Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E17 E18 The End of Time: Difference between revisions

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We begin with [[Timothy Dalton]] narrating over a shot of Earth, gradually zooming in to London. He states that as [[The End of the World as We Know It]] approaches, everyone on Earth has been plagued by nightmares, but they've all forgotten, save one man: Wilfred Mott. Wilf enters a church only to see a stained glass window depicting the TARDIS. A woman proceeds to explain to him the "Legend of the Blue Box" and the story of the "Sainted Physician". And then spookily disappears. Cue opening credits...
On the [[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E03 Planet of the Ood|Oodsphere]], the Doctor steps out of the TARDIS wearing a cowboy hat and a ring of flowers around his neck. He decided to take a nice long vacation after [[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E16 The Waters of Mars|his nervous breakdown]]. After he relates his vacation to Ood Sigma -- includingSigma—including a short-lived ''marriage'' [[Doctor Who/Recap/S29/E02 The Shakespeare Code|to Queen Bess]] -- he—he locks the TARDIS ("like a car", remote starter and all) and takes a good look at the Ood's capital. After being told it's only been a century since he was last here, he realizes it's been way too soon for the Ood to be well-coordinated enough to [[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E16 The Waters of Mars|send a message back in time]]. Even worse, the Ood have been having nightmares. Ood Sigma brings the Doctor to a group of Ood, and he shares in their psychic link, showing him images of the Master laughing, Wilf, two complete strangers, Lucy Saxon in prison, and the Master's ring [[Doctor Who/Recap/S29/E13 Last of the Time Lords|being picked up by a woman]]. After a warning that the Master's return is only part of a greater plan and the revelation that "time is bleeding", the Doctor [[Oh Crap|freaks out]], runs back to the TARDIS at full speed, and heads back to the 21st century.
Meanwhile, Lucy Saxon is collected from prison by the mysterious woman who took the Master's ring, only to reveal that the Master [[Xanatos Gambit|set up an elaborate scheme]] to ensure his [[Back From the Dead|return from the dead]]. By combining the Master's ring, some Potions of [[Applied Phlebotinum]], and a DNA sample from Lucy, the Master begins to come back [[Fan Service|quite naked]]. Lucy reveals that she's set up her own plan to prevent the Master from coming back and that she had her family connections make a potion to counter the effects of the Master's [[Applied Phlebotinum]]. She hurls it at him while his body is still forming. [[Heroic Sacrifice|The prison explodes]]. The Doctor arrives too late to prevent anything. Cut to the two strangers from the Doctor's visions, a rich man and a younger woman: they're delighted to see the Master may have come back, and they begin setting up some [[Applied Phlebotinum]] of their own.
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After riding on their bus back to town, the Doctor and Wilf stop by a coffee shop, and Wilf proceeds to talk about old times. The Doctor points out the [[Contrived Coincidence]] of Wilf tracking him down so easily (a running thread from the last season, you may remember) and mentions that the four knocks he heard means he's going to die. They discuss [[The Nth Doctor|regeneration]] for a while, and the Doctor admits that when he regenerates, the man he was actually dies. They see Donna through the window, and Wilf starts begging the Doctor to [[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E13 Journeys End|restore her memories]], while discussing her life. She's engaged. [[Doctor Who/Recap/2006 CS the Runaway Bride|Again]]. The Doctor tries to relate his recent solo adventures to Wilf, but nearly breaks down crying when he thinks about [[Doctor Who/Recap/S30/E16 The Waters of Mars|what happened to Adelaide]]. Wilf continues begging the Doctor to restore Donna's memories, and they leave the coffee shop together.
That night, [[Timothy Dalton]]'s narration declares that the pieces are in place for the oncoming conflict and that the final day of mankind has come. The two rich strangers toast each other while the Master continues eating on the streets like a feral animal. The Doctor shows up, and the Master starts [[Shock and Awe|zapping him with lightning]]. The Doctor [[Unflinching Walk|just keeps walking forward]], until the Master finally hits him square in the chest. They have a bit of a chat about food and the drums in the Master's head. The Doctor thinks that the Master is simply mad, but the Master touches his forehead to his and gently opens a psychic link. The Master is actually hearing something ''real''. But he quickly uses his newfound lightning powers to take off flying, screaming about how, "It's real!", and the Doctor is forced to give chase. Suddenly, [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja|NINJAS!]] They appear out of a helicopter (well, out of a bright light -- thelight—the BBC couldn't affort a helicopter) and kidnap the Master.
