Dirty Harry: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass Boast]]: After Scorpio pays a man to beat him severely as part of a frame up, Harry defends himself from Scorpio's claim that Harry beat him, saying that "(Scorpio) looks too damn good" to have been beaten by Harry.
* [[Ballistic Discount]] (variant)
* [[Barrier -Busting Blow]]
* [[Beam Me Up, Scotty]]: The line is "Do ''I'' feel lucky?", not "Do ''you'' feel lucky?".
** Nor is it "Do ya feel lucky, punk?"
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* [[Shoot the Hostage]] ("Go ahead, make my day.")
* [[Shooting Gallery]] ("Magnum Force")
* [[Shout -Out]] (In The Dead Pool, the chase scene {{spoiler|1=with the explosive RC car}}, is a shout out to The Chase Scene in ''[[Bullitt]]'').
** Here's a weird one: [[Corrupt Cop]] "Red" Astrachan is named after a variety of apple. Weirder still is that [[Rambo|he's not the only guy in an action series to have that distinction]].
* [[Take That, Critics!]]: The film critic murdered in ''The Dead Pool'' is based on Pauline Kael, in response to her accusing the first film of promoting "fascism." Something about this woman seems to rub directors the wrong way, since she got another [[Take That]] in ''[[Willow]]''.
* [[Television Geography]]: Just try to go to the same places in San Francisco that Scorpio had Harry do for the money drop, in the same order, on foot and under an hour. It's impossible.
** [[Fridge Brilliance|Considering that Scorpio said he was going to let the girl die anyway, that was probably his intention]].