]] and demonize ''her'' behavior towards Keitarou, while failing to acknowledge that Naru can be just as bad when at her worst. In fact, the whole ''Love Hina'' example that used to be here actually fell victim to [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]] mentality and had to go, unintentionally making it a great proof of the trope.
* The [[Lucky Star (Anime)|Konami]] ([[Genki Girl|Konata]]/[[Tsundere|Kagami]]) fanboys can be so rabid, they have been known in the past to bash [[Meganekko|Miyuki]] just for the act of being on screen for a few moments. If these fans were the majority, chances are that Miyuki would really die for their ship. It's perhaps a telling sign of the temptations of shipping and [[Fan Dumb|Fan Dumbness]] that an anime ''satirizing'' anime tropes and conventions should itself suffer from shipwars.
* An alternate-universe OVA series for ''[[Da Capo]]'', in which the [[Fan -Preferred Couple|fan-preferred]] Kotori wins, was released several years after the original series. In this series, {{spoiler|[[Die for Our Ship]] is ''actually'' invoked: Nemu is shown to have died some time before the story begins.}} A number of fans were... quite happy about this.
* Probably the current #1 cause of dislike for Kaaya from ''[[The Tower of Druaga (Anime)|The Tower of Druaga]]'', with many fans believing that Jil had more chemistry with Fatina than he ever had with Kaaya.
* Since a [[Yaoi Fangirl|sizable chunk]] of the readership is into ''[[Xxx Holic (Manga)|Xxx Holic]]'' for the [[Ho Yay]] between Watanuki and Domeki, it's a wonder most people don't outright hate Himawari, Watanuki's ''canon'' [[Love Interest]]. They just tend to pretend she doesn't exist at all. It helps that ''she's'' into said [[Ho Yay]], too.
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** On the other hand, as a result, all female character polls would just not have Ai and Ran (In alphabetical order) in the options, calling them "minor female character polls."
* In the ''[[Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni|Higurashi]]'' fandom it's best not to mention [[Love Triangle|Keiichi/Rena or Keiichi/Mion]] outside of fanart, AMVs (obviously not in comments, though) and fanfiction. Any other pairing is surprisingly out of shipping wars though, even ones relating to Keiichi (probably because they're considered not canon). Considering the series, within fan-creations the opposing characters typically do die.
* ''[[Shaman King]]'' gets loads of [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]], and to list all of them would take up several pages of text (and it did). Many Yoh/Tamao and Yoh/any guy shippers bash Yoh's childhood fiancee Anna, and a couple of Yoh/Anna shippers bash Tamao because of her one-sided crush on Yoh. Additionally, rabid RenHoro shippers hate Kokoro for apparently sinking their ship when {{spoiler|it was revealed that she's actually the spirit of Horohoro's first love}} and Jeanne for {{spoiler|ending up as Ren's wife or girlfriend, or ''at very least'' as the mother of his child}}.
* [[Foe Yay|Sakuragi/Rukawa]] shippers in the ''[[Slam Dunk]]'' fandom are incredibly guilty of bashing [[Cute Clumsy Girl|Haruko]] [[The Pollyanna|Akagi]], sometimes even for [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses|misogynistic reasons]].
** To a smaller degree, Akira Sendoh also gets bashed by Sakuragi/Rukawa fans. They tend more to [[Ship Mates|pair him up with]] [[Deadpan Snarker]] Koshino, though.
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* ''[[Hayate the Combat Butler (Manga)|Hayate the Combat Butler]]'': Ironically for a series where pretty much all the contenders in the respective [[Unwanted Harem|Unwanted Harems]] of Hayate and Wataru are remarkably civil toward each other, the shippings fandom tends to be given to bashing the competition. Especially prevalent now with the introduction of the [[Ensemble Darkhorse|wildly popular]] first girlfriend of Hayate, Athena, coupled with the series cranking up the [[Ship Tease]] [[Up to Eleven]]. The end of Chapter 265 really threw the Hayate x Athena fans into a frenzy when {{spoiler|Athena pulls an [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]] and decides to leave Hayate with his happy life under Nagi, with some [[Ship Tease]] of Hayate/Nagi in the last page}}. Cue some fans threatening to stop reading the manga or that Nagi isn't good enough for Hayate. And this is forgetting that Athena and Nagi, despite not meeting each other, would probably get along well: Nagi {{spoiler|''gave up her entire inheritance'' to enable Hayate to rescue Athena without the baggage of a [[Sadistic Choice]]}} and she has shown that, while she may be jealous of other girls with interest in Hayate, she can consider them good friends -- like she does with Nishizawa. On the other hand, Athena has expressed admiration for {{spoiler|Nagi's sacrifice}} as well as approval of Nagi for giving Hayate a life where he could be happy.
