Disney/Characters/Villains: Difference between revisions

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== [[Disney Animated Canon]] ==
=== [[Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney film)|(Evil) Queen Grimhilde]] ===
{{quote|''"...a special sort of death for one so fair."''
'''Voiced by:''' Lucille LaVerne }}
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** Justified; Bambi was shot from an animal's point of view. ''Looking man into the eyes'' would be certain death for most of them.
* [[Nothing Is Scarier]]: Could be counted as [[Trope Maker]], at least for the [[Disney Animated Canon]].
* [[Villain by Default]]: And according to the other wiki, real-life hunters openly criticized ''Bambi'' when it was released, for villifying them and insulting the American sportsmanship of hunting.
** True, shooting animals can be viewed as [[Kick the Dog]] at worst and morally fault-free at best, but the hunters in ''Bambi'' actually sent packs of bloodthirsty hounds after animals, implying they weren't hunting for food, but for the pleasure of seeing animals being ripped apart. [[Moral Event Horizon|Oh, and let's not forget they actually lit a whole forest on fire by carelessly setting up their camp..]]
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* [[Fat Cat]]
* [[Names to Run From Really Fast]]
* [[Obviously Evil]]
* [[Right-Hand-Cat]]
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* [[Composite Character]]: Of the Queen of Hearts and the Red Queen from Lewis Carrol's books.
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]
* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]
* [[It's All About Me]]
* {{spoiler|[[Karma Houdini]]}}: {{spoiler|Though understandable since she was just a figment of Alice's dreams anyway.}}
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* [[Badass Cape]]: Well, cloak, but still.
* [[Big Bad]]
* [[Breakout Villain]]: Among the Disney villains. She was even voted as the most favorite Disney villain of all time, and she usually gets the leading role in crossovers. ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' helped her popularity grow even bigger, not just in the USA but in Japan as well.
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]] - "The Mistress of All Evil"
* [[Cruel Mercy]]: She could have easily killed Prince Phillip without turning into a dragon; this is her reason.
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* [[Big Bad]]
* [[Chaste Toons]]: She has a [[Enfant Terrible]] niece named Ivy in the series.
* [[Clothes Make the Legend]]
* [[Cool Car]]
* [[Cruella to Animals]]: The [[Trope Namer]]
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* [[Dirty Coward]]
* [[Greed]]
* [[Historical Domain Character]]
* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[The Unfavorite]]: "Mother always did like Richard best!"
* [["The Villain Sucks" Song]]: "A pox on the phony king of England!", which leds to...
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Once he hear the song itself, being sung by the [[The Dragon|Sheriff]] and [[Evil Chancellor|Sir Hiss]], no less!
** He has an even worse one when his castle is set on fire at the end. Even Sir Hiss screams "He's gone stark raving MAAAAAAD!"
* [[Villainous BSOD]]: Mention his mother around him and he'll grab his ear and suck his thumb.
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* [[Drives Like Crazy]]
* [[Evil Redheads]]
* [[Expy]]: One early draft of the film cast Cruella de Vil as the villain. Consequently, Madame Medusa bears more than a passing resemblance to her, in both appearance and mannerisms, and even drives the same car.
* [[Greed]]
* [[Kick the Dog]]: See the quote above.
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'''Voiced by:''' Pat Carroll }}
* [[Adaptational Villainy]]: The Sea Witch in the original fairy tale was a neutral character.
* [[Bad Samaritan]]
* [[Berserk Button]] - Ursula grows to giant size after she accidentally kills her [[Mooks]] [[Those Two Bad Guys|Flotsam and Jetsam]]
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* [[Fat Bastard]]
* [[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice]]
* [[Jabba Table Manners]]: [[Establishing Character Moment|The very first time we see her]].
* [[Kick the Dog]] - Literally
* [[Large Ham]]
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* [[One-Winged Angel]]: In the climatic scene.
* [[Power Hair]]
* [[Villainous Glutton]]
* [[Villain Song]]: "Come on, you ''poor unfortunate '''soul!'''''"
