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* [[Body Snatcher]]: The Royal Knights in the Pendulum X. They infect the digimon that can defeat them via their [[Heart Drive|Master Tags]], allowing them to become more powerful by [[Body Surf|possessing a succession of increasingly more powerful digimon]].
* [[Body Surf]]: How the Royal Knights increase their power.
* [[Born -Again Immortality]]: With the exception of ''Tamers'' and ''Xros Wars'', all Digimon have Type IV. When killed, they normally turn into digi-eggs and are reborn (though it varies as to if they remember their past life or not, even within the same season). Myotismon from ''Adventure'' had a different type in that his soul just kept coming back in a stronger body till it was destroyed. A plot point in ''Savers'' was that [[Complete Monster|Kurata]] found a way to rob Digimon of this, making him able to kill them off for good. In ''Xros Wars'', they remain dead unless someone resurrects them or they can maintain a form of memory.
* [[Brought Down to Badass]]: Several of the Perfect level, then the highest [[Evolutionary Levels|evolution level]], Digimon introduced in the obscure ''Digital Monster'' were retooled as Adults in subsequent materials. These include Ebidramon, Minotarumon and Mechanorimon. Of course, they're still plenty dangerous.
* [[Brought Down to Normal]]: Syakomon, like the examples above, also originated in Version S and got this treatment. Unfortunately, since he was small and cute, not unlike an aquatic Mamemon, he was reassigned to the [[Evolutionary Levels|Child level]].
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** [[Gratuitous German]]: ...or German.
** [[Gratuitous Foreign Language]] ...or some other language; Zoe/Izumi/Kazemon/Fairymon's attacks are in Italian.
* [[Heart Drive]]: The Master Tag to the Royal Knights. You can acquire these in the Pendulum X V-Pets by defeating their corresponding Royal Knights. If you give it your digimon Congratulations! [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|You just gave Yggdrasil a more powerful Royal Knight]] [[Player Punch|to hunt down illegal digimon with]].
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: This is traditional for every season and is expected in the sixth. The Heel Face Turner may also become Sixth Ranger if human. Usually involves [[More Than Mind Control]].
** ''Adventure'': {{spoiler|Gatomon/Tailmon, Wizardmon/Wizarmon, Orgemon}}
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* [[Marathon Running]]: When a marathon on [[Fox Kids]] wasn't ''[[Power Rangers]]'', it was ''Digimon''.
* [[Martial Arts Do Not Work That Way]]: The entire franchise consistently averts it, which is surprising considering that this is intended for kids and has plenty of fighting, even between humans.
* [[Merchandise -Driven]]: Digimon is first and formost a toy franchise, so much so that having good toy sales can save your season from being canned [[Digimon Xros Wars (Anime)|even if it has low ratings]].
* [[Mechanical Monster]]: A good 185 or so of them comprise the Metal Empire "family". Specific Digimon species of this nature are usually classed as "Cyborg" or "Machine" type Digimon.
* [[Motor Mouth]]: What happens when you have thirty seconds to explain [[Previously On|what happened in thirty minutes]], although this counts as [[Dub Text]].
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** Ken Ichijoji, in ''[[Digimon Adventure 02 (Anime)|Digimon Adventure 02]]'', after discovering that the Digital world is not just an artificial construct in which he can play out his anger and issues concerning his brother's death. This method essentially turns him from the [[Big Bad]] to [[The Woobie]].
** In one of the Digimon movies, the little American boy had one of his Digimon go rogue; he had been chasing it all over the US in an attempt to fix it. Even after the other kids show up, he is initially insistent that because it is his Digimon, he needs to make it right, himself.
** '''Beelzemon''', good ''Lord'', [[The Atoner|Beel]][[ItsIt's All My Fault|ze]][[Redemption Equals Death|mon]]. See the trope page for details.
