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A character who can stroll into the middle of a firefight and emerge unscathed. [[Guns Are Worthless]] against them. They aren't [[Immune to Bullets]], but they're so fast they might as well be. If you shoot at them from any farther than [[Dodge This|point blank range]], they'll jump out of the way, or use some impressively small object to deflect the bullet, [[Improbable Aiming Skills]] be damned.
Considering the speed at which bullets and some other projectiles travel (most guns fire at the speed of sound or faster, so by the time you hear the shot, it will have either hit you or missed you), [[Super Reflexes|these kind of reflexes]] are blatantly unrealistic, the domain of superhumans and [[Super Speed|Super Speedsters]]. Writers who want a [[Badass Normal]] to dodge bullets will maintain a modicum of realism by saying the character is simply predicting where the gunman is going to fire and making sure they're not there when the trigger is pulled. Of course, if the bullets are [[Painfully -Slow Projectile|Painfully Slow Projectiles]], dodging them is a lot easier.
This accomplishes [[Could Have Been Messy|the same goal]] as [[Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy|Stormtrooper Marksmanship]], but in the opposite way: The hero wins despite being outgunned, not because his enemies are terrible shots, but because he's [[Rule of Cool|just that good]]. Oddly, despite being able to dodge bullets, when the fight [[Good Old Fisticuffs|turns to fisticuffs]] the hero usually becomes much less able to dodge the much slower punches.
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Coincidentally, if the enemies did have [[Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy|standard mook accuracy]], this dodging probably wouldn't work, as mooks tend to hit everything except where they're aiming (the [[Hero]]), so the only way to actually get shot is not have the gun pointed at you.
Sometimes this skill is imparted by a background in [[Gun Fu]], [[Gun Kata]]<ref>dodging ''lines of fire'' before the shot</ref>, [[Implausible Fencing Powers]], or [[Super Reflexes]]. Maybe the enemy was [[Point Defenseless]]? For maximum coolness, show off the dodging in [[Bullet Time]]. See also [[Could Have Been Messy]]. [[More Dakka]] may be employed to attempt to overcome this. Compare [[Bullet Catch]], which is even cooler, and [[Catch and Return]], which takes this to its logical extreme. Contrast [[Bullet Dodges You]]. When you upgrade from bullets to missiles, [[High -Speed Missile Dodge]] is the result.
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* Ziva does this in an episode of ''[[NCIS (TV)|NCIS]]'', though what actually happens is she hears the gun being cocked and reacts to that.
* [[Averted]] and busted by the ''[[Myth Busters]]''. While it is theoretically possible to dodge a .338 Lapua round in as close as 500 yards, it is not practical nor likely to happen with military grade rounds in a combat scenario. You can't see the muzzle flash from that far away, and the bullet will reach you before the sound of the shot.
* Hicks from ''[[Alphas (TV)|Alphas]]'' is able use his [[Super Reflexes]] to get out of the way of a bullet. He realizes that the shooter is about to fire and drops to the ground before the trigger is squeezed. He follows this up with a feat of acrobatics right out of a [[The Matrix|the Matrix]] which confuses the shooter and causes the second shot to miss as well.
* Parodied in ''[[The Office]]''. Michael Scott's amateur film features his character dodging bullets from point blank range using some awkward and poorly choreographed poses.
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[[Category:Tropes Examined By the Mythbusters]]
[[Category:Dodge The Bullet]]