Doctor Who/Characters/Villains: Difference between revisions

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* [[Hoist By His Own Petard]]: Time and time again. He has a bit of a blind spot when it comes to the Daleks.
* [[Hypocrite]]: In his first appearance, wherein he was prepared to exterminate all creation, but was shocked when the Daleks turned on him. This aspect of his personality has left as he has gotten more and more insane.
* [[Its All About Me|It's All About Me]]: He ''really'' does not care about anyone but himself; he was willing to sacrifice all of his own people just to ensure his Dalek project would go through. He's also so self-centered that he keeps forgetting that the Daleks (with exceptions) are not slavishly loyal to him.
* [[Karmic Death]]: Well, [[Joker Immunity|not quite death]], but his defeats are typically ironic.
* [[Large Ham]]: He screams ''a lot'' - possibly to try and be as much like his creations as possible. (Alternately: they learned it from him.)
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** Eric Roberts' Master, much like the Sixth Doctor, truly believed his Time Lord getup wasn't a fashion accident.
** Simm's Master liked partying at highly inappropriate times and bopping his head to odd music choices. And, in a [[Shout Out]] to Delgado, praised the [[Teletubbies]] as the height of evolution.
* [[Determinator]]: This crossed with [[Why Won't You Die?]] is a major reason why The Master will always be a threat to the Doctor, if for no other reason than sheer tenacity and his refusal to permanently die.
* [[Expy]]: In "[[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S6 E7 The War Games|The War Games]]", we are introduced to the War Chief, a Time Lord who has past history with the Doctor, who is working with a group of aliens to take over the galaxy, and who plans to betray them the first chance he gets. And he's got [[Good Hair, Evil Hair|an evil moustache]] too. Then, a couple of seasons later, the Master shows up: A Time Lord who has past history with the Doctor, who routinely teams up with aliens and then betrays them, is noted to have ''changed his name'' to The Master since the previous time the Doctor encountered him, and even has a similar taste in clothes and facial hair. [[Word of God]] is quite insistent that they're different people.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: The most notable example for the Doctor.
* [[Evil Former Friend]]: Bordering on [[Psycho Ex Girlfriend|Psycho Ex Boyfriend]] at times.
* [[Evil Laugh]]
* [[Evil Plan]]
* [[For the Evulz]]: In the old series. The new series gave him the [[Freudian Excuse]] of being the victim of a [[Timey -Wimey Ball]] [[Plan]] organized by a [[Chessmaster]] to forge a link to escape death.
* [[Grammar Nazi]] / [[Wicked Cultured]]
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: A master at averting this. Delgado's Master was reduced to a degraded, decaying version of himself yet still didn't die, but eventually transferred himself to another body. Ainley's version survived several [[No One Could Survive That]] instances, was rendered [[Only Mostly Dead]] by the TV Movie, and was then thrown into the Eye Of Harmony, which one would think was the end of him. But no, he was apparently rescued by {{spoiler|the Time Lords}}, Chameleon Arched, then sent {{spoiler|to the end of the Universe as Professor Yana.}} Simm's Master initiated a [[Thanatos Gambit]] to avoid permanently dying after "Last Of The Time Lords", and even though he does a {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}} in ''The End of Time'', we can be pretty sure he'll be back since they [[Never Found the Body]]. In short, [[Joker Immunity|do not expect this guy to permanently die.]]
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* [[Facial Horror]]: His face rots to the bone. Yes, it's creepy.
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: UNIT Years. Helped by the fact that Delgado and Pertwee were good friends in real life.
* [[Good Smoking, Evil Smoking]]: Cigars.
* [[Grand Theft Me]]: Crispy!Master. Since this Master could no longer regenerate, he switched incarnations by possessing a hapless victim- who happened to be [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S18 E6 The Keeper of Traken|Nyssa's father]].
* [[Large Ham]]: Like Davros, Crispy!Master is hammy ''with just his voice''.
* [[Master of Disguise]]: UNIT Years.
* [[Not -So -Harmless Villain]]: Crispy!Master. Although he was never exactly ''harmless'', being on the very brink of death caused the Master to cross out the "Friendly" bit in "[[Friendly Enemy]]", and get right down to saving his own skin, becoming much less the Doctor's [[Worthy Opponent]] and moreso a [[The Determinator|very focused]] [[Omnicidal Maniac]].
* [[The Other Darrin]]: Played by three different actors, but according to the [[Word of God]] and "Legacy of the Daleks", they were all playing the same incarnation of the Master.
* [[Out of Continues]]: This was the last body of his natural regeneration cycle.
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* [[Badass Beard]]
* [[Beard of Evil]]
* [[Card -Carrying Villain]]: He has fun with it.
* [[Didn't See That Coming]]: Wait, what do you mean ''[[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S18 E7 Logopolis|a quarter of the universe]]''?
