Discworld/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Addiction Displacement]]: From alcohol to tobacco.
* [[The Alcoholic]]: In ''[[Discworld/Guards! Guards!|Guards Guards]]''. After that he goes cold turkey. As Vimes puts it, "one drink would be too much, two not enough."
* [[The Anti-Nihilist]]: If there's no justice in the cold, uncaring universe, he's damn well going to shove some where the sun does not shine.
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]: His Grace Sir Samuel Vimes, Duke of Ankh, Commander of the City Watch, Blackboard Monitor.
** Although, [[Discworld/Thud|to some dwarfs]] {{spoiler|it's actually [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick]]}}
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* [[Good Smoking, Evil Smoking]]: In his case, it's yet another sign of massive badassitude.
* [[Heroic Willpower]]: Walking embodiment of it.
* [[Happily Married]]: To Sybil. True, he becomes a [[Henpecked Husband]] in some ways, but he's so in love with her (as said henpecking is nearly always to his benefit) he wouldn't have it any other way.
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: Vimes spends half his life avoiding this trope through sheer force of will. {{spoiler|It's implied in [[Discworld/Snuff|Snuff]] that he might be starting to go too far in bending the rules to make sure justice is done.}}
* [[Inter Class Romance]]: Captain Sam Vimes and Lady Sybil Ramkin (subsequently Sir Samuel and Lady Sybil Vimes). The resultant class dynamics lead to Vimes being seen as "a jumped-up copper to the nobs, and a nob to the rest".
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: Pretty nearly defines it, and was in fact, actually knighted. He also prefers wearing battered, rusty armour to ceremonial [[Bling of War]].
* [[Lawful Good]]: held up as an excellent example of how to be a [[Lawful Good]] [[Badass]].
* [[Memetic Badass]]: In-universe. Criminals don't fear the Law, they fear the Sam. Becomes even more blatant whenever someone starts listing things he's done, which includes {{spoiler|arresting ''Vetinari'' of all people, for ''treason'' (and ''living''), beating up a group of werewolves bare handed, and fighting off a demon older than civilization itself by sheer willpower.}} When Vimes was out of the city and the Watch was on strike in [[The Fifth Elephant]], unlicensed crime practically disappeared because no-one wanted to be on the Vimes Shit List.
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* [[Overly Long Name]]: His Grace, His Excellency, the Duke of Ankh Commander Sir Samuel Vimes.
** As of ''[[Discworld/Snuff|Snuff]]'', he's officially called His Grace, His Excellence, His {{spoiler|Blackboard-Monitorship}}, the Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch, Lord of Ramkin Estate. [[Try to Fit That on A Business Card|Yeah.]]
* [[Sealed Inside a Person -Shaped Can]]: {{spoiler|becomes the human container for the Summoning Dark}}.
* [[Street Smart]]: Grew up on the streets. They never left him.
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: initially a natural part of his personality, but {{spoiler|gets turned right up once he's infected with, and manages to tame, the Summoning Dark}}.
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* [[Blunt Metaphors Trauma]]: Doesn't help that being raised by dwarves makes him take things literally.
* [[Chosen One]]: Subverted because he would rather be on the Watch than be king of Ankh-Morpork.
* [[Decoy Protagonist]]: Carrot is set up to be the main character in ''[[Discworld/Guards! Guards!|Guards Guards]]'', but partway through the perspective shifts mostly to Vimes, with Carrot becoming a supporting character.
** Actually, [[Word of God|Pratchett]] himself has stated that he intended Carrot to be the main character from the beginning, but Vimes pretty much took over the story, lending credence to the "stories write themselves, the author is just the conduit" theory.
* [[Dork Knight]]: he's ''painfully'' decent and, especially at first, rather naive in some ways, but as mentioned above, not someone to mess with.
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* [[Happily Adopted]]: Once he wraps his head around the fact he WAS adopted.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Although he subverts this in unusual ways.
** Perhaps one of the strangest was when he decided to take a nap while they were trying to catch up to the ship Angua had gotten stuck on. When Vimes expressed a great deal of surprise at how calm he seemed about his girlfriend getting kidnapped, he said that worrying about her wouldn't do her any good, and if he was well-rested he would be better-prepared to rescue her. Compare this attitude to the one about two dozen pages back, where he was barely able to keep himself from attempting to singlehandedly arrest a suspect surrounded by at least a dozen armed guards.
* [[Ideal Hero]]
* [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]]
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* [[Prophecy Twist]]: "The king will come bringing Law and Justice, and know nothing but the Truth, and Protect and Serve the People with his Sword." Does the prophecy say anywhere that the king would actually ''claim'' the throne?
* [[Right Makes Might]]: He firmly believes this, and since he can beat trolls in bare-fisted fights no-one is going to argue.
* [[Understanding Boyfriend]]: So understanding it actually gets on Angua's nerves at times.
* [[Wanton Cruelty to the Common Comma]]: [[Trope Namer]], coming from Vimes's description of his reports. Though very intelligent in certain ways, Carrot never really got the hang of writing. Vimes describes his approach to punctuation as "ballistic".
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* [[The Fool]]: With Nobby. Expressly given as the reason why they're still on the force now that the city watch has moved past when their antics are amusing or acceptable. They both have countless clues and crimes literally fall into their laps.
* [[Greek Chorus]]: With Nobby, in several books that are not focused on the Watch.