The next morning, at the Noble house, Donna gives some gifts to her mother and Wilf. For some reason even she doesn't know, her gift to Wilf is a book written by one of the two mysterious rich strangers. His name revealed as Joshua Naismith. Speaking of the strangers, we see that Naismith is holding the Master prisoner, and he explains that his daughter has heard legends of Mr. Saxon and believes he can help with their project. The family turns on the teevee for the Queen's speech, but only Wilf is watching as the mysterious church lady appears instead. She tells him that in order to save the Doctor's life, he must take up arms and not tell the Doctor. Wilf goes upstairs, grabs his old service revolver, and sees the Doctor waiting for him outside. He goes outside, shows Naismith's book to the Doctor; the Doctor speculates that Donna's Time Lord brain is still subconsciously active, and suggests the book is an important clue. When Donna starts to come outside, the Doctor and Wilf flee to the TARDIS and quickly take off. As the Doctor and Wilf banter about how the TARDIS should be cleaner, the Doctor prepares to teleport to Naismith's complex.
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Cue ending credits and the end of the [[Russell T. Davies]] era of ''Doctor Who''. Technically, it starts with the regeneration, as [[Steven Moffat]] was allowed to write the first scene of "his" Doctor.
=== Tropes ===
* [[Aborted Arc]]: Sort of. Davies really had no idea who the woman picking up the Master's ring at the end of ''Last of the Time Lords'' was; it was just a deliberate [[Sequel Hook]] to make way for the Master's return. But he didn't know that he'd be the one picking the hook up and originally that hand was to pave the way for someone else's story- informally it was known as "The Hand of the Rani", because after ''LotTL'' many fans thought the hand could belong to one of the classic ''Who'' villains. But it ended up belonging to just some [[Mook]] who died a few minutes into the story.
* [[An Aesop]]: Don't cross the road without looking.
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* [[Just One Second Out of Sync]]: The Doctor hides the TARDIS from the Master this way.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Rassilon's putdown of the Master, despite him being ''the direct cause of what he is''. [[Alas, Poor Villain|Yeah, I actually feel bad for the villain of Part One]].
** Also Rassilon disintegrating a Time Lady with his [[Power Fist]] shows not only that he's far meaner than the likes of Borusa, but also that the Time Lord High Council are no longer the staid [[Obstructive Bureaucrat|Obstructive Bureaucrats]]s of the classic series.
* [[Kneel Before Zod]]: Kneel Before {{spoiler|Rassilon}}
* [[Last Words]]: {{spoiler|Tenth Doctor: "I don't want to go."}}
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** Subverted> {{spoiler|Rassilon}} is blatantly motivated mainly by his own personal survival above all else; the Time Lord's themselves are, in his eyes, his private empire, a society he made and ordered for the express purpose of reshaping the universe to his liking. So while he presents himself to them as a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]], in reality he is, and always was, nothing more than a raging egomaniac with a god complex and a [[Dirty Coward]] who would rather destroy all of creation than let himself be killed.
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: Whatever became of Leela?
** Or Romana for that matter, seeing as the [[Word of God]] says she returned to Gallifrey and became President -- possiblePresident—possible [[Fridge Horror]] if the unnamed Time Lady we see disintegrated was her.
* [[A Worldwide Punomenon]]: In his own words, the Master has turned the human race into the Master Race.
** It's also "A [[Incredibly Lame Pun|World Wide]] Punomenon" because it's everyone on Earth.
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* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: The Master is [[Retcon|retconnedretcon]]ned into this.
* [[Worst Whatever Ever]] (coupled with [[Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like]]): "[[This Is Sparta|WORST! RESCUE! EVER!]]" as {{spoiler|the Vinvocci wheel the Doctor out of Naismith's house. Down a flight of stairs.}}
* [[Writer on Board]]: The Obama scene.
