Doctor Who/Characters/Companions and Supporting Cast/New Series Companions: Difference between revisions

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* [[Grand Theft Me]]: To Cassandra's chagrin. "I'm a chav!"
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Series 2 finale counts, though she's technically not dead.
* [[ItsIt's All About Me]]: Has some very self-centered moments, especially regarding Mickey. [[What the Hell, Hero?|She naturally gets called out on this.]]
* {{spoiler|[[Love Confession]]: She tells the Tenth Doctor this. While he does not say it back, his clone whispers it back in her ear (according to the writers). She stays with the clone in the alternate universe.}}
* [[Living Emotional Crutch]]
* [[Morality Chain]]: For the Ninth Doctor. For the Tenth, not so much...
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Indirectly responsible (along with "Sexy") for [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S3 E11 Utopia|the return of the Master]] (and by extension, [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S3 E6 The Lazarus Experiment|Professor Lazarus' rampage]]) and [[Torchwood Miracle Day (TV)|Miracle Day]].
* [[Stranger in A Familiar Land]]
* [[She Is Not My Girlfriend]]: To the Ninth Doctor, mainly.
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* [[Taking Up the Mantle]]: When his alternate self dies, Mickey simply assumes his identity and continues the fight.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Multiple.
** To wit, from lovable but aimless boyfriend to a capable hacker and fully-fledged companion. Ends up fighting Cybermen in an alternate reality and respected member of that reality's Torchwood, and finally [[Self -Made Man|earns his happy ending with a woman who saved the world with the power of story.]]
* [[Where Da White Women At?]]: He and Rose seem quite happy, though not exactly soulmates.
=== Adam Mitchell (Ninth Doctor) ===
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* [[Age Without Youth]]: Expresses some worry about having an extremely slow version of this, since despite little actual signs of aging he's begun to find white hairs. To top it off, {{spoiler|he is implied to eventually mutate into the Face of Boe after ''billions'' of years}}.
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Though a more family-friendly variant than on ''[[Torchwood (TV)|Torchwood]]''.
* [[Anything That Moves]]: Has a penchant of flirting with everyone he meets, even when the world is ending -- to the Doctor's constant frustration.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Of The World War II greatcoat variety.
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If you're a guy and you like Jack, [[Memetic Sex God|you're human.]] }}
* [[Extreme Omnisexual]]: Provides the page image. Creator [[Steven Moffat]] calls him "bi", but that doesn't even begin to cover it.
* [[Facing the Bullets One -Liner]]: Before he was rendered immortal, his response to the Daleks' "Exterminate" was to defiantly throw down his gun, stand up straight, and mutter "I kinda figured that".
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: After his transformation into a fixed point in time, the TARDIS initially ''really'' does not like him. She considers him an abomination. She seemed to be over it by "Journey's End".
* [[The Good Captain]]
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* [[The Slow Path]]: Between series 1 and 3, and again between series 3 and 4.
* [[Time Police]]: Formerly.
* [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]]: back and forth between this and [[Living Forever Is Awesome]]. You could say both are deconstructed because both are true at points.
=== Donna Noble (Tenth Doctor) ===
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* [[Flowers for Algernon Syndrome]]: [[Played With]]. Donna is frequently horrified by the amount of responsibility the Doctor has, but copes by going back to being snarky for the start of each new adventure. This means that her [[Character Development]] is gradual and zig-zaggy. It makes it all the more horrifying when we see her go back to her ''old'' old self.
* [[Good With Numbers]]: It's more than just math, though -- she's spent most of her life temping, and she's gotten ''ridiculously'' good at it, having gained a knack for spotting patterns in numbers not even the Doctor would notice.
* {{spoiler|[[Half -Human Hybrid]]: In "[[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S4 E13 Journeys End|Journey's End]]", she saves herself from Dalek-inflicted doom by splicing her DNA with the Doctor's. She then indulges in [[Techno Babble]], yelling like the Doctor, and hijacking the Dalek's motor commands to make them spin in circles. Fun is had by all, but it does not last.}}
* [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]
* [[Large Ham]]
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* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: A mild case, but more so when Rose is brought up. Once she's getting over her crush on him, she's actually really happy when the Doctor and Rose are reunited.
