Doctor Who/Recap/S8/E04 Colony in Space: Difference between revisions

Mass update links
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m (Mass update links)
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* [[Crystal Spires and Togas]]: The Time Lord council are shown wearing the latest Roman fashions.
* [[Doomsday Device]]
* [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]]
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: {{spoiler|Ashe}}
* [[Hive Caste System]]: the Uxarian warriors, priests and leader.
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* [[Knockout Gas]]
* [[The Master]]
* [[Minion Withwith an F In Evil]]: Caldwell
* [[The Mole]]
* [[No Ontological Inertia]]: the ending implies that without the radiation created by the Doomsday Weapon the planet will instantly become fertile.