Doctor Who/WMG/With Spoilers: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| '''Eleven:''' "...well, I don't know."}}
There's a good reason why the Doctor never tells anyone what his name is -- even he doesn't know! It's been basically proven (both in canon and by [[Word of God]] that he doesn't really know how old he is -- in the classic series, he's been known to call himself over a thousand years old, but now he's in his nine hundreds. So, why/how would he really remember or know what his name is?
* Because River told him it to gain his trust, and he visibly reacted. And why would someone forgetful bury his name from the Carrionites and the Sibyllines? He's stated to be in his 1100s as of "Closing Time" ([[Timey -Wimey Ball|but in "The Impossible Astronaut"]]), but that's neither here nor there.
== The Answer is... ==
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* Then it clearly hasn't always had its power. The Doctor was asked the First Question there ten deaths ago.
== [[The Un -Reveal|There is no Answer]], and asking the Question will kill off the Silence, not the Universe. ==
"Silence must fall when the Question is asked", right? What I figure is that it's a [[Self -Fulfilling Prophecy]] / [[Hoist By His Own Petard|Petard-Hoisting]] about the end of the ''Silence'' themselves. They'll all end up at Trenzalore to prevent the Doctor from getting there (which will backfire spectacularly, natch), someone will ask the Question, and [[Genius Loci|whatever's]] [[Master Computer|in charge]] [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|of Trenzalore]] that prevents you from speaking falsly or refusing to answer will have [[Logic Bomb|some kind]] [[Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum|of massive freakout]] when faced with a question that doesn't have an answer. Boom go the Silence, boom goes Eleven, hello Twelve.
* This would possibly also be a [[Stable Time Loop]], since the Silence may have named themselves after the prophecy's mention of silence falling, based upon the assumption that they would make silence fall when (and if) the Question is asked by killing the Doctor.
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== The Answer is... ==
* ...[[Doctor HorriblesHorrible's Sing -Along Blog (Web Video)|Doctor Horrible!]] Cue evil laugh, regeneration, and enter Neil Patrick Harris, the Twelfth Doctor.
* Doctor Forman
[[WMG: The oldest question really is "[[The HitchhikersHitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy (Franchise)/The Restaurant At The End of The Universe|What do you get if you multiply six by nine?"]]
Because that would be awesome.
* Jossed.
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== The Doctor who died in '''The Impossible Astronaut''' is the Ganger version. ==
He really is the doctor, and yes he is dead. However, he's the Ganger Doctor and not the original Doctor. This might be the [[OccamsOccam's Razor|simplest answer]] as opposed to one involving multiple time lines or time travel or something.
** Alternatively, the Doctor who died in the Impossible Astronaut was the 'original' Doctor, but since there's no fundamental difference between the Ganger and the Original, [[Just for Pun|Doctor Two]] can take his place, allowing the show to continue.
*** There is a fundamental difference-Ganger Doctor will have a 200-year difference with the Doctor who dies.
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== The person behind the Silence is....... ==
RIVER SONG!!!! Now I can imagine what most of you are thinking about that theory. And yes, I am totally aware of how ridiculous that idea is, and also why it can't work, so there no need to review those details. The reason behind this theory is that we know that River has done something really awful in [[Timey -Wimey Ball|the the past.......FNARG,]] And she said at the end of The Big Bang that everything would change. We also know that both the mystery voice and River's true identity are something of a puzzle. Who's to say they can't be the same puzzle? As for the logic behind trying to kill your past self, well if I'm right, I'll just leave it to the [[Fan Nickname|Grand Moff]] to explain, [[Insane Troll Logic|because even I admit that this one is far fetched, and I can't work out the mechanics behind it.]] Just consider that we've seen the rules broken before, and consider that the answers to both of these mysteries will likely be something [[Didn't See That Coming|completely out of left field.]]
** Maybe she did it [[Magnificent Bastard|so that the Doctor's actions would lead to a tiny change in the timeline, in which she doesn't end up imprisoned forever]]?
*** And you just changed this crack theory into something viable. Whoa!!
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**** On set pics from when they were filming the episode with River showed some kind of metal case with "Byzantium" on it. So the "Crash of the Byzantium" is the adventure they have when 11 meets her next.
** If she is a companion, she must be a sporadic one. Their timelines are not contiguous. This doesn't apply to the other companions - they experience events in the same order that he does, which (for whatever reason) is not the case for River. They know this, hence their system of comparing diaries.
