Doctor Who: Difference between revisions

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* [[Humanity Is Infectious]]
* [[Human Outside, Alien Inside]]: Time Lords have two hearts with a redundant circulatory system, a low body temperature, a respiratory bypass system, an ability to regenerate from death twelve times, a lifespan of potentially hundreds of years per body, and a complete additional sensorium tuned to temporal events.
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]:
** A number of stories have shown future humans abusing (or ''enslaving'') other humans or aliens, for example ''The Ark'' and "Planet of the Ood". As Gwen says in ''[[Torchwood]]: Children of Earth'', "Sometimes the Doctor must look at this planet and turn away in shame."
** The episode "Midnight" offers a rather different, but still very disturbing, flavor of this.