* [[Happily Married]]: And with several children as well. Despite the fact that he and his wife work different shifts in the day and only communicate with notes.
** Vimes speculates that their children have been born as the result of "particularly persuasive handwriting".
* [[Knowledge Broker]]: Of a sort. Colon is one of those people who naturally gets along with everyone, so Vimes gives him a comfy little office with a meaningless job title in the training building, where the kettle is always on and the doughnuts are free. Off-duty cops come by all the time to, as Vimes puts it, "gossip like washerwomen," and Vimes happily signs the bills for the tea and doughnuts in exchange for this free-flowing source of information. Vimes mentions that he uses Colon to figure out what the "man in the street" is thinking since Colon basically ''is'' the man in the street.
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* [[The Artful Dodger]]: When young.
* [[Attractive Bent Gender]]: [[Subverted Trope|"In this case the laws [of narrative convention] were fighting against the fact of Corporal Nobby Nobbs, and gave up."]]
* [[Bile Fascination]]: He tends to attract this from the other characters.
{{quote|"There something strangely compelling about the little tit."
“What do you mean?”
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* [[The Fool]]: With Colon. Expressly given as the reason why they're still on the force now that the city watch has moved past when their antics are amusing or acceptable. They both have countless clues and crimes literally fall into their laps.
* [[Gonk]]: Few [[Discworld]] characters are described as ugly, but Nobby's looks and doubtful species is a running joke.
* [[I Am Not Weasel]]: "Disqualified from the human race for shoving." People seem to have trouble believing he's human. He carries papers from the Patrician to this end.
** And even they will only go so far as to say that the "balance of probability" is that he's human.
** According to [[Word of God|Pratchett]], "While most people know there's a werewolf in the Watch, most people think it's Nobby, for obvious reasons."
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* [[Good Thing You Can Heal]]: Her [[Healing Factor]] means she can be grievously injured in the course of the plot without being taken out of the action for long and/or [[Killed Off for Real]].
* [[Mugging the Monster]]: Very, very stupid criminals regularly try to take her hostage. They'll usually tell the Watch everything or confess to any and all crimes just to make her stop terrorizing them.
* [[Noble Shoplifter]]: She sometimes kills chickens during her "time of the month," but always remembers where she's been and leaves money under the door.
* [[No Guy Wants an Amazon]]: What she initially believes, although the "has problems staying humanoid during full-moon nights" thing really did cause some dating problems.
* [[The Nose Knows]]
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]: Although she is different from most of the Discworld werewolves as well—her lupine form looks less like a pure wolf, and more like a cross with an <s> Afghan</s> Klatchian Hound.
* [[Sarcastic Devotee]]: To Carrot. Most noticeable in ''[[Discworld/Feet of Clay|Feet of Clay]]'', especially when attempting to deal with his reactions to Cheery's self-outing, but fairly prominent feature of their relationship from the start.
* [[Superpower Lottery]]: At least on paper Angua is absurdly powerful—very little is made of it in the books, but she can actually [[Healing Factor|regenerate]] from near death unless silver is involved, [[The Nose Knows|has a canine-like sense of smell]] and a nigh unbeatable combat form. Oh and she can speak dog. And is very beautiful.<ref>So much so that even trolls and dwarves, who shouldn't find a human woman desirable, are suddenly inclined to be peaceful after they watch her [[Letting Her Hair Down|shake out her hair]].</ref> [[The Worf Effect|It's on paper though]], because it's common knowledge that the Watch has a ''werewolf'', and so [[Genre Savvy|silver and peppermint bombs have almost become routine for criminals]].
* [[Transformation Trauma]]: Subverted. Gaspode was expecting stock Hollywood werewolf transformation antics. Turns out it's "like a whole-body sneeze". It's the people who watch it happen who get traumatized.
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* [[The Comically Serious]]: First, it was because he was too dumb to understand humor. After [[Dumbass No More|he acquires his special helmet]], it's for another reason:
{{quote|For him, the humor was a human aberration, that had to be overcome by talking slowly and with patience.}}
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: Detritus discovers a talent for this in ''[[Discworld/Men At Arms|Men At Arms]]'', which leads to his promotion to Sergeant and given the job of training (read: shouting at for six weeks) new recruits.
* [[Drugs Are Bad]]: He hates drug dealers, rather logically given that troll drugs don't just ''figuratively'' [[Your Head Asplode|melt people's brains]].
{{quote|Jus' say "AarrghaarrghpleeassennononoUGH"}}
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* [[Fire-Forged Friends]]: Develops this with Cuddy in the course of ''[[Discworld/Men At Arms|Men At Arms]]''.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Trolls in the Discworld are walking minerals with silicon-based brains. The colder it gets, the smarter trolls get. When he was trapped in the Pork Futures Warehouse, Detritus very nearly worked out a Unified Field Theory while he was freezing to death. He survived, but alas, the equations did not.
** It's implied that Detritus is in fact, extremely intelligent by any standard when in cooler environments. The problem is that such temperatures are rarely achieved in a temperate environment like Ankh-Morpork's, and that his optimal temperature is unfortunately, also at the point where he is about to freeze to death.
*** It's actually been shown that trolls are all pretty smart in their home territories. It's just when they decide to travel to Ankh-Morpork to make a living that their intelligence drops, due to the hot, muggy weather. In ''[[Discworld/The Fifth Elephant|The Fifth Elephant]]'', when Detritus is in Uberwald, he shows signs of being dangerously clever.