* [[Determinator]]: At the end of Series 3.
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: To John Smith in "[[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S3 E8 Human Nature|Human Nature]] / [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S3 E9 The Familyof Blood|The Family of Blood]]".
* [[Hospital Hottie]]
* [[Just Friends]]: With the Doctor, to her great frustration.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Martha '''Jones'''. {{spoiler|Who leaves the TARDIS when the Doctor is still jonesing for Rose.}}
* [[OOC Is Serious Business]]: Although not [[The Stoic]], Martha does keep a grip on her emotions. When she gets angry ("The Sound of Drums") or really scared ("The Sontaran Stratagem"), you know things are very bad.
* [[Pair the Spares]]: With {{spoiler|Mickey Smith}}. [[What Happened to The Mouse?|What happened to her engagement to Thomas Mulligan from Series 4]] has never been explained.
* [[Replacement Goldfish]]: It doesn't take very long for her to feel as though she's simply this for Rose.
* [[Technical Pacifist]]: Doesn't carry a gun, but has a position of command in a military organisation.
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* [[Uncanny Family Resemblance]]: Actor Freema Agyeman first appeared as a Torchwood London employee; a character later retconned into Martha's identical cousin Adeola.
* [[Walking the Earth]]: During the Year That Never Was.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: During series 4, Martha was engaged to Tom Milligan (the engagement ring was a bit of a plot point in one of the episodes), but when we next see her one series later, she was inexplicably married to {{spoiler|Mickey Smith}}. <ref> Possibly the explanation is we're seeing her and Mickey a bit farther into the future than the other Companions Ten visited, but the episode didn't clarify.</ref>
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: The Doctor's reaction when he hears about Martha's plan to {{spoiler|blow up Earth}} to stop a Dalek plot.
* [[Yaoi Fangirl]]: As revealed in ''[[Torchwood (TV)|Torchwood]]'', where she takes interest in Jack and Ianto's "dabbling".
* [[You Look Familiar]]: As above.
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* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: Owns one, and convinces the Doctor to accept it as a gift.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* [[LikeaLike a Son to Me]]: Despite being the Doctor's junior by more than 800 years.
{{quote| '''The Doctor:''' "I'd be proud."<br />
'''Wilf:''' "What?"<br />
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* [[Adventurer Archaeologist]]
* [[Adventurer Outfit]]
* [[Anti -Hero]]
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Extremely so in "Let's Kill Hitler", {{spoiler|as her young, Doctor-wanting-to-kill incarnation as Mels.}}
* [[Badass]]: She made a {{spoiler|''Dalek''}} ask for mercy. A ''freakin' {{spoiler|Dalek}}!''
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* {{spoiler|[[Good Thing You Can Heal]]}}
* [[The Gunslinger]]
* {{spoiler|[[Half -Human Hybrid]]}}: She's got {{spoiler|primitive Time Lord}} DNA {{spoiler|from being conceived on the TARDIS}}. It's explicitly said that {{spoiler|she's the TARDIS' daughter as much as she is Amy's and Rory's}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Happily Married]]: To the Doctor, although most of her meetings after the marriage, he hasn't married her yet, and he doesn't realize he's going to -- although he starts to suspect it as soon as the topic comes up.}}
* [[Have We Met Yet]]: The Doctor and River meet in the wrong order: for example, the Doctor's first encounter with her is her last encounter with him. In her first encounter with him, she realizes he's already had many encounters with her future self, motivating her to {{spoiler|save his life.}}
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* [[Instant Expert]]: In TARDIS piloting. Justifed, since {{spoiler|the TARDIS herself teaches her via telepathy, and is her second mom}}.
* [[Internal Homage]]: A nod to the extremely long-running [[Expanded Universe]] companion [[Bernice Summerfield]], another professor of archaeology who keeps a diary about the Doctor.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: Played straight and possibly subverted. After {{spoiler|nearly tearing the universe apart during the Season 6 finale, claiming that her suffering will outweigh that of [[ItsIt's All About Me|everyone else in the universe]], the most she gets is a [[What the Hell, Hero?]] from the Doctor and a largely voluntary stay inside a [[Cardboard Prison]].}} Possibly subverted in that they keep running into each other backwards, which means that eventually, the Doctor won't know her, but whether it's invoked as an actual punishment or simple coincidence is, as yet, unknown.