** Maybe due to the [[Timey -Wimey Ball]], she did originally meet him as the tenth doctor, but now she does as the 11th.
** It's been confirmed River Song is returning in Matt Smith's first series by on set pics. It's not known though if it'll be her "First" meeting with the Doctor.
** Status: '''[[Jossed]].'''
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*** The question is, what reason did she kill him for? If there was a good reason why doesn't he forgive her and bust her out of stormhold prison? And if it was a bad reason why are the two on such good terms in the future?
**** She killed him because she didn't know him yet. She seems to have a bit of a shady past anyways, so it's not too far of a stretch to think that he was trying to stop her from doing something and she acted in what she thought was self-defense. If she flees the scene (or is arrested) before he regenerates, that would explain why she kept trying to play catch up with Ten when he first met her, even though (at least as far as we know) she never saw that incarnation of him again. She really only ever knew Eleven, and assumed that Ten was a later regeneration as opposed to a previous one...
*** it also ties in, very neatly, with her death. A [[Stable Time Loop|stable time loop]] where her ''last'' meeting with the Doctor (her death) is his ''first'' meeting with her. We then follow the Doctor's timeline of adventures with her, [[Timey -Wimey Ball|where each is one step backwards in her timeline]] until we reach her ''first'' meeting with the Doctor, where she kills him (so becoming his ''last'' meeting). [[Steven Moffat|The Grand Moff]] could not possibly pass up such an elegant time loop, with each end anchored by a characters death.
** Not sure if this counts as wild but this seems the most obvious choice. It also syncs well with the above River is a companion of the Master theory. This is how Eleven will regenerate into Twelve.
** Except she didn't kill this incarnation or a future one; she caused Eight to regenerate into Nine.
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== The Silence [[Alternate Character Interpretation|aren't evil]] and the Doctor is essentially committing genocide. ==
* Think about it: we have only seen a Silent attack without provocation once, and as mentioned above, that may have been out of frustration. Furthermore, one person's action does not define a species. And controlling human history behind the scenes is not necessarily evil: if a new species appeared on your planet that forgot you existed when they looked away, wouldn't you want to help them out a bit? We don't know for certain that the Silence are responsible for the cracks in time. [[Memetic Mutation|It's all Steve's fault, of course.]]
** And even if they were behind the cracks,who's to say [[Xanatos Gambit|they didn't mean for it to reboot reality]] [[Well -Intentioned Extremist|and create a better world.]]
** I think it was made pretty clear that their intentions towards humanity are not good when one Silent told Canton that he should kill them all on sight.
** And pretty much Jossed by the series' second half.
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== The Silence are both the result and the cause of a massive paradox involving River Song ==
It wasn't the TARDIS exploding that caused "Silence to Fall" - at least, not directly. It was the fact that River Song was on board the TARDIS when it exploded on Amy and Rory's wedding day. This theory is based on the fact that River Song is heavily implied, if not actually confirmed, to have been conceived that night, River claiming to be a complex space-time event similar to the Doctor, and the Silence claiming that Amy will bring the Silence, which might be a reference to her daughter. The destruction of the TARDIS not only tears reality a new one, it causes a complex space-time event to cancel out her entire existence at the moment of her own creation, causing a hell of a paradox. River says that something is overriding her and driving the TARDIS to destroy itself, and hears a voice state that "Silence will fall". This is actually the Silence using their ability to leave post-hypnotic commands, meaning that River is actually the one forcing the TARDIS to explode, subconsiously countering her own desperate attempts to stop it. Why? The Silence exist in a reality outside of the multiverse and the void, so very different that they can't exist in any reality we would consider normal. They used this paradox as a way to destroy what they couldn't have, or maybe it was a [[Xanatos Gambit]] depending on the Doctor cancelling out the destruction of reality, allowing them to slip into it and weave themselves into the reality created by the TARDIS' Big Bang in a way that allows them to exist within our reality - if this is the case, they may also have inspired the creation of the Pandorica for the Doctor to use to save the day. Of course, this means that the Silence would have to have been around before any of this started, but when it comes to Paradox and time travel, [[Timey -Wimey Ball|Effect doesn't necessarily follow Cause.]]
