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{{quote| ''What if we had ideas that could think for themselves? What if, one day, our dreams no longer needed us? When these things occur and are held to be true, the time will be upon us: [[Title Drop|the time of Angels]].''}}
In the 51st Century, [[Timey-Wimey Ball|Not-Yet-Professor]] [[Doctor Who/NS/Recap/S4 E8S30/E08 Silence in Thethe Library|River Song]] carves a message in Old High Gallifreyan onto the "home box" (like a black box) of a starliner, the ''Byzantium''. 12,000 years later, the Doctor and Amy come across the message while the Doctor’s [[Troll|trollingtroll]]ing a museum, "keeping score" by laughing at all the mistakes on the plaques and noting the bits he’s been involved in. It says [[Doctor Who/NS/Recap/S4 E8S30/E08 Silence in Thethe Library|"Hello, sweetie"]]. (Although Amy can't read the ancient Gallifreyan it's written in, which will be important later.) They run off with it, and after watching [[Timey-Wimey Ball|what's happening to River at this exact moment 12,000 years ago]], they travel back just in time to catch River as she [[Thrown Out the Airlock|ejects herself from the starliner via the airlock]]. She offers a warning that there’s something in the hold that will make sure the ship never reaches its destination.
Much to Amy’s curiosity and the Doctor’s resentment, River takes control of the TARDIS. She learned how to pilot it from the best pilot there is. The Doctor was sick that day. The team follows the Byzantium to where it has landed -- orlanded—or, more accurately, crashed. Specifically, on top of an ancient, abandoned temple built on Alfava Metraxis. Not long after they’ve arrived, River is joined by a team of ‘Clerics’, a [[Church Militant|military off-shoot of the Church]] led by a 'bishop', Father Octavian, who are hunting the creature that caused the ship to crash -- [[Doctor Who/NS/Recap/S3 S29/E10 Blink|a Weeping Angel]]. River has promised the Doctor’s help in catching it, as it appears to have escaped into [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|'The Maze Of The Dead’]], the catacombs underneath the temple. Also, Amy quickly figures out that River has just ''got'' to be the Doctor's wife. The Doctor honestly doesn't know, and River delights in keeping the answer a secret.
As the clerics work on breaking into the temple, the Doctor and friends work on decoding the mystery of the Angels with a four-second clip of the Angel in the Byzantium and an old Alfava text -- whichtext—which, ominously, does not include any images of them. The Doctor and River eventually realize that the text is trying to tell them that any image of the Angels essentially ''becomes'' an Angel, and is imbued with the qualities that make them so dangerous -- somethingdangerous—something that Amy is well ahead of them in discovering, having become trapped in the room with the recording of the Angel, which is gradually coming out of the screen towards her. Amy manages to defeat it by stopping the looped recording at the exact point where the image of the Angel is not on-screen, but not before she looks into the Angel’s eyes despite the Doctor’s instructions.<ref>To be fair, she'd been looking into its eyes way before the Doctor realized that she shouldn't.</ref> As the clerics manage to access the temple, Amy complains of something in her eye...
A light-producing ‘gravity globe' activated inside the catacombs reveals a disconcertingly large amount of statues, which the Angel is using as cover. The Doctor begins to explore, giving Octavian and River the chance to have a conversation revealing that they’re keeping something from him, something involving a spell in prison on River’s part which could conceivably prevent the Doctor from helping them. Meanwhile, a group of clerics investigating the one clear exit from the catacombs are being gradually picked off by the Weeping Angel, all after being summoned over the radio by their apparently dead colleagues and having their necks snapped, and Amy’s problems with her eye begin to increase when, after rubbing it, she feels sand pouring out.