* [[Kid From the Future]]: She's {{spoiler|Amy and Rory's daughter}}.
* [[Kiss of Death]]: She prefers hallucinogenic lipstick over the traditional poisonous lipstick. {{spoiler|Played straight in "Let's Kill Hitler", when she was programmed from birth to assassinate the Doctor.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Love Confession]]: River professes her love to the Doctor in "The Wedding Of River Song."}}
* [[Lovable Sex Maniac]]: Although {{spoiler|the Doctor}} is the only one we know she is sleeping with.
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]] / [[Luke, You Are My Father]]: River is {{spoiler|Melody Pond, the daughter of Amy Pond and Rory Williams}}. River tells them this after {{spoiler|her newborn self}} is kidnapped.
* [[The Masochism Tango]]: {{spoiler|The first time she properly meets the Doctor, she tries to kill him with poison lipstick, then makes a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] to revive him. The second time she properly meets the Doctor, he angrily makes her marry him (long story) and they snark at each other as time itself explodes around them. From that point on, they date quite happily, but she gets on significantly less well with younger versions of him that she occasionally meets -- because she can't spoil anything for fear of paradox. By the time she meets a version of him so young that all they can have is UST, their entire relationship revolves around snarking, bitching and flirting while he keeps on being frustrated at how secretive she is. The last time she meets him, she punches him in the face, handcuffs him to a wall and makes a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] to save his life.}}
* [[Mrs. Robinson]]: The Doctor calls her this. She's not amused.
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* {{spoiler|[[Super Strength]]: A very minor example, but in "Day of the Moon" River mentions that the little girl -— her younger self, it turns out -- would have to be incredibly strong to tear herself free from the space suit.}}
* {{spoiler|[[This Is My Name On Foreign]]}}: Played for a [[Wham Episode|dramatic]] [[The Reveal|reveal]] in [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S32 E7 A Good Man Goes to War|"A Good Man Goes to War"]], when it turns out that {{spoiler|River Song's name is actually a close in the language of the Forest People: "Melody" becomes "Song", and they don't quite have a word that means "Pond" because [[Arc Words|"The only water in the forest is the river..."]]}}
* [[Timey -Wimey Ball]]: Deep breath: {{spoiler|Conceived on the TARDIS and born in Demon's Run, given the nickname "River Song" by accident (see [[This Is My Name On Foreign]]). Grows up in the 1960's as Melody Pond, named after Amy's and Rory's best friend Melody. Travels to England after regenerating into a toddler, where she grows up in the 90's together with Amy and Rory as their best friend Melody. Meets the Doctor properly and tries to kill him, then does a [[Heel Face Turn]] when she realises that the "River Song" broad he's so fondly talking about is her in the future. Studies archaeology in the 52nd century. Meets the Doctor properly for the second time when she's forced to kill him, refuses until he marries her. Gets locked in Stormcage for the murder, where the Doctor, now her husband, merrily takes her on dates every once in awhile at very random points in her timeline -- all the way up to the Singing Towers, her final date with Eleven, during which he gives her his screwdriver. Also meets increasingly younger versions of him throughout that period (i.e. the regular episode order, ''backwards'' for her) until she finally meets Ten, dies, and he saves her consciousness with said screwdriver.}}
* [[Touched By Vorlons]]: As a result of {{spoiler|being conceived in and by the TARDIS}}, she is {{spoiler|part-Time Lord}}. The Doctor tries to argue that evolution ''does not work that way''. The TARDIS pointedly disagrees.
* [[Twin Threesome Fantasy]]: In "A Good Man Goes to War", River strongly implies that she once spent a very enjoyable birthday with two Doctors at once.
* [[Whole -Plot Reference]]: To one of [[Steven Moffat]]'s favourite novels, ''[[The Time Travelers Wife]]''. The similarities would take quite a while to count. She even meets the Doctor in a library, exactly like the novel's titular characters.
* [[Wife Husbandry]] / Companion Husbandry: "The Impossible Astronaut" revealed that the first time River met the Doctor he knew ''everything'' about her, and it's starting to trouble River herself. As it turns out, {{spoiler|he knew her as an infant -- she's Melody Pond.}} Subverted in that the Doctor doesn't realize he knew her as a child until some time after [[Stable Time Loop|they had their first kiss]].
