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[[File:Digimon Racing Boxart.jpg|thumb]]
'''''Digimon Racing''''' is a [[Game Boy Advance]] [[Racing Game]] which, like the ''[[Digimon Rumble Arena]]'' games, is tied into any of the anime series. In this case, this game mainly stars the eight chosen Digimon from ''[[Digimon Adventure]]'' as playable characters, with the lead Digimon from ''[[Digimon Adventure 02]]'', ''[[Digimon Tamers]]'', and ''[[Digimon Frontier]]'' being unlockable. To summarize, think of ''[[Mario Kart]]: Super Circuit'', but with Digimon and its well-known elements.
For the long version, this [[Mascot Racer]] utilizes some familiar mechanics of its genre such as ''Mario Kart''-esque power-ups obtainable from item boxes. However, unique to this game is the digivolution mechanic. In this game, a racer has his/her own "health" gauge of sorts seen on the left-hand side of the screen during races, which can be reduced by taking damage (or using items) or increased by running over digital "wireframe" terrain or using a certain item. It has three segments, each representing the form the racer ends up as. By default, the racer starts out as a Rookie (middle segment), but taking too much damage can reduce the gauge to its lowermost segment (In-Training), while filling the gauge enough to reach the topmost gauge will allow him/her to digivolve into his/her Champion level (or Armor in Veemon's case). The Digimon's current form also affects their racing performance, with reduced stats as an In-Training and better performance as a Champion/Armor. If the gauge is fully filled, the racer will be able to unleash a special power unique to him/her. Most of these powers are used to attack other racers, but few can provide advantages to the user instead.
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* [[Level Map Display]]: The track's map is visible in the HUD during the race.
* [[Life Meter]]: Present during boss battles, to represent boss health.
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: While the ''Digimon'' series does not shy away from its more lighter side, this is taken into ridiculous levels with the boss battles and their respective cutscenes post-defeat: Omnimon getting caught in a bubble, Diaboromon getting immobilized by a beam fired from above, and the player's Digimon giving MaloMyotismon a good smack in the back... with a kart. Keep in mind that all of these are done by ''Rookie-level'' Digimon in a kart while the three Megas have nothing else!
* [[Limit Break]]: The special powers. They will show up once the digivolution gauge is full, but it does not require the same full gauge to actually use, just being at the Champion/Armor level when the racer is going to use it.
* [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me]]: The shield power-up and Flamedramon's Flame Shield protect the user from hazards. Birdramon's Fire Burst may also count.