* [[My Master Right or Wrong]]: Usually played straight, as with [[Digimon Adventure|Gabumon]], [[Digimon Adventure 02|Wormmon]], [[Digimon Tamers|Renamon]], [[Digimon Frontier|Duskmon]], [[Digimon Savers|Gaomon]], and [[Digimon Xros Wars|most of Kiriha's army]] (in fact, everyone but Dracomon, who just stays inside of Kiriha's Xros Loader and pleads for him to stop, and Deckerdramon, who actually turns on him and attempts to remind him of the 'strong love' he once felt). [[Heel Face Turn]] may include a subversion of this. Once Gatomon realizes that her place is with Kari, all of her dialogue with Myotismon amounts to "screw you." Though she was also helped by Myotismon being a sadistic monster.
* [[No Body Left Behind]]: Digimon normally disappear into data upon death, though depending on which canon is in question, they might also leave [[Born -Again Immortality|a Digi-egg]] behind.
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: Far too many times to list politely, [http://digipedia.db-destiny.net/misc/trivia.htm#2 here]'s a list.
* [[Non -Indicative Name]]
** Why are the ones that look like bees called Flymon?
** Then there's DinoBeemon, JewelBeemon, HoneyBeemon, FlyBeemon, CannonBeemon, and FanBeemon, which are, in order, A bug/dragon mishmash, a humanoid insect knight, a bee-fairy, a humanoid dragonfly, a [[Mobile Suit Gundam|Dendrobium Orchis]], and finally something something more or less resembling a bee.
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* [[Nuclear Weapons Taboo]]
** Played straight or averted with [[Game Breaker|SkullGreymon's attack]], dependent on your region. In the English dub, the move is called Dark Shot. In the original version, it's called [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_zero Ground Zero]. [[Game Breaker|Which makes SkullGreymon a mindless, semi-invulnerable creature bent on mass destruction]] ''[[Game Breaker|with a nuclear missile attached to its back]].''
** The movie ''Our'' (or ''[[Spell My Name With an "S"|Children's]]'') ''Wargame'' averts it spectacularly, by featuring the main villain lauching an ICBM, carrying a '''''nuke''''' at the children, that are in Odaiba, ''Tokyo''. This was as shown in Japan, and came from an anime made for kids.<ref> Nukes are triggered mid air to maximise the destruction, and are specifically designed to ''not'' trigger due to impact.</ref> Luckily for them, Greymon's missiles don't act like real nukes.
* [[Oh Crap]]
** Myotismon has this reaction when he sees Kari get her hands on her Digivice. The original version uses the "oh, no!" variant of this trope.
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** MarineAngemon: A [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]] in the form of a Sea Angel (as in, not technically an "Angel" angel, but still wields [[The Power of Love]]). The Holy Ring around its neck is said to secure its decapitated body. Mega Level. One of several final evolutions for Gomamon.
** Gallantmon: Crimson Mode. Can be easily described as turning Gallantmon [[Up to Eleven]] with ten wings. Not a straight example, but in some incarnations appears as a jogress of [[The Paladin|Gallantmon]] and [[Celestial Paragons and Archangels|Seraphimon]]. Usually appears when Gallantmon combines with [[Norse Mythology|Grani]]. Mega+ Level.
** Beelzemon: Blast Mode. An eight-foot tall [[Hell -Bent for Leather|leather-wearing]] [[Winged Humanoid]] with a ''[[Big Fucking Gun|gigantic]]'' [[Arm Cannon]], three eyes, claws, fangs, a tail, and two black wings. Mega Level. Is also one of the Seven Great Demon Lords, [[Noble Demon|but is the least evil of the lot]], and was one of the good guys in the third season of ''Tamers''.
** Ophanimon. [[Winged Humanoid]], and Seraphimon's [[Distaff Counterpart]], though [[Bare Your Midriff|with less armor]]. Has ten wings and wields a dual-end lance not unlike Gallantmon Crimson Mode's. When fused with the Chrono Core, the wings and lance consist of flames. Mega Level, classed as a Great Angel. (Supplanted MagnaDramon as Angewomon's proper evolution). Now has a [[Knight Templar|Falldown Mode]], like Lucemon, though not evil, ''per se''. The Ophanimon in [[Digimon World 4]] is ''[[Gender Swap|male]]''.