* [[Happily Married]]: But childless.
** No longer true as of ''[[Discworld/Thud|Thud]]'', after {{spoiler|he adopts Brick.}}
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* [[The Fundamentalist]]: Mild version, played for laughs. See [[Overly Long Name]] below for modern Omnian evangelism.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: Has a fondness for pigeons (and some of them ironically become meals for the gargoyle members of the Watch).
* [[Knocking on Heathens' Door]]: Speaking sincerely to the infidel through their (pamphlet-filled) letter boxes while people all over Ankh-Morpork pretend they're not at home.
* [[Overly Long Name]]: "Visit-The-Infidel-With-Explanatory-Pamphlets"
** Omnians apparently love these; see also "Mightily-Praiseworthy-Are-Ye-Who-Exalteth-Om Oats", aka Mightily Oats. Also, Visit's friend "Smite-the-Unbeliever-with-Cunning-Arguments".
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* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: As a bureaucrat, he's whiny and annoying. As a copper, he's fearless and willing to perform his job with dedicated zeal.
* [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]]: Was this originally, though he came across as clueless rather than malicious.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Did this by becoming a copper, and gained the respect of the Discworld readership at the same time.
* [[Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?]]: As Vimes is horrified to discover, he wasn't actually named, just ''initialled''.
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* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[No Sense of Humor]]: Is famed for it.
* [[Pimped-Out Dress]]: She's forced into one in ''[[Discworld/Witches Abroad|Witches Abroad]]'', and again in ''[[Discworld/Maskerade|Maskerade]]'', in order to pose as an upper-class lady. She would never admit to liking it, of course, or the midnight black velvet cloak Tiffany gifts her.
* [[Pride]]: Nanny Ogg describes her as 'proud' in the same sense that 'the sea is full of water'. She isn't a proud person, her existence ''is'' pride.
* [[Prim and Proper Bun]]: She wears her hair in a "tight bun that could crack rocks."
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* [[Transplant]], [[Mentors|Mentor]] and (arguably) one-woman [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad]]: In the Tiffany Aching books.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: She can't talk to Nanny for more than a few minutes without them starting to fight.
** As said in ''[[Discworld/Witches Abroad|Witches Abroad]]'', Granny "really couldn't be having at all with Nanny Ogg, who was her best friend."
** And in ''[[Discworld/Maskerade|Maskerade]]'' Nanny Ogg muses how they need to have a third, younger girl in the group to boss around or they'll just end up getting on each other's nerves, while as a trio they can get on the nerves of the rest of the world, which is much more fun.
* [[Wanton Cruelty to the Common Comma]]: Despite the abundance of witches, they don't have [[Incredibly Lame Pun|spelling]] in the mountains.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: Towards Magrat. She saw potential for real witchery in the girl, and was a [[Stealth Mentor]] to her. She was secretly very proud of her, even though she never shows it. She was very upset when Magrat left witching, and was incredibly upset when [[Poor Communication Kills|she thought she'd not been invited to her wedding]]. Still, she was the one who told the Fool to marry her and was secretly very honoured when Magrat named her daughter Esmerelda.
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* [[Good Is Not Dumb]]: She's smart enough to keep ''Granny Weatherwax'' in check.
* [[Good Smoking, Evil Smoking]]: She smokes a pipe.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: [[Word of God|Terry Pratchett has hinted]] that she may be more powerful than Granny. This is rarely noticeable, but briefly comes up in ''[[Discworld/Maskerade|Maskerade]]''.
** Even if she isn't as strong in raw power, her highly developed ability to get along with people makes her the better witch in most everyday situations (for example she is [[Not Hyperbole|the best midwife in the entire history of the world]]). Both recognize that they are strongest as a team.
* [[I Was Quite a Looker]]
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* [[Butt Monkey]]
* [[Chew Toy]]: His constant [[Butt Monkey]] state is kept amusing because as even he has realized by now, he will always be saved from death or serious injury.
* [[Cosmic Plaything]]: Oh dear god, ''yes''. Apparently his Lifetimer is so warped that not only does Death have no idea how or when he is going to die, with Rincewind's mere ''presence'' in a situation screwing with any kind of probability of the outcome, but he keeps aforementioned Lifetimer on his desk because it's ''that'' interesting.
{{quote|'''War''': Odd person.
'''Death''': {{smallcaps|With him here, even uncertainty is uncertain. And I'm not sure even about that. }} }}
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* [[Doctor Jekyll and Mister Jack Daniels]]: In ''[[Discworld/The Last Continent|The Last Continent]]'' and ''[[Discworld/Sourcery|Sourcery]]'' his personality pretty much inverts itself after a few beers.
* [[The Drag Along]]: All the adventures he is pulled into are against his will. See quote above.
* [[Genius Ditz]]: Due to his ability to survive life in Unseen University, he knows psychological warfare inside out and can become [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]] in the right situation. However, this usually only occurs when running is no longer an option.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Eric Idle played him in the two Discworld games.
* [[High Hopes, Zero Talent]]: Is the [[Trope Codifier]].
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* [[Kid with the Leash]]: Sort of. The Luggage follows his instructions at least a little bit, but mostly just acts according to [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath|its own Luggagey, mysterious, and usually violent whims]].