As the party investigates deeper into the temple, the Doctor and River [[Fridge Horror|realize something terrible which has been staring them in the face all this time]] -- the—the Aplans were two-headed beings, whereas the statues in the Maze of the Dead are all one-headed. They’re ''all'' Angels, emaciated and weakened from centuries underground -- butunderground—but the radiation from the crashed ship is giving them strength and reviving them, exactly what the Angel on board had intended. The Doctor has led them all into a trap. At the same time, the voice of a dead cleric the Doctor had previously connected with appears on the radio to warn them; the Angels are hunting them down. As they escape, Amy reveals to the Doctor that she looked into the eyes of the Angel when her hand suddenly turns to stone, trapping her. Refusing to leave Amy despite her pleas, the Doctor convinces her that it’s just the Angel messing with her head... by biting her hand. She’s less than grateful.
Finding themselves directly under the hull of the Byzantium, the party’s torches are failing as the Angels continue to draw power and grow stronger. The Angels appear over the radio to taunt the Doctor for failing them all, hoping to make him angry. Unfortunately for them, it seems to work -- afterwork—after asking everyone whether they trust him, the Doctor grabs a gun from Octavian and aims it at the gravity well, warning the Angels that they’ve made a mistake, because there’s one thing that should never, ever be put in a trap:
“''[[Badass Boast|Me.]]''”
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Bang. The Doctor shoots the gravity globe. Cut to credits.
To be continued in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S31 /E05 Flesh and Stone|Flesh and Stone]]".
=== Tropes ===
* [[Actionized Sequel]]: Moffat described this as ''[[Aliens]]'' to the ''Alien'' of "Blink".
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* [[Are We There Yet?]]
* [[Badass Boast]]: The Doctor does it so well:
{{quote| "There's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow there's one thing you never ever put in a trap: '''''Me'''''." }}
* [[Badass Preacher]]: Apparently clerics and bishops in the future have changed into soldiers.
* [[BBC Quarry]]: The Maze of the Dead.
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** And speaking of the museum, the Doctor seems to keep running into River in the vicinity of the universe's largest storehouses of knowledge.
* [[Church Militant]]: The Bishop, along with Sacred Bob, Angelo, Christian and crew.
** Subverted in that they're a very nice group of soldiers--nosoldiers—no [[Knight Templar]] behavior at all.
** Their armbands, white cross on maroon field, mark them as the Knights of Malta.
* [[Colonel Badass|Colonel ]][[Badass Preacher|Bishop Badass:]] Bishop Octavian, natch!
* [[Commercial Pop-Up]]: Those fans watching on [[BBC 1]] in many regions were [[Sarcasm Mode|uniformly delighted]] to be presented with [[Mood Whiplash|a brightly-coloured animated banner complete with a caricature of Graham Norton]] for yet another talent show. ''During the cliffhanger.'' They might as well "[[Charlie Brooker|just wipe s*** all over the screen during the final scene of Dr. Who next week]]".
** It's the second time Graham Norton has turned up in ''[[Doctor Who]]'' when he's not wanted, the first time being some wire mix-up leaking sound from BBC3 during "[[Doctor Who/NS/Recap/S1 E1S27/E01 Rose|Rose]]".
** [[The BBC]] [ reported] the incident (which attracted ''thousands'' of complaints) as "Doctor Who fans want Graham Norton Ex-ter-min-ate-d!"
** Norton [ later engaged] in some [[Self-Deprecation]] for the incident.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: Amy's costume is almost identical to Emma's in the 1999 Comic Relief story "The Curse of Fatal Death" (which [[Steven Moffat]] also wrote). Both stories are set in ancient stone buildings built by now-extinct alien races with plot-relevant weird biology.
** The gravity globe is reused from The Satan Pit.
** The "Crash of the ''Byzantium''" is one of the future events that River alludes to in passing in "Silence in the Library".
** In some Eighties serials (including "Battlefield" and the original cut of "The Five Doctors") when the TARDIS lands, all that is heard inside is a chime. In this episode, when River lands the TARDIS without using the brakes, there's a very similar chime.
* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: The Doctor leaves the TARDIS brakes on when landing, and calls the blue stabilizers "blue boringers".
* [[Drugged Lipstick]]: River's break-in in the very beginning.
