Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E12 Closing Time: Difference between revisions

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Outside, the Doctor notices a brief flicker in the streetlights. He tells himself he shouldn't investigate: he has spent the last two hundred years saying goodbye to friends and allies, knowing that he is destined to permanently die tomorrow in his relative timeline. But the lure of the mystery is too much for the Time Lord...
Craig takes Alfie with him shopping at the department store the next day, and is shocked to find the Doctor there, working as a clerk in (where else?) the toy department. The kids love him. He's got a name badge and everything. The Doctor takes Craig aside, explaining that he's traced power fluctuations to the store, and has heard rumors of a "silver rat". While they investigate, Craig tries the same methods that the Doctor always uses: be brass, be confident, talk to everyone. He's immediately mistaken for a pervert. The baby doesn't help either, even though the Doctor claims that carrying a baby makes everyone act nice towards you. In fact, that's why he always takes a human along. The Doctor has to bail Craig out of a very awkward talk with the store's clerks, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief when they realise that Craig isn't a pervert -- hepervert—he's obviously [[Mistaken for Gay|just the Doctor's boyfriend]].
As the two step into a lift, they quite suddenly find themselves transmatted onto a spaceship -- onespaceship—one built by Cybermen hands. The Doctor's first instinct is to distract Craig from the approaching Cybermen by wrapping himself around Craig, [[Ho Yay|declaring his passionate love for him and attempting to kiss him to prove it]], all the while configuring his screwdriver behind Craig's back. Craig is just extremely confused and dodges, reminding the Doctor that he's already taken. With the Doctor's plan failing quite spectacularly, Craig inevitably notices that they're in space.
The Doctor quickly reverses the transmat before they are discovered, and disables the transmat device. As Craig departs, the Doctor spots a familiar couple in the department store: Amy and Rory. He stops himself from going to see them and instead hides himself behind some underwear. The two are doing well: Amy has become a famous model for a line of perfume called [[Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E04 The Doctor's Wife|Petrichor]], a scent for "the girl who is tired of waiting".
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=== Tropes ===
* [[Accidental Pervert]]: Craig comes off this way in the lingerie department, and the Doctor accidentally opens the curtain on an occupied stall in the changing room ([[Refuge in Audacity|he recommends she choose the red one]]).
* [[The Ace]]: Once again, the Doctor shows up and handles everything wonderfully and everyone loves him and Craig can barely manage.
