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** Also Light's death in the manga.
* Kyuzo from ''[[Samurai 7]]'' dies with his eyes open. Kambei takes his glove off to close them.
* Subversion: in the final arc of ''[[Ranma ½|[[Ranma ½]]'', if Akane's eyes close completely it means she has died. They do, and Ranma spends several pages cradling her body, thinking he was too late. She got better upon hearing his declaration of love.
* The [[Hollywood Cyborg|Combat Cyborg]] Due from ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'' exhibited both this trope ''and'' [[Blood From the Mouth]] upon getting impaled by Zest to show that she's really dead.
* In ''[[Naruto]]'', after Kakashi kills Haku by striking him with the Lightning Blade meant for Zabuza, he dies with his eyes wide open, and Kakashi closes them for him after getting to safety for a moment. Most other characters, however, close their eyes as they die.