** Lucemon, [[Winged Humanoid]] in the form of a [[Keet|young boy]] with various markings all over his body. [[Up to Eleven|Has twelve wings]], which is all the more notable in that he is officially classed as ''Rookie level''. Has two Mode Changes (which count as Mega Level), [[Fallen Angel|Falldown Mode]], and [[Satan|Satan Mode]] ([[Bowdlerize|Bowdlerized]] into Chaos and Shadowlord, respectively), though Satan Mode contains Lucemon Larva Mode in the orb it holds, which is called Gehenna (English speakers know Gehenna as Hell). Notable, Lucemon was said to be corrupted by [[Our Vampires Are Different|GranDracmon]], which would make the Vampire King more evil than the Digimon [[Satan]]. Also got short shrift in [[Digimon Xros Wars]], where he serves as [[Evil Is Sexy|Lillithmon's]] underling. The three Great Angels are said to each be a manifestation of one of his aspects.
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* [[Planar Champion]]: The various Digidestined/Digimon Tamers.
* [[Post Cyber Punk]]: Digimon is an extreme example. Everyone, including the Hacker are good guys, they're trying to save society, and are trying to improve themselves.
* [[Power Creep, Power Seep]]
** Happenes to some of the digimon designed for the the earlier video game adaptations when the Ultimate(Mega) level was introduced with the Pendulum style v-pets. Notable examples of Power Creep include Saberleomon, Mugendramon (Machinedramon), and MetalEtemon who were all designed to be Perfects. On the seep side of things we have Ebidramon, Mechanorimon and Syakomon, former perfects who were bumped down to adult and child respectively. The Pendulum series did this a lot, with four of the five having examples of this.
** Happens again when a line of V-pets came out with Super Ultimate/Level Seven. Thankfully it was mostly ignored by the rest of the franchise that time.
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** Kenta's little pink partner is MarineAngemon, a ''Mega'' level!
** And now ''Xros Wars'' has a Digimon actually named Cutemon.
* [[Rousseau Was Right]]: Played straight in ''02'' (with [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|Ken]] and [[Mind Control|Oikawa]]), ''Tamers'' ([[Well -Intentioned Extremist|Yamaki]]), and ''Xros Wars'' ([[Creepy Child|Yuu]]); averted in ''Adventure'' and ''Frontier'' (no human villains), and averted '''''hard''''' in ''Savers'' ('''DAMN YOU''', [[Complete Monster|AKIHIRO KURATA]]!!!).
* [[Sacrificial Lion]]: If your name is Leomon or has "Leo" in it or you're related to Leomon, you're probably doomed.
* [[Sapient Cetaceans]]: Dolphmon possesses advanced intelligence, but its form of thought is too complex for a normal person to understand.
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* [[Satellite Character]]: Partner Digimon tend to fall into this depending on the canon in question or how many other human characters there are around at the time; the partners in ''Adventure'' arguably fell into it the most. Best averted in ''Xros Wars'', where Digimon are most often treated as independent characters within each army. The few that remain are [[Exaggerated Trope|exaggerations.]]
* [[Seven Deadly Sins]]: The Seven Great Demon Lords, each representing a specific sin.
* [[Shout Out]]: Yes, Gennai does sound like [[Star Wars (Franchise)|Jedi]]. Yes, he does look like Obi-Wan. Yes, he looks like Ewan MacGregor in season 2. Yes, he is [[The Obi -Wan]].
** Digimon has lots of [[Paradise Lost]] shout outs. Deathmon is named after the demon Death, Lucemon and Barbamon has, respectively, an attack named Paradise Lost and Purgatory Lost. Beyond it, both Barbamon and Belial Vamdemon reference the city of Pandemonium in their attacks.
* [[Shown Their Work]]: Moved [[Digimon (Franchise)/Trivia|here.]]
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* [[Sliding Scale of Anime Obscurity]]: Roughly around the zero mark. Behind ''[[Dragon Ball (Manga)|Dragon Ball]]'', ''[[Sailor Moon (Manga)|Sailor Moon]]'', and ''[[Pokémon (Anime)|Pokémon]]'', this may be the most well known anime in America.