* {{spoiler|[[Younger Than They Look]]}}: Is a young twentysomething when she gets {{spoiler|her adult body}}. She instantly ''loves'' it.
* [[You Already Changed the Past]] / [[You Can't Fight Fate]]: The Doctor's first meeting with River is her final meeting with him, and the first time River meets the Doctor (at least at a point she can actually remember, rather than as {{spoiler|a baby}}), he knows everything about her. This means they have no true beginning to their relationship (when one of them first meets the other, the other already knows and cares for the other deeply), and two endings.
** Another example: {{spoiler|River's assassination of the Doctor-inside-the-Teselecta is a fixed point in time. When she attempts to avert it, the universe is plunged into a massive [[Anachronism Stew]] that threatens to tear time itself apart, leading the Doctor himself to unleash a [[What the Hell, Hero?]] on her.}}
=== "The Next Doctor"/{{spoiler|Jackson Lake}} (Tenth Doctor) ===
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The Doctor teams up with ''this'' Doctor during the [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S4 E14 The Next Doctor|2008 Christmas special]] on Christmas Eve, 1851, making the traditional Doctor into his ''companion'' for a while. Of course, this Doctor was just a normal human, but that doesn't change how awesome he was.
* [[Back -to -Back Badasses]]
* [[Badass Bookworm]]
* [[Badass Normal]]
* [[Large Ham]]: He's hammy even by normal ''Who'' standards.
* [[Laser -Guided Amnesia]]
* [[The Nth Doctor]]: He seems to be number 11 -- {{spoiler|but just got blasted with the Doctor's personality and thought he'd regenerated.}}
* [[Tomato in The Mirror]]: He spends most of the special thinking he's the Doctor, and Ten seems to think he is a future Doctor. Then it turns out he's {{spoiler|just a human whose mind has accidentally been tampered with.}}
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* [[The Determinator]]: She ''never'' snaps.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Calls the Doctor on his ego trip.
=== Amelia "Amy" Pond (Eleventh Doctor) ===
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* [[Amnesiac Lover]]: {{spoiler|From the end of "Cold Blood" to the end of "The Pandorica Opens".}} Subverted in that {{spoiler|it's the Doctor trying to rekindle Amy's memories of Rory, who's been [[Ret Gone|completely erased from existence]].}}
** Subverted again in {{spoiler|"The Wedding of River Song." Amy remembers that she has a husband named Rory whom she loved dearly, but can't remember who he is, even when looking Captain Williams in the face. Again, it's the Doctor who tries to restart both their memories.}}
* [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other|Aw Look She Really Does Love Him]]: While she often takes Rory for granted, if anything happens to him, she'll be crushed, even [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S31 E07 Amys Choice|suicidal]]. "The Girl Who Waited" is one big testament to how deeply she's in love with him.
{{quote| '''Old!Amy''': You're asking me to defy destiny, causality, the nexus of time itself for a ''boy''.<br />
'''Young!Amy''': You're Amy, he's Rory... and oh yes I am. }}
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* [[Friends With Benefits]]: Wants to be with with the Doctor. She gets one kiss in before he pushes her away. She tries again ''during'' her wedding -- twice.
* [[Future Badass]]: {{spoiler|Thirty six years spent defending herself from robots who kill with kindness. With a sword.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!]] / [[Never Mess With Granny]]: Since Older Amy is something like 58 years old, quite justified.}}
* [[Genre Savvy]]: She doesn't quite match Rory, but there are numerous examples, most notably the fact that it only takes her three very brief encounters with the Silents to figure out that they have some kind of agenda against the Doctor, what powers they have, and that it would probably be wise to take a cellphone photo of one.
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]: Inverted with the Doctor, played straight with Rory.
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* [[Hot Chick With a Sword]]: In "The Girl Who Waited".
* [[Hot Mum]]
* [[In -Series Nickname]]: The Girl Who Waited. Twice.
* [[Jumped At the Call]]: ''Asked'' to come along, as a girl; unfortunately, [[The Call Put Me On Hold|the caller got waylaid]] and she had to [[The Slow Path|wait for fourteen years]] before she got to see the inside of the TARDIS.
