Dirty Work: Difference between revisions

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* [[Comically Missing the Point]]: In the theater, one man of the audience fails to realize that the production has been completely ruined by our heroes and applauds with amusement and compliments the cast as if all of the scandalous events were part of the show.
* [[Dumbass Has a Point]]: For a big lummox, Sam is surprisingly astute at times, like when he figures out Kathy likes Mitch because she's so pissed off at him, or when he points out how he knows when Mitch is lying.
{{quote| '''Sam''': Did you ever kill anyone?<br />
'''Mitch''': No.<br />
'''Sam''': Did you ever climb Mt. Everest?<br />
'''Mitch''': No.<br />
'''Sam''': Okay. Did you ever say [[Stupid Sexy Flanders|you can see]] why women find [[Sean Connery]] sexy?<br />
'''Mitch''': [[Blatant Lies|Nnooooo...!]] }}
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: A guy hires the pair to get back at some obnoxious and noisy neighbors. The pair break into the house and hide fish all over the house to stink up the place. Suddenly said neighbors arrive prompting the two to hide. The neighbors turn out to be mobsters carrying out a drug deal. One of them says "Smells like fish in here," which the others mistake for some sort of code phrase and accuse him of wearing a wire causing a brutal massacre to occur (see [[Sound-Only Death]] below). Then the employer shows up...
{{quote| '''Employer''': That's it! The noise has GOT TO STOP! ''[sees the horrible carnage]''...Oh my God! I never asked you to do this!}}
* [[Groin Attack]]: Pops McKenna can really squeeze a pair of balls.
{{quote| [[Helium Speech|Note to self: Forget about fathering children.]]}}
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Kind of a funny example:
{{quote| '''Mitch''': Are you with me?<br />
''*dead silence*''<br />
'''Mitch''': Okay, are you with me based on the assumption that if I screw up, you all get to kick my ass?<br />
''*crowd shouts enthusiastically*'' }}
* [[Let Us Never Speak of This Again]]: After they find out they're half-brothers, Mitch and Sam reminisce.
{{quote| '''Sam''': Remember in the second grade when we used those rusty soda can tops to become blood brothers? Well, it was really a bunch of trouble for nothing because we were already brothers!<br />
'''Mitch''': Yeah, that's right. Hey, you remember in fifth grade when I was under the monkey bars and I sneaked a peek at your sister's underwear? You remember that? No, no, I was sneaking a peek at my ''own'' sister's underwear!<br />
'''Sam''': Hahahaha, that's right! Oh yeah, and remember in the twelfth grade, [[Brother-Sister Incest|you had sex with her?]] Ha—<br />
''*awkward silence*''<br />
'''Mitch''': Okay, enough reminiscing. }}
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: Mitch finds out after Pops' heart attack that he's his father.
{{quote| '''Kathy''': You two are brothers?<br />
'''Mitch''': Yeah, it's a long story.<br />
'''Sam''': My dad boned his mom.<br />
'''Mitch''': Okay, it's a short story. }}
* [[Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate]]: Doctor Farthing ([[Chevy Chase]]) offers to push Pops up on the heart-donor list if they'll help him pay off his gambling debts.
* [[Mushroom Samba]]: Mitch has this after eating tainted brownies.
{{quote| [[Satan|We eat the pig, and then together we BURN!]]}}
* [[Parallel Porn Titles]]: ''[[Men in Black (film)|Men in Black]] Who Like To Have Sex With Each Other''
* [[Rape Discretion Shot]]: [[Played for Laughs]] with the [[Prison Rape]] scene. Not only is the rape itself not shown, but Mitch's reaction is comically understated.
* [[Running Gag]]: Mitch's Notes to Self; actually becomes a plot point.
* [[Sound-Only Death]]: [[Crowning Moment of Funny|The fish scene.]]
{{quote| Show this guy what we do to cops!<br />
''*Gunshots*''<br />
Say hello to the Devil for me!<br />
Behind you!<br />
I've been hit! Pablo, kill them! Kill them!!!<br />
Make your gun spark(?) like the Devil himself!<br />
''*More Gunshots*''<br />
Burn in hell, you bastards!<br />
Oh, sweet Jesus, he's got me!<br />
Mark, over there! Grab it! I use it to cut firewood!<br />
''*[[Chainsaw Good|RRRNNNNNN!!!]]*''<br />
Now you're killing me with that chainsaw!<br />
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* [[Trapped by Gambling Debts]]: Dr. Farthing is demanding $50,000 because he needs to pay off his bookie.
* [[Urine Trouble]]:
{{quote| Sam, are you pissing off the side of the building?<br />
Sort of.