== The Doctor has encountered the Silence before. ==
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Of course, if this is a Cybermen story, it has to be a pretty damn big event to warrant Moffat preaching himself on such a high level. And seeing as how he seems to have a good grasp on [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S31 E12 The Pandorica Opens|making the Cybermen]] [[Nightmare Fuel|terrifying enemies once again]], I have no doubt he could think of such a grandiose concept. <ref>also, new season budget hopefully means Original Mondas handlebar costumes. I STILL BELIEVE!</ref> But if I may, I would still like to imagine how that would work.
So as we all know, the Doctor was [[Killed Off for Real]] [[Doctor Who (TV)/Recap/S32 E1 The Impossible Astronaut|by that lake astronaut.]] I’m going to leave the astronaut’s identity up for debate right now, because it isn’t important for my theory. Rory finds the [[Buffy -Speak|canoe/boat-thing]] the Doctor may or may not have left on the shore, and uses the gasoline Everett brought to give the Doctor’s body a [[Viking Funeral]]. I will go ahead and assume that the boat sank from the flames burning a hole in it.
Now congruently occurring on Earth in some sort of Cyber Drone camp, tucked away from inhabitable observers, a squadron of servants with knowledge of the future watch the whole scene unfold. After the involved party has left for the diner, the Cybermen traveled to the lakeshore to recover the Doctor’s remains and their automated astronaut suit, developed from a joint Cyber-technology and NASA merger [[Offstage Villainy|when they invaded the latter off-screen.]] What’s that? I said I wouldn’t talk about the astronaut’s identity? [[I Lied|Well, I lied then.]]
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== One of [[The Nth Doctor|Matt Smith's]] Companions will be a lesbian. ==
It is only a natural progression from [[Star -Crossed Lovers|Rose]], [[All Love Is Unrequited|Martha]] and [[She Is Not My Girlfriend|Donna]]. Also, it would drive the shippers insane. '''[[Evil Laugh|Muhahahahah!]]'''
* They've also been randomly making side characters lesbians, like the old ladies in Gridlock and Sky in Midnight.
* Sort of Jossed, at least with Amy Pond, as she has a boyfriend. Also snogs the doctor apparently.
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* This would also explain why he remains so insistent that there is no such thing as magic, despite occasionally encountering supernatural abilities and demonic beings- he knows that they're just using system code and from the "hell" [[Bonus Dungeon]], respectively.
== In Series 6, River will meet the Doctor [[Timey -Wimey Ball|for the first time]]. ==
* In the Christmas Special or the first episode of Series 6, the Doctor will encounter River at the earliest point in her timestream. For River, this will be the first time she's ever met the Doctor ([[Timey -Wimey Ball|Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey, etc...]]). Expect the Doctor to be that one that starts saying "spoilers!" and such.
** Jossed, but the mid-season finale shows River at just one month old. However, this is too young for him to communicate with her.
*** The Doctor does speak Baby.
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You can see it in the opening titles. Also, Time Vortex lightning is probably more than enough to damage a TARDIS, and the new opening titles appeared when the cracks did. Coincidence? I think not.
== River's [[Timey -Wimey Ball|first]] meeting with the Doctor will take place in [[Torchwood (TV)|the 21st century]]. ==
* To add to this, perhaps the mid-21st century. I still think she might be Jack's daughter. And Jack's reaction that his own daughter beds the Doctor before he does would be the funniest thing in the whole of time.
** [[Jossed]]. It's in the 51st or 52nd century. Same era as River's scenes in Stormcage.
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== The Silence is [[Faction Paradox]] ==
Cracks in time, the unraveling of timelines, people, whole races, the ''universe'' being deleted from existence...Series/DoctorWho hasn't just been holding the [[Timey -Wimey Ball]], it's been playing hopscotch with it for all of 2010, not least of all the Doctor himself. This sounds like their brand of antics, if dialled down slightly from their source material.
* Sounds about right. One of the writers seems to have deliberately damaged the Robot Unicorn, while a more naive writer played along with what may have been the stories of her dreams. There may or may not be an Emo Kid buried under Stonehenge. If there is, he would like you to help fix the transmitter (or something, he would be the tetchy one).
** ...what? Uh, could you explain all that? Admittedly, I haven't ''read'' any Faction Paradox novels, but...[[Wild Mass Guessing|you know]]...)
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** If the Guardians inhabit [[Real Life]], then the Eleventh Doctor ''did'' find out. He was happy about it until the Guardians told him things he did not want to hear.