** It is bit jarring since it's been shown time and time again that Hayate doesn't have any attraction for Nagi at all, viewing her as just a little kid. While it is outright stated that she {{spoiler|is the person he wants to protect the most}}, it's more of a [[Big Brother Instinct]].
** On the other hand, shippers of all kinds (not only the Hayate x Nagi faction) pretty much started ''screaming'' the moment Athena entered into the picture, greatly increasing the [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]] since according to them, Athena ''had'' to be a stupid and evil [[Yandere]] who completely ruined Hayate's life. Yep, her [[Hidden Depths]] came ''after'' a while, but sheeesh.
** Now that Nagi and Athena have met, {{spoiler|Athena does throw something of a challenge toward an oblivious Nagi. However, said challenge is mostly of the playful, friendly competition type and displays nowhere near the vitriol (heck, no vitriol at all, for that matter) the more extreme fans of either side purport.}} So, again, the characters of the manga prove to be much more mature about the whole thing than their shippers.
* Starting to show up in ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]''. The series is rife with [[Ship Tease]], but when the popular Negi/Asuna ship [[Ship Sinking|hit an]] [[Long-Lost Relative|iceberg]], people started coming up with any excuse possible.
** [[Cute Witch|Anna Yurievna "Anya" Cocolova]] was already seen as a bratty and bitchy [[Tsundere]] by Negi/Other Girls fans ''before'' the Negi/Asuna ship was damaged. Yes, she's a [[Bratty Half -Pint]], but she's not the Little Bitch From Hell!
** Of course, one probable reason for so little of this is the fact that most shippers' attention is focused on [[Schoolgirl Lesbians|Setsuna/Konoka]], and ''everybody'' hates the [[Stalker With a Crush|major]] [[Psycho Lesbian|person]] trying to get in the way of ''that''.
* ''[[Saiyuki]]'' being an extreme [[Ho Yay]] fodder, this treatment is usually typical for any of the ladies. Especially [[Ms. Fanservice|Yaone]], who on top of being a [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses|girly, assertive female]], also gets in the way between Hakkai/any of the Sanzou group, or [[Foe Yay|Goku/Kougaiji]].
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* A few Lotor/Allura shippers in the ''[[Voltron]]'' fandom demonize heroic Keith into a boorish bastard who just wants Allura for sex, or a crazed [[Stalker With a Crush]] who would sooner kill her than let her be with anyone else.
* Riho Yamazaki of ''[[Night Walker]]'' is assaulted on all sides by Shido/Cain and Shido/Yayoi shippers.
* ''[[Durarara]]!!'' is starting to get some of this, among Shizuo/Vorona and Shizuo/Izaya fangirls. Damn [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]]! Just from the few stories written about either pairing, Vorona is portrayed as a [[The Vamp|selfish slut]] that doesn't care for Shizuo and wants to lure him into false security so she can kill him. As for Izaya, while not bashed outright, he goes through [[Badass Decay]] and is defeated by Vorona in a one on one combat easily so she could end up with Shizuo. Fans are forgetting that Izaya is the only character besides Simon that can fight Shizuo one on one when Vorona clearly ran away the first time she came in contact with Shizuo.
** Kida's girlfriend Saki Miyajima has recently been getting the same treatment from [[Mind Game Ship|Izaya/Kida]] (or anyone with Kida) fans. Most of the time, she's portrayed as a leech that is zapping the life out of Kida or a useless slut that can't do anything and clings to Kida to make her pain go away. Bonus points if this is the reason that the two break up in the story.
* The ''[[Ef a Fairy Tale of The Two]]'' fandom is very small, but there ''is'' quite the hate towards [[Tsundere|Kei Shindou]] for getting in between [[Reclusive Artist|Hiro Hirono]] and [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl|Miyako Miyamura.]]
* It's hard to determine who is hated more for "getting in between" [[The Woobie|Ritsuka]] and [[Manipulative Bastard|Soubi]] in [[Loveless]]: [[Huge Schoolgirl|Yuiko]] or [[Christmas Cake|Hitomi-sensei]].
* The ''[[To Aru Majutsu no Index]]'' fandom is certainly a clear example, the main [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]] is shown between Index and Misaka Mikoto, with the later fandom willing Index to die since Touma spends most of his time cohabitating with her, who lives in the same room on his bed and most of the [[Accidental Pervert]] moments are related to her with Touma. Of course this isn't where the hatred ends after reading a while the most common "arguments" to justify their flawed reasons are: "She is a nun" (when in this series is clear that [[Nuns Are Mikos]] and despite she is supposed to be at training never acts as one); "She is more like a little sister for him" (Touma oftenly gets embarrased for her on most of his [[Accidental Pervert]] moments and that he is always afraid that Index will leave him if she manages to know he actually lost his memories).