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** The prophecy (mentioned at the top of the page) implies that the angels are, in fact, ''sapient ideas''. Which makes sense, since perception is so important to their existence.
* [[Enforced Method Acting]]: Apparently [[Matt Smith]] actually bit [[Karen Gillan]]'s hand on several takes to provoke a proper reaction.
{{quote| '''Karen''': The Doctor bites my arm, and I’m not really sure how we’re going to do that. Is he actually going to do it?<br />
''{{[[[Ironic Echo Cut]] cut to Matt Smith grinning broadly}}]''<br />
'''Matt''': ''Absolutely'' I’m going to bite her arm! Yeah, for sure! }}
* [[Everybody Lives]]: Subverted; this is an episode where you don't expect someone to die on screen (the Angels just send you back in time, not kill you), especially as it's a Steven Moffat episode. Explicit body count? Seven: Alistair and the three known ''Byzantium'' crew in the crash; and Bob, Angelo, and Christian, of a quick snap of the neck. And that's to say nothing of the people who were retroactively erased from existence.
** The neck-snaps are horrifying in their own way: obviously, you'd never be able to ''show'' something like that in ''Doctor Who'''s time-slot, but you get a fleeting shot of a Weeping Angel that [[Gory Discretion Shot|cuts to black]] [[Sound-Only Death|and a snapping noise]]
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Bob]]: ''Sacred'' Bob, no less.
* [[Failed a Spot Check]]: The doctor and River fail to notice the discrepancies between the statues the Aplans supposedly left and the physical attributes of the Aplans until it's just a bit too late.
* [[Fantastic Aesop]]: The Church's opposition to the Aplans' "same-person marriage" would appear to be one about gay marriage, but this is then subverted/played for laughs when Amy points out that they do have a point - the divorces would be ''messy''.
* [[Fee Fi Faux Pas]]:
{{quote| '''Doctor:''' I mean what's all that about? But then that's the church for you! ... No offence ... bishop.<br />
'''Bishop:''' Quite a lot taken if that's alright, Doctor. }}
* [[Follow That Car!|Follow That Ship]]!
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Sacred Bob shoots a statue that he claims turned and looked at him. He's promptly told off for panicking and shooting at the decor. {{spoiler|Of course we later find out that all these statues ''are'' Angels.}}
** In the beginning of the episode, the Doctor makes an off-hand remark about the museum being the final resting place of the [[Doctor Who/Recap/S32 E7/E07 A Good Man Goes to War|Headless Monks]].
* [[Freeze -Frame Bonus]]: When the Doctor's keying in the coordinates, you can see that there's a red {{smallcaps| panic}} button on his keyboard.
** If you look closer, there's a green one just below it that says {{smallcaps| smith}}.
* [[Fridge Brilliance]]:
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* ''(spoiler for the following season)'' {{spoiler|[[Like Father, Like Son|Like Mother, Like Daughter]]: River and Amy both say the Doctor goes to museums in order "to keep score." It's not revealed for another whole season that River is Amy's daughter.}}
* [[Make It Look Like an Accident]]: When River is caught snooping about at the beginning: "Wait until she starts running. Don't make it look like an execution."
* [[Meanwhile in Thethe Future]]: The opening sequence.
* [[Metaphorgotten]]:
{{quote| '''River''': A needle in a haystack.<br />
'''Doctor''': A needle that looks like hay. A haylike needle of death. A haylike needle of death in a haystack ... of statues. No, yours was fine. }}
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: We go straight from a humorous scene with [[Bizarre Alien Biology]] jokes about the Aplans having two the Doctor's realisation that the statues ''don't''. [[Oh Crap]] indeed.
* [[Most Wonderful Sound]]: the TARDIS' *rnnnnnt* or *vworp* is explained by River as the Doctor leaving the brakes on; normally, it lands silently. However, the Doctor keeps the brakes on specifically to hear it.