== The Silence are [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|Woobie Destroyers Of Worlds]] ==
They tried to get rid of space and time because the existence of space and time is intensely painful to them.
* Perhaps they enjoy space and time very much. Universe I was merely incompatible with our genetic programming. We could not be ourselves without violating social taboos. We still can't be our full selves at every moment, but Eleven seems to have attempted to create a more efficient system in which the Doctors can dump each other's Rage and other Emotions on each other, and achieve full Freudian Development within Five years instead of Twelve years. We have always used our Weirdness to entertain people, the main thing that has changed is Efficiency, but I doubt either of us are ever certain about anything. Eleven might be, but I'm not.
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You will be assimilated...
== At 11:00 June 26 2010, The children of the 1960s and 1970s handed the [[Timey -Wimey Ball]] to the children of the 1980s and 1990s ==
At 7:00 December 18 2010, the children of the 1980s and 1990s handed the [[Timey -Wimey Ball]] to the children of the 2000s. At 12:00 January 1 2011 the children of the 2000s handed the [[Timey -Wimey Ball]] to the children of the 2010s ect.
== The Seasons of ''Doctor Who'' are equivalent to deranged Shakespeare plays ==
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* '''Rory''' - the Doctor clearly knew who to expect, and he knows Rory. Also, why not?
* '''River Song, who is also Amy and Rory's daughter.''' - [[Kid From the Future|Tying two of the above together.]] For her alias of River Song, River comes from the founding father's names where the Doctor found her and "Pond/River" relates to each other.
** And by the end of the adventure, either younger!River has repressed the memory (because of the Silence or because it's all just incredibly scary, or because it's necessary - maybe the Doctor wipes it from her mind) or the entire thing turns out not to have happened in the first place. [[Timey -Wimey Ball|Or both.]]
** This would also explain how they're going to solve the inherent problem in having a character who is supposed to keep getting younger (from the Doctor's perspective) as the series goes on -- regeneration.
*** No it wouldn't.
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== Ten and Eleven will never meet in a crossover special. ==
Ten was reluctant to regenerate, and from what I could tell, he had no idea what kind of man he'd become, making it unlikely that he ever met Eleven.
* The solution to this? [[Laser -Guided Amnesia|Have Ten forget the whole experience.]]
** That, or Eleven never reveals to Ten that he's the next Doctor. He, Rory and Amy just pose as [[Those Two Guys|Those Three Guys]].
** Or Ten will meet Eleven via Time Crack remnant, becoming an anomaly. In his perspective, the meeting will have never happened.
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* The [[Fan Nickname|Dalek Rangers]] shall finally get a time to shine in Season 7. They may even square off against Void Daleks. Who will be led by Davros, as a revitilized Renegade-Imperial war.
* Some of the characters of previous episodes will reappear. For example, Bracewell(in a commentary, [[Steven Moffat]] did mention he could be in the year 5 billion for all we know), Vastra (as a [[Never Mess With Granny|badass grandma]]), and if we're really lucky, Jack Harkness(maybe even a version of him centuries from now).
* River will become a companion of the Doctor in Series 7, [[Timey -Wimey Ball|at least for her.]]
* Donna Noble will reappear, in order to explain just what the hell happenned to her when the cracks ate the Season 4 finale.
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Somehow, the girl ends up growing up into Madame Kovarian, possibly with more regenerations used along the way. In time, she finds out that her parents are both alive and that what was said to her (ironically, by herself) about the Doctor was a lie, and is betrayed and fatally wounded. She then regenerates into River and willingly submits herself to Stormcage to try and atone for all the hurt she has caused.
Note that Kovarian knows that Amy and Rory are her parents, but at the time of Melody's birth whatever horrible thing that she thought was going to happen to them still hasn't yet. It's possible that she may think that killing the Doctor will save them, for some twisted reason, and her plan can't possibly fail since she experienced it all before when she was younger (she is wrong, of course). So Kovarian wants to kill the Doctor for not having a normal childhood with her parents, which was all her future self's fault by kidnapping and brainwashing her in the first place. [[Timey -Wimey Ball]], indeed.
* But a weird Viking/Roman thing has an eyepatch... I think it's more a rank. Would fit with the idea that Kovarian is making her [[DaddysDaddy's Little Villain|Mommy's little assasin.]]
