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* [[Dumbass Has a Point]] - Ed may be the dimmest of Dr. Z's minions but even he knows the disastrous results of a forest fire in the Jurassic.
* [[Enigmatic Minion]] - Seth
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Dinosaurs]] (duh!)
* [[Evilutionary Biologist]] - {{spoiler|Seth, especially after his [[The Starscream|Starscream]]}}
* [[Gotta Catch Em All]]
* [[Happily Married]] - Max's parents, Spike and Aki Taylor.
* [[Healing Hands]] - Paris, with her Nature's Blessing ability.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]] - Expected, given 4Kids' tendency to reuse VA's, but particularly notable because several of the VA's played ''very'' similar roles in ''[[Pokémon (Animeanime)|Pokémon]]''.
* [[Hidden in Plain Sight]] (In the anime, the [[Muggles]] are usually made to believe that the little dinosaurs are dogs.)
* [[Idiosyncratic Wipes]] - featuring either the D-kids' or Alpha Gang's symbol depending on where the focus was shifting next.
* [[Locked Out of the Loop]] - Annoyingly, Aki Taylor.
* [[Mecha -Mooks]]-the Alpha Droids.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]] (Ursula. Also, Zoe in the uncut Japanese anime. Since she is supposed to be about 11 years old, this obviously has [[Unfortunate Implications]], depending on who you ask. Those poses she makes when swiping those cards doesn't exactly help keep this under wraps.)
* [[The Napoleon]] - Dr. Z
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]] - one episode has Dr Owen falling out with a Hollywood director over how dinosaurs are represented in his movie. The director's name? [[Steven Spielberg|Stanley Speilgman]], whose past works include one with a guy [[Jaws (Filmfilm)|attacking a shark]] [[Indiana Jones|with a whip]], and one with [[E.T. the Extraterrestrial (Film)Extra-Terrestrial|a bug-eyed alien]]. The movie he was working on at the time? Not-[[Jurassic Park]].
* [[Parental Abandonment]] - Averted: the three protagonists' parents are accounted for, and play parts (of varying importance) within the story. Also played straight with Rex, who was found abandoned by his adoptive father.
* [[Power Trio]]
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* [[Spin-Off]] - The game is actually a spin-off of an earlier game, [[Mushi King]], which was more or less the same thing but with beetles in place of dinosaurs. [[Mushi King]] wasn't imported to America beyond its arcade version, as the bug collecting hobby is much more perennially popular in Japan than in the US, but everyone loves dinosaurs.
* [[Stock Dinosaurs]]. Averted: while the main character's dinosaurs fall under the definition of stock dinosaurs, many of the other dinosaurs (and assorted Mesozoic beasties) in the show are fairly obscure, especially when compared with the dinosaurs that the target audience (young children) is familiar with.
* [[Terrible Trio]] - All three of the [[Pokémon (Animeanime)|former trope namer]]'s VA's work on this show, coincidentally.
* [[Transformation Sequence]] - The series' main dinosaurs all have these for their tranformation from their chibi selves into their full-sized forms.
* [[Tyke Bomb]] - Several of Dr. Z's dinosaurs, particularly ninja dinosaur trio Dino, Dano, and Sue.