Doctor Who/Characters/Companions and Supporting Cast/New Series Companions: Difference between revisions

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=== Rose Tyler (Ninth and Tenth Doctors) ===
{{quote box|[[File:Rorsterlerr_244.jpg|frame]]}}
{{quote| ''The first nineteen years of my life, nothing happened. Nothing at all, not ever. And then I met a man called the Doctor.''}}
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=== Mickey Smith (Ninth and Tenth Doctors) ===
{{quote box|[[File:Mickey_Sombre_TPOTW_2501.jpg|frame]]}}
<!-- %% Yes, it's "Man In Havana". The reference is to the Graham Greene novel and/or its film adaptation. -->
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=== Adam Mitchell (Ninth Doctor) ===
{{quote box|[[File:AdamTitlt_5567.jpg|frame]]}}
{{quote| ''When I was eight, I hacked into the US defence network… you should have seen them running about!''}}
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=== Captain Jack Harkness (Ninth and Tenth Doctors) ===
{{quote box|[[File:Capnjack_7616.jpg|frame]]}}
{{quote| '''Mickey Smith''': What are you captain of, the innuendo squad?}}
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=== Donna Noble (Tenth Doctor) ===
{{quote box|[[File:Donna_7830.jpg|frame]]}}
{{quote| ''Didn't I ever tell you? Best temp in Chiswick -- 100 words per minute!''}}
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=== {{spoiler|Dr.}} Martha {{spoiler|Smith-}}Jones (Tenth Doctor) ===
{{quote box|[[File:Martha-Jones-tv-female-characters-17862452-1024-768_3788.jpg|frame]]}}
{{quote| ''I travelled across the world. From the ruins of New York, to the fusion mills of China, right across the radiation pits of Europe…''}}
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=== Astrid Peth (Tenth Doctor) ===
{{quote box[[File:miniastridicon_809.jpg|[frame|link= [[File:miniastridicon_809.jpg|frame]]]}}
{{quote| ''Mr. Capricorn? I resign!''}}
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=== Wilfred Mott (Tenth Doctor) ===
{{quote box|[[File:WilfEnd_1578.jpg|frame]]}}
{{quote| ''Every night, Doctor, when it gets dark, and the stars come out, I'll look up on her behalf. I'll look up at the sky, and think of you.''}}
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=== Professor River Song {{spoiler|aka Melody Pond aka "Mels"}} (Eleventh and Tenth Doctors, in that order from her perspective) ===
{{quote box|[[File:tumblr_lr4cufb3UW1qzg7fv_4692.jpg|frame]]}}
{{quote| ''Spoilers!''}}
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=== "The Next Doctor"/{{spoiler|Jackson Lake}} (Tenth Doctor) ===
{{quote box[[File:minijacksonlake2_1526.jpg|[frame|link= [[File:minijacksonlake2_1526.jpg|frame]]]}}
{{quote| ''I'm the Doctor! Simply, 'the Doctor.' The one, the only and the best!''}}
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=== Rosita (Tenth Doctor) ===
{{quote box[[File:minirositaicon1_2191.jpg|[frame|link= [[File:minirositaicon1_2191.jpg|frame]]]}}
{{quote| '''Rosita:''' I'm glad you think it's so ''funny''. You're mad! Both of ya! You could've got killed!<br />
'''{{spoiler|Jackson Lake}}:''' [''still guffawing''] But evidently we did not! }}
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=== Lady Christina de Souza (Tenth Doctor) ===
{{quote box[[File:minichristinaicon2_8752.jpg|[frame|link= [[File:minichristinaicon2_8752.jpg|frame]]]}}
{{quote| '''Tenth Doctor:''' Come on, allons-y!<br />
'''de Souza:''' Oui, mais pas si nous allons vers un cauchemar. [Yes, but not if we're going into a nightmare.]<br />
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=== Captain Adelaide Brooke (Tenth Doctor) ===
{{quote box[[File:miniadelaideicon2_4549.jpg|[frame|link= [[File:miniadelaideicon2_4549.jpg|frame]]]}}
{{quote| ''This is wrong, Doctor. The Time Lord Victorious is wrong.''}}
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=== Amelia "Amy" Pond (Eleventh Doctor) ===
{{quote box|[[File:AmyPondHead_5508.jpg|frame]]}}
{{quote| '''Amy''': Twelve years! And four psychiatrists!<br />
'''Eleventh Doctor:''' Four?<br />
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=== Rory Williams (Eleventh Doctor) ===
{{quote box|[[File:New_Rory_5551.png|frame]]}}
{{quote| ''[[Deadpan Snarker|Okay…]] [[Genre Savvy|I'm trapped inside a giant robot replica of my wife.]] [[Henpecked Husband|I'm really trying not to see this as a metaphor.]]''}}
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=== Craig Owens (Eleventh Doctor) ===
{{quote box|[[File:Craig_5523.jpg|frame]]}}
{{quote| ''Has anyone ever told you that you're a bit weird?''}}