** Maybe, but remember that River is supposed to be ''terrible'' as evidenced by the Stone Dalek's fear, and her own words at the end of ''The Big Bang'' saying how sorry she is for what is going to happen in the Doctor's future. I don't think that her being Melody Pond and the fact she may or may not have been the Impossible Astronaut is enough... what better than if she's actually the [[Big Bad]] this season and only half of the 'Who is River Song?' mystery has been revealed?
== [[Faction Paradox]] will be involved in a [[Steven Moffat]] episode. ==
Because the guy loves his [[Timey -Wimey Ball]].
== The Silents exist in [[Real Life]]. ==
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== Without the skills she learned as a weapon to kill the Doctor, River Song would not have lived very long ==
* Others may have been after her for even worse experiments and gotten her instead of Kovarian. Anyway, Time Lord DNA are said to be very sought after by various empires. And even a partial one, like River would have been if she didn't have experiments done to her (by Kovarian or possible others), would be in a lot of danger.
** In a ''Torchwood'' episode, Martha was experimented upon because her immune system mutated from all that travelling in the TARDIS, and she wan't even a companion for that long. [[Fridge Horror|So what about Amy and Rory, and all the other companions the Doctor has had over the years?]] Rose absorbed the Time Vortex and had it for a while, Donna turned part Time Lord and had to had her [[Laser -Guided Amnesia|mind wiped]], [[Half -Human Hybrid|but still isn't human]]. [[What the Hell, Hero?]]
== Melody Pond is a ''human'' Time Lady ==
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Let's realize the implications here. Gallifrey would return as would the Timelords and thus a season long fight against people as smart and powerful as the Doctor who can all time travel starts off. It would be epic! Even though [[Word of God]] has said that he wouldn't be bringing the Timelords back, [[Lying Creator|we've heard that before]].
* ...'''is Omega.'''
** Omega was the Time Lord who invented Time Travel. It could be his way of trying to fix the broken universe after the Doctor was sealed in the Pandorica, and because of [[Timey -Wimey Ball]], his voice appears at different times as a warning to the Doctor. Omega was trapped into an antimatter universe which he could shape at will (he went thorugh a black hole) and he could have found a way to control our universe, making him the [[Big Bad]]. He was directly taking control of the Tardis when it was malfunctioning.
* ...'''is the Great Intelligence.'''
** Let's see... if you asked me to come up with a formless, immaterial, villain with a sinister, hissing voice whom the Doctor failed to eradicate albeit not without building an enormous enemistude with it, is multidimensional, a genius with machines (even using them as physical links to other dimensions), and originating in the Troughton years from which Moffat draws heavily... one match found.
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*** That makes a lot of sense, but why go to all that trouble? If the Dream Lord wants to be remembered in physical form, isn't it more efficient to become visible as a physical form to Amy as much as he can? I'm guessing that the Dream Lord may have subconsciously directed Eleven to place the psychic pollen in the TARDIS time rotor. Amy starts to distrust the Doctor when she sees his baser facets (although she grows to find his lust cute in "Vincent and the Doctor".) Are you implying that the actions of the Dream Lord (when not in physical form) are meant to destroy Amy's trust in the Doctor, and make the existence of the Dream Lord seem more legitimate?
* ...'''The Doctor himself'''
** He's practically a borderline [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]. At some point,part of the Doctor snapped and engineered the whole thing to get rid of the pain he's suffered. The Doctor doesn't know this because its a sub-conscious desire; this has manifested into the Dream Lord, making the above WMG also true. Think about it-who knows more on how the TARDIS works than the Doctor? Series 6 will involve the Doctor trying to fight his inner demons, and the climax will be him regenerating into the 12th Doctor. For good measure,the dark side of the Doctor will split into a physical body-aka the Valeyard. Of course, there's the possibility it's all just a [[Xanatos Gambit]] to alter reality enough, so that he can alter history without consequence/go back and stop the Time War/both. Time Lord Victorius and all that...
