Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E06 The Almost People: Difference between revisions

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** More specifically, [[Doctor Who/NS/Recap/S3 E8 Human Nature|it was his name the last time]] he was "only ''almost'' The Doctor".
** {{spoiler|Right before making his [[Heroic Sacrifice]], he also shouts [[Doctor Who/Recap/S31 E13 The Big Bang|"GERONIMO!"]]}}
** Also, both Doctors refer to the TARDIS as [[Doctor Who/Recap/S31 E1E01 The Eleventh Hour|"Se]][[Doctor Who/Recap/S32 E4 The Doctors Wife|xy"]]
** The Doctor calls Rory "Roranicus", [[Doctor Who/Recap/S31 E12 The Pandorica Opens|just like Amy did]].
** {{spoiler|[[Doctor Who/Recap/S31 E08 The Hungry Earth|Amy waking up in a small coffin-like space.]]}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Screaming Birth]]}}: Although {{spoiler|Amy}} could just be screaming out of terror...
* [[Shapeshifting Squick]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: Amy mentions how [[Highlander (Franchise)|there can be only one]] Doctor.
* [[Stupid Sacrifice]]: There was no particular reason that {{spoiler|Ganger!Jenny had to be taken down by Gangers (who knew they would be destroyed in the process) rather than originals (who would not have been harmed).}} But the Gangers insisted on it.
* [[Spot the Imposter]]: The Doctor's shoes have been burnt by acid; Ganger!Doctor's are still intact. {{spoiler|Subverted when it turns out they swopped shoes so the original Doctor could understand the ganger's perspective.}}
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* [[That's What I Would Do]]: Ganger!Cleaves can guess the password the original Cleaves came up with, because it's the one she would have used.
* [[Through the Eyes of Madness]]: Amy's visions of the Eye Patch Lady are revealed to be {{spoiler|what the real Amy sees when the woman opens the hatch to her cell. The image bleeds through into wherever her Ganger happens to be at that time}}
* [[Tomato in Thethe Mirror]]: {{spoiler|Of the regular cast, Amy}} is the one most suspicious of the Gangers. {{spoiler|She turns out at the end to be one herself}}.
* [[Took a Level In Jerkass]]: Amy can be unfeeling at the best of times but she dislikes Ganger!Doctor before she has any reason to.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: {{spoiler|Rory}} plays into the ganger's plans for most of the episode.
* [[Used to Be Aa Sweet Kid]]: Ganger!Jennifer.
* [[Voices Are Mental]]: While the Ganger!Doctor is trying to cope in the beginning of the episode, he speaks in the [[Tom Baker|Fourth]] and [[David Tennant|Tenth Doctor's]] voice.
* [[The Walls Have Eyes]]
* [[Wham! Episode]]: It turns out that {{spoiler|Amy is a Ganger}}. Also, we finally find out who the Eye-Patch Lady is.
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]: After {{spoiler|Buzzer}} dies, no one ever mentions him again. Seriously, no one asks, "Hey, where's {{spoiler|Buzzer}}?" or anything. It's especially noticeable since he's the only one who didn't have a Ganger, as his {{spoiler|was killed by Cleaves last episode}}.
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]]
* [[You Are What You Hate]]: {{spoiler|Amy, who shows extreme mistrust towards one of the gangers, only to be revealed to be one the whole time.}}