{{quote| '''Amy''':''When I was a little girl, I dreamed of time and space. Last night, all my dreams came true.''}}
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{{quote| '''Doctor''': Amelia Pond! ''Get your coat!''}}
* [[Lady of War]]: In "The Girl Who Waited" the future Amy has [[Took a Level In Badass|taken a level in badass]] and become one of these. This attitude is also very much in evidence in "The Wedding of River Song".
* [[Laser -Guided Amnesia]]: {{spoiler|Done to her memories of Rory courtesy of the time-crack. And, it later turns out, to her memories of her parents as well.}}
* [[Last -Name Basis]]: The Doctor has the habit of calling her “Pond.“
* [[Like Brother and Sister]]: Appears that way with Rory in series 5; they get mistaken for siblings in [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S31 E06 The Vampires of Venice|The Vampires of Venice]].
* [[Limited Wardrobe]]: For the first six episodes of the 2011 series, appeared to have nothing in her wardrobe except two or three similar-looking plaid shirts. Possibly a subliminal hint to the audience that she's {{spoiler|actually a mind-linked Doppelgänger in these episodes.}}
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* [[Master of the Mixed Message|Mistress Of The Mixed Message]]: Towards Rory in Series 5 and early in Series 6. Since then, she's clearly established him as her number one priority.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: She's a Kissogram, and so has several… interesting outfits. Seen onscreen is a [[Fair Cop]] police uniform; refered to are [[Naughty Nurse Outfit|Naughty Nurse Outfits]], [[Naughty Nuns|Naughty Nun]], and [[French Maid]] outfits. Has a general liking for short skirts or hotpants that show off [[Karen Gillan]]'s long legs; there's only two episodes of the fifth series in which we don't see her in something like that.
** This notably causes a minor disaster in the 2011 Comic Relief skit, when her wearing a short skirt [[Distracted By the Sexy|distracts Rory enough]] to cause him to [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|drop a thermocoupling, causing a spatial paradox]].
** It's also implied she [[Invoked Trope]] this to pass her driving test.
* [[Oblivious to Love]]: For a kissogram, she was a little bit slow in realising that Rory liked her.
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* [[Ship Tease]]: With the Doctor. This becomes a major plot point when {{spoiler|she becomes pregnant}} and {{spoiler|her baby turns out to have Time Lord DNA.}} Due to [[Trolling Creator]], it takes a ''while'' before we find out that {{spoiler|it was all a big [[Red Herring]], and the Doctor really has never touched Amy}}.
* [[Show Some Leg]]: How she got her driver's permit.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Very mild case of this sometimes, as she tends to overestimate her own competence.
* [[Strange Girl]]: Amy's insistence that her childhood encounter with the Doctor was real is apparently well-known to the people in her small town… and has landed her in psychiatric care a few times. This makes her the first companion with canonical mental issues since Ace.
** She has distinct and serious obsessive tendencies, seems to suffer severe sensory overload on occasion, and at one point in "The Beast Below" (although this is almost certainly unintentional) her speech patterns are disturbingly similar to [[Baccano (Light Novel)|Ladd Russo's]]. The implication is that these obsessive tendencies have been focused mainly on the Doctor during the twelve years they've spent apart.
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* [[Wistful Amnesia]]: Finds herself crying over Rory without realizing it or knowing why several times in series 5.
* [[Yaoi Fangirl]]: As shown in the comics, when Rory kisses the Doctor by accident and Amy asks them to do it again. Slower.
* [[You Called Me "X" - It Must Be Serious]]: As she points out, the Doctor only calls her "Amelia" when he's worried about her. And "Amy {{spoiler|Williams}}" when things get very, very serious.
* [[You Have Waited Long Enough]]: Amy runs off with the Doctor on the night before her wedding.
* [[You Look Familiar]]: [[Karen Gillan]] had previously played a soothsayer in a Tenth Doctor episode, "[[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S4 E2 The Fires of Pompeii|The Fires of Pompeii]]".
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Rory is a nurse, Amy's [[Victorious Childhood Friend|childhood friend, and now her husband]]. Started off as incredibly reluctant to travel with the Doctor, out of love for Amy and fear for his own life. Eventually rose to the challenge and became a force to be reckoned with.