** Here's an alternate take on that. Throughout New Who, the Doctor's companions seem to be getting ''horribly'' screwed over. This will culminate in Amy and Rory suffering a [[Fate Worse Than Death]], either because the Doctor wasn't clever/quick enough to stop it, or even indirectly ''because'' of his actions. This leads to the Doctor undergoing a [[Freak Out]] of ''massive'' proportions, going from [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]] into a [[Knight Templar]] [[Chaotic Evil]] [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]] for his 12th Regeneration, and then tries to [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong]]... EVERY wrong that ever happened or ever will, making the entire universe fit his definition of "right" - sort of becoming a combination of [[Shaman King|Hao Asakura]], [[Nineteen Eighty -Four|Big Brother]], [[Bleach|Sosuke Aizen]], [[Darkseid]], and [[Lord of the Rings|Sauron]]. The conflict will revolve around Series/{{Torchwood}, UNIT, Sarah Jane Smith, and all the other Companions from Classic Who trying to stop/redeem [[A God Am I|the Time Lord Victorious]], until he finally gets a [[Heel Realization]] and dies, but shunts his evil into a new being (the Valeyard), before finally becoming the Thirteenth Doctor, and the next season after that will feature The Valeyard as the Big Bad, and the Doctor's attempts to put his darkness down for good.
* ...'''The TARDIS from The Lodger'''
** See the last WMG on this page.
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== River has done something ''much'' worse than killing the Doctor. ==
I would like to know why she made a Dalek ''beg for mercy.'' Now we know she was a psychopath raised by Kovarian and the Silence trained to kill the Doctor and she would kill the Teselecta Doctor. But why would a Dalek beg for mercy from the one who killed their greatest enemy? They're not even that scared of him.
* But how many [[A Million Is a Statistic|millions,]] [[Up to Eleven|billions,]] [[Rule of Three|trillions,]] [[Serial Escalation|or probably many more]] Daleks has the Doctor killed? The best any Dalek has done (to my knowledge) is almost force 10 to regenerate. So if someone who [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|killed your devil]] wanted you dead, wouldn't you be begging for mercy?
** But surely the Daleks would be ''grateful'' that the Doctor is now dead. The Doctor killed millions of Daleks, yes, and River has killed the man that killed so many before them. So why would killing the Oncoming Storm be a terrifying thing? They want the Doctor dead too.
*** Because the combined forces of all the Daleks have never even come close. Furthermore, the Daleks probably have broken records of the atrocities the Silence have committed in their mission. Even if you're the most powerful force in the universe, you'd probably be afraid of a mysterious force which wants you dead and killed the Devil himself.
* I figure the Daleks tried to recruit her to some Anti-Doctor League, and the [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|beat the crap out of them.]]
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** She's already untrustworthy, a [[Child Soldier]] and very likely ''killed'' the Doctor. Take what you will from that.
*** Plus she would have risked the whole of time and space just for him. The Doctor wasn't amused.
*** She's both insane and sociopathic, but still derided by some as a [[CreatorsCreator's Pet]] and [[Canon Sue]]. Take from that what you will.
* I see where you're going. There are also many parallels in term of character.
** Rory and Mickey are both the main companion's boyfriend, and [[Butt Monkey|looked down on.]] While Mickey remains looked down on and loses his girlfriend, Rory [[Takes a Level In Badass|became total awesomeness]] and gets married to his girlfriend.
** Amy and Rose both [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing|can be jackasses to their boyfriends,]] and have a crush on the Doctor. While Rose chooses the Doctor [[Karma Houdini|and gets away with her treatement to Mickey,]] Amy chooses Rory, [[One True Threesome|well, mostly]] and [[What the Hell, Hero?|gets a lesson.]]
** The Ninth Doctor [[Star -Crossed Lovers|quickly falls for Rose Tyler,]] however the [[Chaste Hero|Eleventh Doctor]] was repusled by Amy's attempt at [[Glad to Be Alive Sex]], later trying [[Shipper On Deck|to fix her and Rory's relationship.]] All three of them treat their male companion as [[Butt Monkey|the Nose,]] but 11 [[Vitriolic Best Buds|still likes the guy.]] Both are prime examples of [[The Woobie]], however 10 over-indulges while 11 [[Stoic Woobie|hides]] [[Stepford Smiler|it.]] And [[David Tennant|they]] [[Matt Smith|both]] [[Mr. Fanservice|have a plethora]] of [[Perverse Sexual Lust|horny]] [[Estrogen Brigade|fangirls]].
*** I see ''some'' Mickey-Rory parallels, but not enough to call Rory a [[Take That]] to a writer and showrunner that MOFFAT LIKES. It was mostly Nine that derided Mickey. Who invited him onto the TARDIS again?