* [[Smash Cut]]: A common way to transition to digivolution in the heat of battle.
* [[Sorting Algorithm of Evil]]: [[The Obi -Wan|Gennai]]: "[villain name here] was not the true enemy!"
* [[Special Guest]]: Terry Bradshaw. Yes, the NFL's Terry Bradshaw. He used to host a Digithon (digimon marathon) on [[Fox Kids]]. Not only that, it was a ''Super Bowl'' themed marathon, in which Bradshaw would provide commentary in-between episodes.
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]]: Not necessarily a spelling issue, but there are usually inconsistencies even on this very wiki over whether to use the English dub names or the original Japanese names -- mainly because while there is quite a lot of [[Nostalgia Filter]] over growing up with the dub despite (or because of) the occasional [[Cut and Paste Translation]], the Japanese version has recently amassed a large fanbase, and both are widely accepted in their own right. It is generally optimal for fandom members to familiarize themselves with both sets of terms for minimum confusion. It doesn't help that some of the English names are plagued by [[Engrish]]; for instance "LoadKnightmon" (seen in ''Savers''), whose correct name would be "LordKnightmon" or "RhodoKnightmon" (a pun on "rhodonite"). It ''also'' doesn't help that multiple names are used even in English, like when the dub of ''Frontier'' named this very same Digimon as "Crusadermon".
** A lot of digimon in the expanded universe (and their attacks) suffer from being written in mostly katakana, which leaves interpretation up in the air. Most of the time, a simple solution can be found, but in some cases, a [[Gratuitous Foreign Language|foreign attack name]] will slip under the radar due to being obscure<ref>Fandubbers can be forgiven for calling [[Digimon V-Tamer 01 (Manga)|AlforceVeedramon's]] attack the Tense Great Shield; how many of you know what ''tensegrity'' is in the first place?</ref> or due to the aforementioned [[Nostalgia Filter]]<ref>More than a few were surprised when Sukamon's official english name came out as ''Scummon''.</ref>.
* [[Starfish Aliens]]: The Digimon themselves. Sure, they tend to have mostly human behaviors, but they're pretty unusual: They're data-based (as opposed to matter), each subspecies have radically different and varying forms, and even each individual have different forms through their life! They also change said forms instantly, changing in shape and size in seconds (and without regard to biology). Even stranger is that Digimon seem to lack individual names. In fact, most Digimon of the same subspecies are almost indistinguishable from each other. The Digignomes and the D-Reaper also count.<br />Inverted, in that from the point of view of the Digimon, humans are [[Starfish Aliens]]. When Sora explains that on Earth there are hundred of kids, Biyomon visualizes hundreds and hundred of Soras. Later, Patamon states how weird humans are to Digimon.
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* [[Stock Footage]]: In addition to each partner Digimon's individual [[Transformation Sequence]], virtually every major Digimon's attacks rely on stock footage.
* [[Synchronization]]: Most apparent in ''Tamers'', where the damage that Digimon take will occasionally visibly affect and push around the Digimon's partner.
* [[Tactical Rock -Paper -Scissors]]: Concerning the Digimon attributes: Vaccine beats Virus, Virus beats Data and Data beats Vaccine.
* [[They Killed Kenny]]
** Leomon always dies, preferably by [[Heroic Sacrifice]], and it's always played for tragedy. ''Digimon Frontier'' escapes this by having the heroes kill a Panja/IceLeomon instead, and ''Digimon Savers'' lulls the viewer into a false sense of security by killing a SaberLeomon about a quarter of the way in, {{spoiler|only to throw [[Sink or Swim Mentor|BanchouLeomon]] onto the viewer later...}} ''The very first scene'' of ''X-Evolution'' is of Leomon dying!
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* [[Voice of the Legion]]
* [[War Elephants]]: Mammothmon are usually used in this fashion.
* [[What Measure Is a Non -Human?]]: A prevalent theme, especially when there are human villains involved
* [[What the Hell Dad]]: Any parent.
* [[Wise Beyond Their Years]]: Several members of the main cast(s) seem remarkably mature or intelligent for their ages.