* [[Adorkable]]: His [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S31 E06 The Vampires of Venice|attempt to fence]] [[What the Fu Are You Doing|using a broom]] and his [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S32 E2 Day of the Moon|inability to pass for an American]] are but two examples. He also tends to lapse into [[Buffy -Speak]].
{{quote| ''[[Manly Tears|Oh God, I was gonna be cool.]] [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|I wanted to be cool, look at me…]]''}}
* [[Amnesiac Lover]]: {{spoiler|In "The Wedding of River Song", in which he's lost all his memories of the correct timeline and only knows Amy as his boss. The Doctor tries to get them back together again… and fails. At first.}}
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* [[Hot Dad]]
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: Rory's ideal world {{spoiler|as recreated by the Dream Lord}} is rather quiet — he {{spoiler|is a doctor instead of a nurse, Amy is pregnant, and most of the residents of their hometown are over 90}}.
* [[In -Series Nickname]]: {{spoiler|The Last Centurion.}}
* [[It Got Worse]]: Story of his companionship and {{spoiler|non-existence}} right up through the penultimate episode of Series 5, which culminates in {{spoiler|an Auton with his memories killing Amy}} against Rory's will.
* [[Just Friends]]: Type 2. Had feelings for Amy whilst she was [[Oblivious to Love]] to the point [[Mistaken for Gay|she thought he was gay.]]
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* [[Not So Different]]: To the Doctor. Best shown in "A Good Man Goes To War", where his actions demonstrate that episodes title could be interpreted as referring to either the Doctor or himself.
* [[Older Sidekick]]: At least in {{spoiler|"The Big Bang", following 2,000 years of guarding the Pandorica as an Auton}}. Outside of that episode is more debatable, being physically in {{spoiler|his twenties, while retaining the Auton memories}}.
* [[One -Man Army]]: Successfully served as Guardian of the Pandorica for 2000 years.
** Best demonstrated in "''A Good Man Goes To War''", where Rory, in full Centurion gear and armed only with a sword, managed to waltz through a Cyberman-controlled vessel and scare the living crap out of them.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: [[Punctuated for Emphasis|Where. Is. My. Wife.]]
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* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: At least 20 levels after {{spoiler|his resurrection into an Auton and nearly 2000 years as the Lone Centurion}}. The man really would do anything for his wife.
** Again in "A Good Man Goes to War". [[Punctuated for Emphasis|'WHERE. IS. MY. WIFE?']]
* [[Too Spicy for Yog -Sothoth]]: In [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S32 E11 The God Complex|The God Complex]], the titular [[Hell Hotel]] shows people their worst fears so {{spoiler|the Minotaur can feed on their faith}}. Rory has neither fear nor faith, so all it can do is show him the exit.
* [[Trauma Conga Line]]: Part of what causes the above [[Character Development]].
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: To Amy.
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* [[When He Smiles]]: While flirting with him when working the controls, older!Amy tells him to give her a minute and his cutest smile in order for her to fix them properly.
{{quote| '''Older Amy''': That's the one.}}
* [[Yank the DogsDog's Chain]]: Just as Amy remembers who he is… {{spoiler|the Auton programming overruns him and he's forced to shoot her}}.
=== Craig Owens (Eleventh Doctor) ===
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* [[Stop Helping Me]]: The Doctor's attempts to help Craig (joining his football team, filling in for him at work when he's sick, trying to get Sophie to admit that she loves him, etc.) just make him look like [[Always Someone Better|the better man]] who's driving Sophie away.
* [[Stout Strength]]: According to the Doctor.
* [[Too Spicy for Yog -Sothoth]]: Craig is so happy in his mundane life that {{spoiler|it overloads the alien spacecraft}} in "The Lodger". In "Closing Time", {{spoiler|[[The Power of Love|his paternal instincts overload the Cybermen's emotional inhibitors]], blowing up their whole ship}}.
* [[Use Your Head]]: In order to save time explaining why he's staying with Craig, [[It Makes Sense in Context|the Doctor headbutts him twice]].
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With the Doctor. Craig may express exasperation, terror and irritation whenever the Doctor shows up, but its clear he's secretly having the time of his life.
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