* [[Dropped a Bridge On Him]]: The [[Expanded Universe]] of [[Big Finish]] audio adventures did this offscreen on this incarnation of the Master, stripping away his Traken body and forcing him to revert to the Pratt/Beevers Master incarnation - fortunately retaining the voice of Beevers as well. This was somewhat reasonable, though, as Anthony Ainley had passed away some time prior.
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* [[Captain Ersatz]]: Of [[The Terminator]].
* [[Grand Theft Me]]
* [[Hell -Bent for Leather]]
* [[Hellish Pupils]]
* [[High Collar of Doom]]
* [[Impersonating an Officer|Impersonating a Paramedic]]
* [[Lovecraftian Superpower]]: Aside from the [[Grand Theft Me]], his condition also gives acidic saliva. And that's just the [[It Got Worse|start]] of what it can do...
* [[One -Winged Angel]]: He turns into a [[Scaled Up|snake made of goo]]. [[Evil Overlord List|It doesn't help]].
* [[Orifice Invasion]]
* [[Out of Continues]]: His lives have already run out, so he possesses the body of an unlucky paramedic in order to steal the Doctor's body and ''his'' remaining regenerations.
* [[Shut Up, Kirk]]: The above quote came after the Doctor's [[Kirk Summation]]: "You want dominion over the living, but all you do is kill!"
* [[Sinister Shades]]
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* [[Large Ham]]: You can tell he's trying to make the most of his screen time.
* [[Nice Guy]]: As the Professor.
* [[One -Scene Wonder]]: This incarnation exists on-camera for less than five minutes total time. That does not stop him from being awesome.
* [[The Professor]]
* [[That Man Is Dead]]: "That is NOT my name! 'The Professor' was an ''invention''."
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* [[Horror Hunger]]: In ''The End of Time''.
* [[Human Sacrifice]]: He has devoted followers on Earth. They are willing to give their lives to restore his.
* [[I Cannot Self -Terminate]]: At the end of "Last of the Time Lords", the Doctor calls his bluff on destroying the Earth with both of them still on it.
* [[Incoming Ham]]: His intro at the end of "Utopia".
* [[In Love With Your Carnage]]: His reaction to learning how the Doctor ended the Time War. "Ooh, tell me, how did that feel?"
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* [[Leitmotif]]: Four quarter notes to imitate the drumbeats that drove him mad.
* [[Our Founder]]: Erects a giant statue of himself.
* [[Politically -Incorrect Villain]]: He started abusing Lucy at some point during The Year That Never Was, and suggested that she "get to know" one of his masseuses. Not to mention his reaction to spotting Martha and Jack..
{{quote| ''"And look, it's the girly and the freak, although I'm not sure which one's which."''}}
** Considering his prior incarnation was killed by a woman, it would be fitting.
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* [[Wicked Cultured]]: For example, his definitely-excessive demonstration of the exact meaning of "decimate".
** Not just Wicked Cultured -- Wicked ''Pop'' Cultured. He loves the [[Scissor Sisters]], for example. And Teletubbies.
* [[You're Insane!]]
** [[Insult Backfire|Thumbs Up!]]
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* [[Affably Evil]]: Closer to affably amoral, actually.
* [[Anti -Villain]]
* [[Ancient Astronauts|Ancient Astronaut]]: Helped the Ancient Britons build Stonehenge and talked with [[Leonardo Da Vinci]] about flying machines.
* [[Butt Monkey]]
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{{quote| Played by: Michael Gough (1966); David Bailie (2009)}}
The Celestial Toymaker was a powerful being who ensnared sentient beings in apparently childish games, with their freedom as the stakes. However, the Toymaker hated to lose and every game ended in [[Heads I Win, Tails You Lose]].
* [[Heads I Win, Tails You Lose]]
** [[Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum]]: If he loses.
** [[And I Must Scream]]: If he wins.
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** All of that, while pretending to be [[The Dragon]] for everyone but the Doctor, and everyone but the Doctor being powerless to stop him once they realize his intent.
* [[Put On a Bus]]: It's been over 20 years since the Valeyard last appeared in his "am I dead or not" ending.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: See [[Put On a Bus]], above.
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: Ties in directly with his [[Large Ham]] status. And, wow, it's fun to watch.
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* [[Big Damn Kiss]]: Gets a proper, long, gorgeous snog with Ten while she's in Rose's body. Ten is absolutely stunned.
* [[Body Surf]]
* [[BraininaBrain In A Jar]]: Attached to an enormous piece of skin.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]
* [[Last of His Kind|Last Of Her Kind]]: She considers herself the last "pure" human, and considers the various part-humans "mongrels".
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* [[More Than Mind Control]]: After glimpsing the end of the universe, Lucy went a bit barmy.
* [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]: Just look at that quote. The Doctor takes his companion to [[The End of the World As We Know It]] to make her appreciate life while it lasts. The Master does so to [[Break the Cutie]].
* [[Not -So -Harmless Villain]]: Does what the Doctor wouldn't, and kills the Master.
* [[Taking You With Me]]
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: The 'not too bright' Lucy gets a lot smarter once she's free of her husband's influence, nearly foiling his plan to come back from the dead.
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