* [[Wicked Witch]]
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* [[Batman Gambit]]: He played this card on Cody then he realized that psychologically torture the boy wasn't enough. By pretending that the Eagle had been shot by another hunter and acting upset of it, Cody played right into his hands by leading him to the eagle's nest.
* [[Book Dumb]]: For someone who barely got through the third grade, he's pretty smart.
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: A lot more down-to-earth than most Disney villains
* [[Evil Poacher]]/[[Greed]]
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* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Manipulative Bastard]] (In ''all'' of the movie{{spoiler|... until he ends up angering the hyenas and provoking them into [[The Dog Bites Back|turning on him]]}})
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]: According to a storybook published following the film's release, his birth name was Taka (Swahili for "trash").
** [[Fridge Brilliance|"Trash"? No wonder he didn't have a good relationship to his family...]]
* [[Red Right Hand]]: Aside from the obvious, his claws (unlike the other lions') are always bared.
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* [[Abusive Parents|Abusive Father-Figure]]
* [[Adaptational Villainy]]: In the book, Frollo was a somewhat more sympathetic [[Anti-Villain]].
* [[Bad Boss]]: Has his previous captain of the gaurd (Phoebus' predecessor) tortured for failing him.
* [[Big Bad]]
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** Not to mention that his epic villian song takes place right in front of bright flames. Dark fire? Not at all!
* [[Lust]] [[Love Makes You Evil|Makes You Evil]]
** [[Sex Is Evil and I Am Horny]]: He mentions that he's especially proud of [[Virgin Power|"his virtue"]] and begins going over the edge when he realizes he's hot for a [[Hot Gypsy Woman|member of the ethnic group]] he's trying to exterminate.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Stalker with a Crush]]
* [[Straight Edge Evil]]
* [[Torture Technician]]: "Ease up! Wait between lashes. Otherwise the old pain will dull him to the new."
* [[Villain Song]]: "[[Crowning Music of Awesome|HELLFIRE]]".
{{quote|''[[If I Can't Have You|Be mine or you! Will!]]'' '''''[[If I Can't Have You|BURN!]]'''''}}
* [[Yandere]]
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* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: A rare ''male'' example!
* [[The Barnum]]
* [[Batman Gambit]]
* [[Big Bad]]
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* [[Evil Is Stylish]]
* [[Evil Laugh]]
* [[Evil Sorceror]]
* [[Family-Unfriendly Death]]: '''[[Ironic Echo|ARE YOU READY?!]]'''
* [[Foil]]: He and Prince Naveen have racked up loads of debts and are running out of time to pay...
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* [[Action Mom]]
* [[Badass Normal]]: In the movie and amongst most of the other villains in this folder. She has no magical power other than some hinted healing ability (which she still needs an outside source for), only has two hulking henchmen {{spoiler|whom she later betrays and beats up at that}}, and her only weapon is a knife.
** [[Badass Abnormal]]: If you want to count her magically-obtained immortality, though even then, it was dependent on Rapunzel rather than her own power.
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]
* [[Family-Unfriendly Death]]: One that combines the traditional [[Disney Villain Death]] {{spoiler|with disintegration.}}
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** Their threat seems to be directly propotional on how many of thema re working together. Usual trio plus granpa usualy are not much of a threat, but when the entire Bealge clan sets it's eyes on Scrooge...
* [[Depending on the Writer]] (Just how many Beagle Boys exist is very inconsistent. They are commonly shown three at a time, but in [[Don Rosa]]'s stories, there are seven of them (who are occasionally aided by their much smarter grandfather, Blackheart). Some authors show the Beagle Boys to be all over the world in some form or another. Their relationship is also somewhat inconsistent. They are usually seen as being brothers, but according to Don Rosa they are actually a group of brothers and cousins.)
* [[Distaff Counterpart]]: The Beagle Babes.
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas]] (In ''[[DuckTales]]'', at least. The closest thing to Ma Beagle in the comics is their grandfather or, occasionally, Granny Beagle.)