* [[Lovable Coward]]
* [[Non-Action Guy]]: Unless you count running as a action.
* [[Omniglot]]: Particularly when it comes to screaming for help.
{{quote|Rincewind could scream for mercy in nineteen languages, and just scream in another forty-four. -- ''[[Discworld/Interesting Times|Interesting Times]]''}}
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* [[Yank the Dog's Chain]]: A lot.
** [[Throw the Dog a Bone]]: His promotion to [[Egregious]] Professor of Cruel and Unusual Geography, however, seems to have taken, and he's more or less managed to work his way into the Unseen University faculty [[Cast Herd]].
*** As of ''The Science of Discworld III'', Rincewind has been appointed to ''twenty-one'' different faculty positions, all of which involve little to no actual work.
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* [[Klingon Promotion]]: He single-handedly stopped the tradition of this at Unseen University by being [[Badass|pretty much completely indestructible]].
* [[Metaphorgotten]]: Tends to be distracted by metaphors and similes, especially in conversations with Ponder Stibbons. (The other wizards are the same, but he's more prone to it.)
* [[New Media Are Evil]]: One of his beliefs. This being Discworld, he's often right.
* [[No Indoor Voice]]: Ridcully's favored method of management is bellowing at people until they deal with the problem. (Though granted, he has other tactics in his arsenal for when this fails.)
* [[No One Gets Left Behind]]: Ridcully refuses to leave a fellow wizard in danger, even if they're a zombie (''[[Discworld/Reaper Man|Reaper Man]]'') or almost totally incompetent at wizardry (''[[Discworld/Interesting Times|Interesting Times]]'', ''[[Discworld/The Last Continent|The Last Continent]]'')
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* [[Acronym and Abbreviation Overload]]: When dealing with Hex. He turns it on by "initializing the GBL" (great big lever); it only works when it's "FTB-enabled" (it has a fuzzy teddy bear) and so on.
* [[Beleaguered Assistant]]/[[Beleaguered Bureaucrat]]: Gets every single administrative job the rest of the staff doesn't want to do (read: all of them). With ''all'' the paperwork this entailed. However, this has also given him a level of control over the inner workings of Unseen University that has effectively made him [[The Man Behind the Man|The Man Behind The Group Of Crotchety Old Wizards]].
* [[Black Sheep]]/[[White Sheep]] (depending on your interpretation of Unseen University): unlike all the other wizards that start eager and eventually become lazy and well-fed, Stibbons started ''off'' lazy (which everyone agreed was a good start), and then he quickly became the head of [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|High Energy magic]], which all the Old Guard are ''not'' fond of. And then, to add insult to injury, [[What the Hell, Hero?|instead of becoming lazier]] as time went on, he's become increasingly more ''[[You Monster!|competent]]'', something every wizard in his right mind finds [[There Should Be a Law|strange, weird, and generally deplorable conduct in a faculty wizard.]]
* [[Brilliant but Lazy]]: started off as this. And then he founded the [[Sufficiently Analyzed Magic|High Magic]] tower with a [[Geek|group of like-minded students]] [[Foregone Conclusion|and well...]]
* [[Characterization Marches On]]: From [[Insufferable Genius]] crossed with [[Too Clever by Half]] (none of the wizards take all his brilliant accomplishments at the High Energy Magic tower seriously), he goes through a [[Break the Haughty]] and has now become the [[Beleaguered Bureaucrat]] cross [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]] who effectively runs ''everything'' in UU.
** To further elucidate, when he started off at UU [[Brilliant but Lazy|his goal was to find a comfortable corner for himself]] and [[I Was Told There Would Be Cake|take advantage of UU's great catering service]]. [[Spanner in the Works|Aaaand then]] [[Didn't See That Coming|Ridcully said]] [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|"hey, you!"]]
* [[Genius Programming]]: He made Hex, a magical multi-dimensional [[Magitek]] computer, from ''ants''.
* [[Go Among Mad People]]: His sanity (somewhat questionable these days) frequently gets challenged and temporarily maligned the more time he spends around the UU faculty. Their [[Insane Troll Logic]] and frequent irrationality leaves him continuously and desperately trying to imbue some sense of sanity into the situation.
{{quote|He wasn't interested in promotion, anyway. He'd just be happy if people ''listened'' for five minutes instead of saying 'Well done, Mister Stibbons, but we tried that once and it doesn't work,' or 'We probably haven't got the funding,' or, worst of all, 'You don't get proper fill-in-nouns these days - remember old "nickname" ancient-wizard-who-died-fifty-years-ago-who-Ponder-wouldn't-possibly-be-able-to-remember? Now ''there'' was a chap who knew his fill-in-nouns.' }}
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* [[I Was Told There Would Be Cake]]: The reason he decided to come to Unseen University in the first place. Didn't quite work out as planned though. It's not so much that [[The Cake Is a Lie|The Cake Was A Lie]], but that [[Rule of Fun|The Cake Is Less Interesting Than Multi-dimensional Sufficiently Analysed Magic]].
* [[Insufferable Genius]]: Was this until he went through a [[Break the Haughty]] courtesy of Ridcully and the senior wizard staff's [[Hilarity Ensues|misadventures]].