{{quote| '''Doctor''': Yeah, well, it's a brilliant noise. I love that noise.}}
* [[Multiple Head Case]]: The Aplans, according to the Doctor:
{{quote| '''Doctor:''' Very relaxed, sort of cheerful. That's from having two heads. You're never short of a snog with an extra head. ''[...]'' Then they started having laws against self-marrying and what was that about? But that's the church for you. Uh, no offense, Bishop.''[...]''<br />
'''Amy Pond:''' Church had a point, if you think about it. The divorces must have been ''messy''. }}
* [[Never Give the Captain Aa Straight Answer]]: The Weeping Angel uses this trope (and Christian and Angelo's voices) to lure Angelo and Bob to their deaths. The victims comment on how annoying it is, but give in after continued nagging.
* [[New Powers Asas the Plot Demands]]: In "Blink", the Angels' MO and abilities were fairly straightforward. In this outing they get a whole raft of new powers that were never mentioned before. Possibly excused by [[Rule of Scary]], though.
** Although it's [[Handwaved]] that the Angels in "Blink" were starving and possibly dying, hence their reduced abilities.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: It's implied that the Doctor and River have met a few more times between "[[Doctor Who/NS/Recap/S4 E9S30/E09 Forest of the Dead|Forest of the Dead]]" and this episode.
* [[Odd Name Out]]: Octavian, Christian, Angelo, and Bob. Sacred, Scared, {{spoiler|Angelic}} Bob.
* [[Oh Crap]]: "Just something in my eye..."
** The Doctor and River realizing the statues have {{spoiler|one less head than they're supposed to have}}.
{{quote| '''Doctor:''' Oh...<br />
'''Amy:''' What's wrong?<br />
'''River Song:''' Oh.<br />
'''Doctor:''' Exactly.<br />
'''River Song:''' How could we not notice that? }}
** And the Doctor after realising {{spoiler|that which holds the image of an Angel becomes itself an Angel}}.
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* [[Screw Yourself]]: This was apparently a problem with the two-headed Aplan race, which commonly made out with themselves and even self-married before the Church stepped in.
* [[Schmuck Bait]]: "Come and see this!"<ref>[[File:The_Time_of_Angels_8637.jpg|frame]] Whoops</ref>
* [[Shout-Out]]: Let's see, there's [[Star Trek (Franchise)|warp drives, a Galaxy Class starship]], {{spoiler|[[The Ring|Angels coming out of TV screens]], and [[Predator|Angels using the voices of their victims to lure in more victims]].}}
** And [[2001: A Space Odyssey|River throws herself out of the Byzantium to get into the Tardis]].
** Also a [[Church Militant]] group in a sci-fi setting? Using dropships? With names like Octavian? Exterminating an amoral alien menace to humanity with extreme prejudice? After all it's the Fifty-First Century and the church has moved on. [[Warhammer 4000040,000|In the Fifty-First Century there is only war.]]
** "[[CharliesCharlie's Angels|Hello, Angels]]."
** Possible oblique one to the Book of Revelation, or at least the King James Version, with the angels saying, "Come and see." The Four Horsemen said that to John, and some equate the horsemen with the archangels Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, and Raphael.
* [[Suggestive Collision]]: The Doctor and River upon River entering the TARDIS.
* [[Techno Babble]]: Played with.
{{quote| '''River Song:''' How could we miss that?<br />
'''The Doctor:''' Low level perception filter, or maybe we're thick. }}
* [[Tempting Fate]]: "Alright, five minutes! But I'm telling you right now, that woman isn't going to drag me into anything!"
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* [[The Virus]]: {{spoiler|That which holds the image of an Angel becomes itself an Angel. Including humans, if they look an Angel in the eye.}}
* [[Wham! Line]]: {{spoiler|"I didn't escape, sir. The angel killed me too."}}
** {{spoiler|"[The Aplans have two heads] ''So why don't the statues?''"}}
** {{spoiler|''That which holds the image of an Angel becomes itself an Angel''}}
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic|What Do You Mean, It's Not Symbolic?]]: invoked with the Church members, who take their own names and naturally have names like Angelo and Christian. [[Odd Name Out|And Bob]].
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