* Being a middle schooler does NOT protect [[Kodomo no Omocha|Fuuka Matsui]] from being bashed ''heavily'' by rabid Sana/Akito fangirls. Sana's [[Unlucky Childhood Friend]] Naozumi isn't exactly liked, either.
* In [[Mirai Nikki]], Yuno Gasai loves Yukiteru "Yukki" Amano. Then, Akise Aru also falls for Yukiteru. Yukiteru's feelings are more directed to Yuno than Akise, who happens to be [[Ho Yay|male]] like him, and Yuno is the most popular character of the series due to her ''[[Yandere|strong]]'' feelings, [[Dark Action Girl|her fighting skills]] and [[Ms. Fanservice|her physical beauty]]. Guess what, Akise is ''loathed'' by the fandom, and Yuno/Yukki fans even ''cheered'' {{spoiler|when Yuno killed him.}}
** It goes both ways, acually. The Akise/Yukki shippers hate Yuno for the reasons mentioned above and claim that Yukki being with Akise is a much healthier relationship than with [[Yandere|Yuno]]. This is backed up by {{spoiler|Akise getting killed and proving that Yuno plans on killing him just to start the whole game over.}} Fortunately, this [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]] is only on forums online.
* ''[[Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Anime)|Puella Magi Madoka Magica]]'': After episode 7, {{spoiler|Hitomi Shizuki}} started to get LOTS of hate for {{spoiler|confronting Sayaka on her feelings for Kamijou, and ''confessing'' to him a little later. Which, unbeknownst to Kamijou and Hitomi, kickstarts [[The Woobie|an already VERY unstable and traumatized Sayaka's]] [[Despair Event Horizon|fall into despair]] [[Face Heel Turn|that ultimately led her to become a witch]].}} She had no idea that such actions would bring that horrible mess, never finds out what's going on ''and'' is said {{spoiler|to fall into depression when it's believed that Sayaka died}}, but since a part of the fandom seems to believe that {{spoiler|Sayaka's healing of Kamijou's arm apparently means she's "his owner" and that he is ''required'' to become her prize-boyfriend}}, the girl is "a traitor bitch who is completely to blame for our [[Woobie]]'s suffer for {{spoiler|stealing her man away}}".
** Bizarrely, they seem to hate {{spoiler|Kamijou}} too, with most preferring to see Sayaka hook up with [[Les Yay|Kyoko Sakura]], who only [[Took a Level In Kindness|Takes A Level In Kindness]] while Sayaka {{spoiler|is obviously going crazy... which happens ''after'' Kamijou doesn't notice her feelings.}}. Not to mention the fact that {{spoiler|Mami specifically ''warned'' Sayaka against healing Kamijou's arm to make him "owe" her.}}
*** "Bizarrely", eh? Can you say [[Het Is Ew]]?
** [[Yuri Fan|Yuri fans]] aren't much better, since in some circles, [[Cool Big Sis|Mami]] takes lots of heat from [[Dark Magical Girl|Homura]]/[[The Messiah|Madoka]] fans. While this has been around almost from the beginning, it has been specially hard after Episode 10's revelation about {{spoiler|the Mami from the third timeline crossing the [[Despair Event Horizon]] and trying to kill everyone to spare them from becoming witches}}, which apparently means she's a "psychotic" and "weak" bitch and "inferior" to Homura. <br /><br />It's also extremely annoying to see Homura/Madoka fans compare {{spoiler|Sayaka}} unfavorably to Homura and say that because {{spoiler|Sayaka fell into despair for, among other things, a ''male'' like Kamijou}} whereas Homura {{spoiler|became a hardened shell of her old self almost exclusively for a ''female'' like Madoka}}, the first is "shallow", "offensive" and "slutty" while the second is "a beautiful and feminist woman in love". [[Double Standard|What]] [[What Measure Is a Non -Badass?|the]] [[Insane Troll Logic|HELL]]?!
* Are you a ''[[Kizuna]]'' fan? That's good. Do you ship the [[Official Couple]] of [[Tsundere|Ranmaru]] [[Heir to The Dojo|Samejima]] and [[Heroic Bastard|Kei]] [[Tall, Dark and Snarky|Enjouji]]? Great! But please, ''please'' lay off [[Annoying Younger Sibling|Kai]] [[Hot -Blooded|Sagano]]. Don't bring up bashing to this kinda peaceful fandom, damn it.