* [[Just Think of the Potential]]: The older wizards, who have seen the less than pleasant outcomes of thinking like this, are quick to point out the flaws, such as [[Eldritch Abomination|big green things with teeth]]. For example, he was quite excited when he found out that there were rips in time and space, much to the rest of the faculty's horror.
** Hex is a direct result of his thinking along the lines of "I wonder what would happen if..."
* [[Magi Babble]]: See the entry immediately below.
* [[Mr. Exposition]]: If there's a reason for what's happening that is in some way connected to logic, expect him to find it... and exposit it. The other wizards find it a bit exasperating. [[Lampshaded]], of course.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: He thinks of himself as this, but he's shown a tendency in more recent books to regard the danger of his experiments deleting the local space-time continuum as a minor inconvenience, and has been gradually drifting toward [[Mad Scientist]] territory . Particularly as, despite their flaws, his colleagues actually do know quite a bit about certain magic (or rather, have seen most of the consequences of it in particularly painful form happening to their now deceased colleagues), and can puncture some of his supposedly 'sane' theories with some fairly potent warnings (however inelegantly expressed). However, when he's not in "[[Just Think of the Potential]]" mode, he certainly qualifies as this, and consequently has the reputation of this trope even to non-wizards (according to Moist).
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** The only other person who he thinks counts is an [[Only Sane Man]] is the Librarian, who he depends on to keep things running smoothly.
* [[Gaslighting]]: All the senior wizards had a lot of fun early on running rings around Ponder with their [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]. [[Oh Crap|Then he caught on.]] [[Implausible Deniability|Now they're paying for it]] (he now assumes they're ''always'' doing it, even when they're not).
* [[ReluctantEngineer MadExploited ScientistFor Evil]]: As of Hex's construction, this has become one of his defining traits. The more he investigates L-space and experiments with [[Magitek]], the more fully entrenched in this trope he becomes.
* [[Sufficiently Analyzed Magic]]: Specialises in it.
Line 644:
* [[No Man of Woman Born]]: The [[Tome of Eldritch Lore|grimoires]] in the Library are full of [[Things Man Was Not Meant to Know]], not Things ''Ape'' Was Not Meant To Know. An orangutan can read them with no problem.
* [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Primate]]: When the rest of the University has thrown away the [[Sanity Ball]], the Librarian is the one who catches it.
* [[The Unintelligible]]: He only communicates through "ook"s and the occasional "eek." Despite this, few characters seem to have any trouble understanding him after a little time to acclimate.
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: It's gotten to the point where people just habitually ignore the 300-pound ape at the Mended Drum, and if someone told the Faculty that there was an orangutan wandering around the grounds, they'd probably go ask the Librarian if he'd seen it.
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* [[Big Eater]]: Even moreso than his fellow wizards. He's gained so much weight that, according to Ridcully, he "looks like he swallered a bed!"
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Like most of the UU staff, he is known only by his title.
* [[Heroic Wannabe]]: See especially ''Reaper Man'' and ''Soul Music''.
** He even {{spoiler|sets himself up as Archancellor of a ''different'' university}} to try to one-up Ridcully.
Line 701:
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Showed up in ''[[Discworld/The Colour of Magic|The Colour of Magic]]'' as a gag. Is now one of the most major and recognisable characters in the series.
* [[Badass]]: [[Discworld/Awesome|And how!]]
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: To Susan.
* [[Black Cloak]]
* [[Characterization Marches On]]: Death in his first appearance seemed actively malicious, causing deaths rather than merely collecting the souls of the dead. He's mellowed a lot.
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* [[Painting the Fourth Wall]]: {{smallcaps|His distinctive method of speech.}} (Described as sounding "like lead slabs falling on a marble floor.")
* [[Power of Rock]]: During ''[[Discworld/Soul Music|Soul Music]]''.
* [[Reality Writing Book]]: Death has an entire library of books that write themselves as people's lives unfold.
* [[Santa Claus]]: He once took on the mantle of the Discworld Santa Claus (The [[Discworld/Hogfather|Hogfather]]) during a period where the real one was unavailable. Doing so let him violate a few of his normal rules to give the Discworld equivalent of The Little Match Girl "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvwYCbBWxT8 the gift of a future]" — allowing her more life.
* [[Sinister Scythe]]: Come on, he's ''Death''.
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Only child of Death's former apprentice Mort and Death's adopted daughter Ysabel, thus making her Death's granddaughter. As a result, she's "inherited" some of his talents, like an ability to walk through walls and not be seen when she doesn't want to be. Unfortunately, her parents had hoped to distance her from the supernatural side of the family, and Susan's "[[Straw Vulcan|logical]]" mindset makes her resent having to meddle in the occult.
* [[Ambiguously Human]]: Anyone who deals with her on a day-to-day basis realizes this. Way back when she was a student at boarding school (before she received [[Call to Adventure|The Call]]) she made all her teachers ''very'' nervous, even when they all [[Weirdness Censor|ignored the fact]] that she could make herself invisible and wipe her presence from their memories. By ''Thief Of Time'' this almost puts her into a [[Heroic BSOD]] as she realises that although she was mostly human to begin with, the more she moves within the realm of the occult [[Blessed with Suck|the less human she becomes.]]
* [[Badass Bookworm]]
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: She may be a school teacher, and the children may love her, but do ''not'' mess with her.
