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{{quote|'''Vinny:''' Uh... Everything that guy just said is bullshit...Thank you.<br />
[...]<br />
'''Judge:''' The jury will kindly disregard the defendant's entire opening statement, with the exception of "Thank you."|''[[My Cousin Vinny]]''}}
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* Happens all the time in ''[[Law & Order|Law and Order]]''.
** Particularly blatant example in an episode where Jack McCoy is cross-examining an expert witness testifying on the mental disorder of the defendant. He gets her to admit she is not a licensed psychologist but instead hosts a radio show that discusses this disorder among others.
{{quote| '''McCoy:''' So in other words, you're not a psychologist but you play one on the radio?<br />
'''Defense Attorney:''' Objection! Prosecution is mocking the witness!<br />
'''McCoy:''' (''[[Beat]]'') Yes I am. }}
*** Strangely enough, since he's discrediting the witness with her own testimony, this is perfectly legal. Except for the mocking part.
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* Parodied in ''[[Futurama]]'', where the jury (a DOOP war-crimes tribunal) were all witnesses (to the destruction of DOOP headquarters). The rival lawyer asks the jury to point out the person they saw committing the act, and are told by the judge to disregard their own statements.
* Hilariously parodied in ''[[Batman: The Animated Series]]'', where Batman is being held on trial by a [[Joker Jury]].
{{quote| '''Mad Hatter:''' Your Honor, I would like that last outburst stricken from the record.<br />
'''Judge Joker:''' Record? Is someone supposed to be writing this down? }}