* While the ''[[Soul Eater]]'' fandom isn't as loud with this as most other series, it still has its share. There are few cases that whenever a shipper pairs Maka up with other characters-Kid, Chrona, or even Asura- it seems that they find the need to give Soul hell. Some fans have Soul being an abusive boyfriend, a cheater, or just the [[Jerkass]] that they see him as- even though it is clearer than anything else that Soul is more devoted to Maka than most other characters could ever be and that the last thing he would ever do to her is leave her.
* The ''[[Bubblegum Crisis]] Tokyo 2040'' fandom really likes their [[Office Lady|Linna]] x [[Hot Amazon|Priss]] [[Les Yay]]. It'd be better if they didn't bash the everloving crap of the closest that Priss has to a male love interest, [[Fair Cop|Leon McNichol]]. He's not an idiot, he's not pure [[Dumb Muscle]], and damn it Priss ''does'' develop a soft spot for him and all, so he cannot be as "horrible" and "stupid" as [[Yuri Fan|Yuri Fans]] paint him.
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* Shannon in ''[[Umineko no Naku Koro Ni (Visual Novel)|Umineko no Naku Koro Ni]]'', for getting in the way of Battler and Beatrice's true love. Nevermind that {{spoiler|Shannon IS Beatrice in the first place. Sort of. It's very complicated.}}
* Though relatively new the KyoheixHibino shippers of ''[[Kamisama Dolls]]'' can be excruciatingly vile. Don't believe it? Check out the comments for episode 11 from Crunchy Roll's stream, {{spoiler|despite the fact that it is an [[It Got Worse]] [[Flash Back]] featuring Kyohei, Aki and Mahiru taking on a [[Powered By a Forsaken Child]] Kakashi that is seeking one of ''them'' to be its next battery, barely surviving the encounter and doing permanent damage to each of their psyche's}} the most common comments were about Mahiru interfering with their ship, calls for her head and a desire for her to [[Sarcasm Mode|Get a Life...]]
* The ''[[Mawaru Penguindrum (Anime)|Mawaru Penguindrum]]'' fandom is showing baby symptoms of this, as a side-effect of the [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]] among Himari/Kanba and {{spoiler|Shouma/Himari}} fans. {{spoiler|Shouma}} is the one that is starting to take the worst, ''specially'' after episodes 19 and 20 reveal him as {{spoiler|Himari's soulmate}} - which has sent a good part of the {{spoiler|Himari/Kanba}} fringe into huge hategasms, as they think he's [[What Measure Is a Non -Badass?|"a pansy"]] and "less worthy" of {{spoiler|Himari}} than {{spoiler|Kanba.}}
* Lisanna Strauss of ''[[Fairy Tail]]'' gets this a lot from militant Natsu/Lucy fans, especially after {{spoiler|it was revealed that she actually isn't dead and is now back with the main cast}}, very often being portrayed as the epitome of [[Ron the Death Eater]] to justify everyone suddenly hating her and deciding she needs to die. This is completely ignoring her canon personality of being an absolute sweetheart, and the fact that [[Shipper On Deck|she has actually instructed Lucy to stick close to Natsu as well]]. This may be due in part to the anime, which added a ''lot'' of [[Ship Tease]] to Natsu and Lisanna's relationship as children. In the manga, the only hint of romance between them came from Lisanna jokingly asking if she could become his wife when they grew up.
** Juvia Loxar, while she's a generally popular character and doesn't get as much pairing-related heat as Lisanna, does get some flack for liking/being in love with Gray. Canonically, while she ''is'' a [[Clingy Jealous Girl]] around him and people (read: women and oddly, {{spoiler|Lyon}}) close to him, all in all, she's a sweet and caring person. Also, most, if not all of her antics concerning him, are pure comic relief, and later on in the manga, she ''does'' tone down her obsessive behavior. But that doesn't matter to some non-Gray/Juvia shippers (mostly Gray/Lucy fans) along with the facts Juvia is actually ''friends'' with other women (''including'' the ones she thinks are her "love rivals", such as Lucy) and does care for the guild and all its members. [[Ron the Death Eater|They just zero in on her obsessive part of her personality]], and slam her for being a total creepy bitch who won't ask Gray out like a normal person (completely ignoring how she attempted to hang out him with a couple of times after she joined Fairy Tail and asked him out to lunch) and needs to die. Or get together with {{spoiler|Lyon Bastia since Sherry is (conveniently and blessedly) out of the picture}}.