* [[Blessed with Suck]]: The more she uses her powers (which are pretty much inherent to her very being and so she really can't ''stop'' using them), the more she becomes like her granddad. (It's heavily implied that if he ever decides to retire permanently the post of Death will go to her). This is all very unfortunate because she really wants to remain human.
* [[Broken Bird]]
* [[The Call Knows Where You Live]]: And it usually comes via the Death of Rats. Or Binky. Or the raven that the Death of Rats uses as transport. Or, in the case of ''Soul Music'' when {{spoiler|her parents died in a fiery carriage accident}}, all three.
* [[Compelling Voice]]: She can talk like her granddad to coerce people into doing things, but the power has its limits.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Expressive Hair]]: Halfway between this and [[Prehensile Hair]], really. It's self-styling.
* [[Flat Earth Atheist]]: In her first appearance in ''[[Discworld/Soul Music|Soul Music]]''.
* [[Genre Savvy]]
* [[Genetic Memory]]: She tries hard to forget it, but she can remember both the past ''and'' future. She is not happy with her grandfather about this.
* [[Heroic Neutral]]: She really wants to be left alone... the rest of the Universe just isn't listening. Although sometimes she gets off with just being [[The Lancer]] (to whoever steps up to the Hero plate).
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: Mainly in her early appearances. Note that Susan's version of 'normal' is not actually all that normal for the Disc.
** Not that the Disc's version of normal is, well, normal. However, manipulating your boarding school teacher's mind so they can't see you or remember you're there is odd even for a world with the Ramtops and Unseen University in it.
* [[Immortality]]: Type 2 (Undying). This is heavily implied, but not quite set in stone. No one really knows whether she's inherited immortality through her genetics, but considering she technically exists ''outside'' of time, it's more than likely.
{{quote|'''Mr. Teatime''': As for your grandfather... honestly, that motto. 'Fear Not The Reaper'. Is that good taste? Of course, you don't need to fear him, do you? Or ''do'' you? }}
* [[In the Blood]]: In the ''bone'', actually. She has all of Death's abilities, more or less.
* [[It Runs in The Family]]: And family ties are ''very'' strong.
* [[Magical Nanny]]: In ''[[Discworld/Hogfather|Hogfather]]''. Pratchett calls her "kind of a goth [[Mary Poppins]]."
* [[Mind Manipulation]]: [[Compelling Voice]] and [[Somebody Else's Problem]], mostly.
* [[Mundane Utility]]: Uses the ability to stop time, walk through walls, and manipulate the fabric of reality to grade papers and give the best history lessons ''EVER''.
* [[Mundane Solution]]: The [[Capital Letters Are Magic|Poker]]. [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|It kills monsters.]]
* [[Non-Linear Character]]: Like her granddad, she doesn't really exist inside of time. She can interact with it, and she lives in it most of the...er... time, but when the [[Discworld/Thief of Time|tick of the universe stops]] it doesn't affect her at all.
* [[Prim and Proper Bun]]: Her hair tends to twist itself into a bun of its own volition. As she works as a school teacher when she's not saving the world, it's rather fitting.
* [[Reality Warper]]: Not of the [[Game Breaker]] variety, but time and space have very fluid definitions to her and she moves around them in a different way than everyone else. Even resident [[badass]]es Albert and [[Never Mess with Granny|Nanny Ogg]] are creeped out and cautious around her. Mostly because sometimes she forgets about doors. And walls.
* [[Rebellious Princess]]: Rebellious ''duchess'' actually, but still.
* [[Refusal of the Call]]: She ''really'' hates the fact that the [[Call to Adventure]] keeps battering down her door when the universe, space, or time is in danger. By ''Thief Of Time'' she's become more or less [[Resigned to the Call]] but she is still not happy about it (see [[Blessed with Suck]] above for why).
* [[Skunk Stripe]]: Inverted; her hair is white with a black stripe.
* [[Stern Teacher]]: In ''[[Discworld/Thief of Time|Thief of Time]]''. Something of a goth version of [[The Magic School Bus|Miss Frizzle]], actually.
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* [[Little Miss Badass]]: She took on the Queen of Faerie with a frying pan. At the age of nine.
* [[Little Professor Dialog]]: "No, 'patronizing' is a big word. 'Zoology' is really quite short."
* [[Shipper on Deck]]: Everbody in the Chalk seemed to ship Tiffany/Roland.
* [[The Smurfette Principle]]: Justified in that the Wee Free Men are parodies of [[The Smurfs]]. Really, really ''tough'' Smurfs.
** [[Gender Rarity Value]]: And the smur...umm, the Nac Mac Feegle only have 1-2 females per clan anyway, the Kelda/Queen who gives birth to each generation of males and one girl who will be Kelda elsewhere.
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Heir to the Baron who owns the Chalk, Roland was abducted by the Queen of the elves and rescued by Tiffany. He never really got over this, and was Tiffany's potential {{spoiler|but ultimately averted}} [[Love Interest]] for a time.
* [[Fake Ultimate Hero]]: In the ''Wee Free Men''.
* [[Upper Class Twit]]: At times.
* [[Will They or Won't They?]]: With Tiffany in the first three books.
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* [[Unholy Matrimony]]: His endlessly ambiguous relationship with Lady Margolotta... [[Anti-Villain|for a very limited value of 'unholy', of course]].
* [[Vetinari Job Security]]: [[Trope Namer]], obviously: you'd expect that a nicer person would make the city a better place, but no replacement can possibly measure up to his skill at juggling groups that don't get along well.
* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: After tediously clearing up after several passing fads with dark secrets behind them (the dragon in ''[[Discworld/Guards! Guards!|Guards Guards]]'', the movies in ''[[Discworld/Moving Pictures|Moving Pictures]]'', the living mall in ''[[Discworld/Reaper Man|Reaper Man]]'', the Music With Rocks In in ''[[Discworld/Soul Music|Soul Music]]'', etc.), he attempts to have the printing press in ''[[Discworld/The Truth|The Truth]]'' closed down when he thinks it will become one. As it turns out, it is in fact part of a permanent change to how affairs work on the Disc — being Vetinari, he soon adapts, of course.
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: Plays a continuous one with Lady Margolotta: makes his coded messages ''almost'' unbreakable knowing that she reads them. If she doesn't or can't break them, great, she shouldn't be doing either. If she does both he'll know what she thinks is in them.
* [[Xanatos Speed Chess]]: He claims to never have any real plans, instead steering emerging events to his advantage. Plans would just get in his way.
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* [[Blue Blood]]
* [[The Chessmaster|The Chessmistress]]
* [[ColourColor-Coded for Your Convenience]]: Averted. Although she spends most of ''The Fifth Elephant'' wearing a pink jumper, describing her as anything close to [[The Chick]] is bound to land you in a ''lot'' of trouble.
* [[Expecting Someone Taller]]: In ''[[Discworld/Unseen Academicals|Unseen Academicals]]'' the mild-looking Lady Margolotta is confused with her much more haughty-looking assistant.
* [[Good Smoking, Evil Smoking]] : Well, [[Anti-Villain]] smoking anyway.
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* [[Vampire Vords]] : In ''[[Discworld/The Fifth Elephant|The Fifth Elephant]]''. Not so much when she reappears in ''UA'', though.
** This is possibly a [[Shout-Out]] to the original Dracula novel: the count speaks in a thick Hungarian accent when Jonathan Harker visits him, yet by the time he visits London it has almost disappeared.
* [[The Von Trope Family]]: Margolotta (insert four pages worth of middle names/titles here) Von Uberwald.
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: See Vetinari's entry.
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* [[Fluffy the Terrible]]: Not that you would want to point that out. Ever.
* [[Good Smoking, Evil Smoking]]: Constantly smoking, though it's treated as more of a character quirk.
* [[Hot Amazon]]: Moist loves her ''because'' she's dangerous. He says she looks more beautiful when considering violence.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Jerk With A Heart Of Golems]]
* [[Non-Indicative Name]]/[[Names to Trust Immediately]]
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* [[Addiction Displacement]]: From blood onto photography.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: [[Running Gag|Over and over and over...]]
* [[Blinding Camera Flash]]: Exaggerated. Whenever he takes a flash photo, it results in (at best) him screaming in pain on the ground or (at worst) his demise until blood is poured on his ashes. In later books, he's found filters and other ways around this.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: He looks and acts like a small, meek iconographer, but he is still a ''vampire'', with all the abilities that implies.
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{{quote|'''Lobsang Ludd:''' You said that it would be in Ankh-Morpork!
'''Lu-Tze:''' Yeah, but I have years of experience and cynicism! You're just talented! }}
* [[For Want of a Nail]]: His shtick — he prevents wars by selling nails and horseshoes in convenient spots, putting compost heaps in the right places, and making sure that single pieces of machinery are faulty. The senior History Monks' respect from him largely derives from the subtlety with which he can alter the timeline.
* [[Hermit Guru]]
* [[Ice Cream Koan]]: The Way of Mrs. Cosmopolite, composed of the mundane, common-sense sayings of an Ankh-Morpork landlady. As such, they are as exotic to Lu-Tze as Zen koans are to Westerners, but still work as a form of wisdom for him.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Another major part of his shtick, with the additional wrinkle that ''everyone knows he's doing this'', and just tries to guess ''how'' he's tricking them. Nobody ever figures out in time, though.
* [[Old Master]]: Rule One: "Never act incautiously when confronted by a little bald wrinkly smiling man!"
** Rule Seventeen: "Remember never to forget Rule One!"
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* [[Chest Monster]]: One with no brain, and a homicidal attitude towards anything that threatens its master.
* [[Clingy MacGuffin]]: Being made of sapient pear wood, and having a definite personality of its own, the Luggage straddles the line between this and [[The Cat Came Back]] {{spoiler|until it meets a mate.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Cross DresserCrossdresser]]}}: In ''[[Discworld/The Last Continent|The Last Continent]]'', {{spoiler|it gets dressed up in high heels.}}
* [[Determinator]]
* [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath]]: Very, very much so.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: It has saved children from a burning tower and is quite courteous to ladies.
* [[Non-Human Sidekick]]
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* [[A Storm Is Coming]]: Igors can tell this. Since so many of them work for mad scientists, it's a useful skill.
* [[Creepy Good]]: They are (usually) good guys, but tend to creep out a lot of people, due to their [[Mix-and-Match Man]] prowess.
* [[Door Judo]]: An Igor will always open the door right before a visitor knocks.
* [[Fell Off the Back of a Truck]]: Igors often have to scrounge materials for their master.