* [[Harmless Villain]]
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* [[The Resenter]]
* [[Teen Genius]]: Is said to be around the same age as Aladdin.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: The original intended finale for the Aladdin series was for Mozenrath to be revealed to be Aladdin's brother.
* [[Your Days Are Numbered]]
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* [[Ignored Epiphany]]: Writ large.
* [[Kill All Humans]]
* [[Knight Templar]]: Subverted. Demona seems to think she's trying to wipe out humanity because humans are [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]], but nearly everybody else can tell that she's lashing out at the world in general in her pain. The fact that she's completely incapable of recognizing this is a big part of what makes her such a strangely pitiable villain
* [[Lady Macbeth]]: Shades of this in her relationships with Goliath, Macbeth, and even Xanatos. Inverted with her relationship with Thailog, as he's far more straightforwardly evil and is really using her to advance his own ends.
* [[Magic Knight]]: She uses her powerful magic (she's probably the strongest mortal mage in the show, not counting the Archmage's enhanced form) and formidable combat skills about evenly.
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* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Many of his schemes were influenced by stuff that happened to him as a kid.
* [[Evil Gloating]]
* [[Evil Is Petty]]: All of his [[Evil Plan|Evil Plans]]. One of them involved mind controlling pidgeons to poop on his older brother.
* [[Failure Is the Only Option]]: Subverted few times when he successfully achieved his "evil" goals (Making mountain out of the mole hill and getting rid of the lighthouse), but 99,9% times played straight.
* [[Foe Yay]]: With Perry.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Has a different one in many episodes.
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* [[Kavorka Man]]
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Literal -Minded]]: His schemes include: Using Norm the Giant Robot Man, because "[[Green Aesop|The enemy of a platypus is man]]", Making mountain out of the mole hill by enlarging moles and leaving giant carbon footprint via making giant foot of the carbon paper
* [[Mad Scientist]]
** And he has a [[Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter|beautiful daughter]], too.
* [[Morality Pet]]: Vanessa. He really does try to be a good father.
* [[Multiple Choice Past]]: Not all his stories about his childhood fit with each other, especially the one where he was raised by ocelots.
** [[The Wiki Rule|The show's wiki]] [http://phineasandferb.wikia.com/wiki/Heinz_Doofenshmirtz manages though.]
* [[My Name Is Not Durwood]] (in "Ain't No Kiddie Ride".)
* [[Overprotective Dad]]: In his and Monogram's DVD commentary for "The Chronicles of Meap", he mentions that he doesn't trust Ferb and therefore dislikes the idea of him dating Vanessa.
** In "Vanessassary Roughness" some random biker hits on her, apparently thinking that she was older and Doofenshmirtz [[Relative Error|was her boyfriend]]. Doof simply yelled "SHE'S SIXTEEN!" and [[Disproportionate Retribution|teleported him to another dimension]].
* [[Pet the Dog|Pet The Cat]]: Perceived when he saves a cat, and later adopts another one and then gives it back to its real owner. (It had been causing him so much trouble that he had to get rid of it anyway, and then the kid came up to him...)
{{quote|"I'm going to have to do the right thing, aren't I?"}}
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* [[Creepy Child]]: Though only Candace and Buford recognize her as one.
* [[Deliberately Cute Child]]
* [[Enemy Mine]]: Sort of, Candace once has to babysit her and the two of them wind up teaming up to try and get Phineas and Ferb to bust themselves.
* [[Enfant Terrible]]
* [[Ping-Pong Naivete]]: In most of the episodes which feature her, she's frighteningly intelligent, manipulative, and (in a way) mature. Then, in ''Nerds of a Feather'', she gets frightened by an ''[[Alien]]''-esque exhibit and seeks a hug from a cuddly costumed character from her favorite cartoon.
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* {{spoiler|[[Ambiguously Human]]}}
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]: A black fedora, a black trenchcoat and don't forget the cane which has a [[Sword Cane|sword]] hidden inside it.
* [[Bad Boss]]: He generally slaps the Weasels around
* [[Big Bad]]