Does Not Like Shoes/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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* '''Straight''': Alice goes barefoot most of the time as a sign of her [[Cloudcuckoolander|wacky and carefree attitude.]]
* '''Exaggerated''':
** ...but not satisfied with that, Alice forces her whole [[Nakama]] to go barefoot [[With Friends Like These...|even in the most impractical situations.]]
** She even forces random bystanders and [[Cool and Unusual Punishment|villainous characters to do it]] whenever she has a chance.
** Alice doesn't like any form of clothing, so [[Innocent Fanservice Girl|she goes around naked all the time]].
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** Alice always goes barefoot everywhere...''except'' in places where it's considered normal to not wear shoes, such as in the house, at the beach/pool, swimming, bathing, sleeping, etc. In those cases, Alice puts on a pair of heavy combat boots.
* '''Deconstructed''':
** Alice's decision of going without shoes is put through several hard tests and hazardous (but plausible) environments as a way to explore and show the risks of it. In the end, she gets a [[Game -Breaking Injury]] that permanently dissuades her of ever trying again.
** An alternative deconstruction of the [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]] type of barefooter: Alice is told that it doesn't matter how brilliant a lawyer, doctor, or detective she might be... her law firm/hospital/police department requires its employees to wear shoes, so if she wants to remain employed there, she'll have to suck it up and lace 'em up.
* '''Reconstructed''':
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* '''Conversed''': "You know, this girl and her aversion for shoes gives me an idea: What about a series about girls that refuse to wear pants?" "Erh, [[It's Been Done|I think that has already done before]]... [[Strike Witches|Sorta.]]"
* '''Played For Drama''': Alice has had to wear shoes for the better part of the season; the entire cast, including Alice herself, laughs about how clearly uncomfortable this makes her. [[Mood Whiplash|And then]], in the finale, she needs surgery for heel spurs.
* '''Played For Laughs''': Evil Bob captures Alice. Knowing that she doesn't like shoes, Evil Bob proceeds to torture her by [[Cool and Unusual Punishment|making her wear heavy, high-heeled boots and handcuffing her so she can't take them off]]. She acts as if it's a [[Fate Worse Than Death]], and, after being rescued, talks about the horrible things he did to her... which the [[Nakama]] takes [[Innocent Innuendo|out of context]], leading to an epic battle against Evil Bob... until they find out that the "horrible things" she was talking about was just him forcing her to wear shoes. [["Everybody Laughs" Ending|Everyone falls to the ground laughing]].
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