* [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]: In spite of their namesake archetype, Igors are actually extremely efficient at accomplishing whatever task they are assigned. If anything happens to [[Gone Horribly Wrong|Go Horribly Wrong]], it's usually the fault of their [[Mad Scientist|less sensible masters]].
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* [[Badass Normal]]: Few people imagine how deadly a comb can be before they have met Conina.
* [[Darkskinned Blonde]]
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]
* [[No Guy Wants an Amazon]]: All the guys want her, until they find out that she will attack everything around her by compulsion.
== Lobsang Ludd ==
A foundling raised in the Guild of Thieves until a chance meeting with a history monk resulted in him being wiped from the Guild's collective memory and taken to be trained in the mountains in abilities he was only barely aware he had. However, Lobsang is apparently "a smart boy" and there's no teaching a smart boy. Compared to other characters in ''[[Discworld/Thief of Time|Thief of Time]]'' (and Pratchett characters in general), you might argue Lobsang here to be something of a blank slate. Of course then you {{spoiler|discover that he's actually half of a whole person who is also the son of the personification of time and ends up ''becoming'' Time itself in the end}}, and suddenly he doesn't seem quite so standardised any more.
* {{spoiler|[[Anthropomorphic Personification]]}}
* [[Blank Slate]]: Arguably suffers from "dull protagonist" syndrome (but then, who ''wouldn't'' look dull alongside Lu Tze and Susan?) {{spoiler|until his [[A God Am I|upgrade]]}}.
* {{spoiler|[[A God Am I]]}}: At the end of ''[[Discworld/Thief of Time|Thief of Time]]''.
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: Technically he just wants to {{spoiler|stay ''partly'' normal, he could "just know" absolutely ''anything'' he wanted to know at any given instant because he is Time itself personified and sees all potential possibilities, but he claims he has to do things "the right way round" to stay partly human.}}
* [[In the Blood]]: Son of {{spoiler|Time}}. It shows.
* [[Thieves' Guild]]: Was in the Guild of Thieves before he got up and taken to the monastery.
* [[Split At Birth]]: {{spoiler|He and Jeremy Clockson, a socially inept and supersane (which is just as bad as being crazy) individual, are the same person, split in half because their/his/whatever mother freaked out a little bit during childbirth, and when Time herself freaks out ''strange'' things tend to happen.}}
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* [[Action Girl]]: She's a soldier.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: She's fairly effective in close-quarters combat because she knows that manners are for suckers.
** [[Groin Attack]]
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: Not as clear an example as Vimes or Granny, but she's got the beginnings of this. (Of course, war will make a cynic out of almost anyone—everybody in her regiment has means of coping, and this is hers.)
* [[Meaningful Name]]: [[Sweet Polly Oliver|Very,]] ''[[Sweet Polly Oliver|very]]'' [[Sweet Polly Oliver|heavily lampshaded]]. It gets to the point where just [[Never Heard That One Before|implying you're thinking about possibly mentioning it annoys her]].
* [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Woman]]: Compared to her fellow soldiers, she's a shining beacon of sanity.
* [[Overshadowed by Awesome]]: She's a competent enough soldier, but it's hard to stand out when you're next to a troll, a vampire, and [[Badass|Sergeant Jackrum]]. She even predicts that this will happen to her in the history books, given {{spoiler|the fact that one of her squadmates basically gets made into a minor deity's avatar}}.
* [[Sweet Polly Oliver]]: Really does not need to be explained. She comes to regret choosing the name in the end.
* [[The Watson]]: To various members of her regiment, but especially to Jackrum.
== Carcer Dun ==
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* [[Break the Haughty]]: Most of the events of ''[[Discworld/Small Gods|Small Gods]]'', which {{spoiler|transforms Om from a smite-happy God to a leashed, somewhat forgiving God — who's learned to believe in humans.}}
* [[Brought Down to Normal|Brought Down To Tortoise]]
* [[Crystal Dragon Jesus]]: Draws upon Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - mostly Christianity, since the events of ''[[Discworld/Small Gods|Small Gods]]'' create a similar split to that between the Old and New Testaments.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: It's just something about being a tortoise. They're naturally deapan.
* [[He Who Must Not Be Seen]]: More recent books imply that Om's faith has begun eclipsing the other gods' specifically because he does not manifest or provide any concrete proof of his existence, so he may actually be the most powerful god on the disc by now. (Ironically, actually utilizing any of that power would be his undoing.)
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* [[Neighbourhood Friendly Gangsters]]: Chrysophrase helps Vimes prevent riots on Koom Valley Day by revealing a drug lab, because the drug manufactured there would cause homicidal insanity, and later death. Chrysophrase wants stable business, which is rather hard with dead customers.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Most trolls are not known for their intelligence, but Chrysophrase, even without the benefit of cold-enhanced thought processes, is smarter than most human criminals in the city. He intentionally uses [[Hulk Speak]] to throw people off their game even though he's fully capable of speaking normally.
* [[Shame If Something Happened]]: Two of his henchmen attempt this on Vimes, but Chrysophrase later assures him that it was entirely their own idea and gives Vimes a box of gravel that [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|couldn't possible contain an]] ''[[You Have Failed Me...|entire]]'' [[You Have Failed Me...|troll]].
* [[Shout-Out]]: To Meyer Wolfscheim from ''[[The Great Gatsby]]'', as both wear cufflinks made of teeth (respectively human and troll)- the joke being that troll teeth are made of diamond.
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